Sunday 24 July 2011

Victory! We beat Contador!

Well, let's admit it, the Leopard Trek strategy for this year was slightly less "Win the Tour" and slightly more "Beat Contador", or possibly "Whatever happens, don't be beaten by Contador".

And we did it!

"We" being all our brave riders, the L-T team, and all us fangirls (and boys, but let's be honest, mostly girls) who added virtual pushing when necessary.

Yay! Two Schlecks on the podium! Yay!

OK, it would have been nice to have had one or other of them actually win the Tour: yes, it would have been very nice indeed, and I am sure that there are some big disappointments and some broken hearts this morning, but I am really, really thrilled with this result, and I hope that all other Schleck fans are, too.

I say "this morning", by the way, as I am writing this early on Sunday before the final day - and for the benefit of those reading this who might be new to cycling, the last day is, traditionally, just a parade or club ride for the GC contenders, as they accept that whatever the result was after the TT, that's it.

It's different for the sprinters, who are contesting for the Green Jersey or Points Jersey, as they have two last chances to get more points and possibly win that jersey. However, for our guys, the race is done, all they have to do is get to the end. I suppose that if Cadel Evans fell off and broke something, and was unable to complete the race, then Andy would win, but I can't imagine for one minute that he would want that. Well, maybe for one minute, in the darkness of the middle of the night,  but it is unworthy, and no-one would be happy with a win under those circumstances. It would be too much like being given last year's title if Conti were to be banned after all this time. No, we have to accept that on the day, the stronger man won, and Cadel is stronger in the Time Trial and that's all there is to it.

There's been quite a lot of speculation that they should have taken more time out of their rivals earlier in the race, particularly in the Pyrenees. They should have attacked earlier, they should have done this, should have done that.  Well, maybe, but am I a DS with many years experience of road racing tactics and rider psychology and physiology? No. Are you? No? Well, shut up, then.

There are always lessons to be learned, whether from winning or from "losing" (and I put that in quotes because I don't consider two podium finishes to be "losing") and if I had to stick my neck out and say something critical, just to prove that I'm not a woolly-thinking Schlecks-can-do-no-wrong uncritical worshipper, I would say that they should have ridden their own race, to win, not having a private battle with Contador. But they can only do what the legs would allow, and this is a fantastic result for the first year of a new team - we can all be so proud of them!

In fact, I don't think any other team has come anywhere near these results in their first year - Europcar have managed to get 4th, but they were pretty much an entire team that were taken over by a new sponsor, so it was new kit but basically the same set-up. (And a huge "Well Done!" to Europcar, by the way.) Leopard were a completely new set-up, pretty much rushed into existence, with new organisation, new kit, new bikes, new sponsors, new everything: their only saving grace was having a core of how many was it? 12 or so riders all from Saxo Bank, most of whom were in the Tour squad.

So, did we enjoy the Tour? (yes, I know it's not quite over yet, but you know what I mean). Was it the best Tour so far?


That's my vote. The change to the Intermediate Sprint was inspired, it made things so much better than the predictable "oh look the HTC train are at the front all day" scenario. And if Cav wins the Green Jersey, then it will prove to be the better way of rewarding the best sprinter. And if he doesn't, then it will be most exciting finish for years, so we win both ways.

Ending in an individual TT is, in my opinion, the best thing: it gives us immense tension, that builds minute by minute in an otherwise visually less-than-thrilling discipline (oh! those button mushroom helmets!) and avoids having to watch riders killing themselves in a last-ditch attempt to climb a mountain, or thunder down a dangerous descent.  Knowing that there is a TT to come, they can't do that on the last mountain day, they have to hold something in reserve.

Starting without a Prologue, however, is not so good. It's just plain silly to have the winner of the first stage having the Yellow, Polka Dot and probably Green Jersey as well. It's also unfair, as it takes away the chance of a jersey from other riders. I would much prefer not to have any Polka Dot points on the Prologue, and I don't see anything wrong with starting with a TTT for producing a Yellow Jersey winner - ok, it would probably be Fabian, but what's wrong with that? - and it does give a structure to the race right from the start. Without it, as we saw this year, it's a mad free-for-all which does not go well with the traditional early-Tour nervousness.

Now here's a thought: is there a mobile sweatshop that follows the Tour around, knocking up extra clothing?

Andy only went into Yellow on Friday night, but on Sat he was resplendent in a yellow skin-suit. I can't quite believe that any team would be arrogant enough to have skinsuits made up in yellow in advance, (I mean, how many would you make? What if you made up one for someone tiny, and your biggest rider then had to wear it? Or the other way round?) so there must be someone making them up at very short notice. And Sammy Sanchez of Euskaltel won the Polka Dot Jersey (and was I the only one to scream in horror at the clash of red polka dots with their orange kit?) then appeared a day later with matching shorts. I know that that organisers provide the jerseys (the teams provide the iron-on logos) but they don't provide shorts as well!

So I reckon there's a plain, unmarked truck somewhere, from which come the sounds of a generator humming and sewing machines zizzing, all through the night......

Here's a funny photo moment: at the presentation of the Young Rider's White jersey, anyone else spot that the podium girl wasn't given the Yeti in time?

The right-hand podium girl, from our point of view, had done the double-kisses thing to Pierre Rolland, he turned to the other girl for kisses and the flowers, and our girlie had to make hand signals behind her back to get the yeti!

Here she is, having it handed to her in an oh-so-casual, no-we-didn't-really-forget-it, pretend-nothing-is-happening sort of way.

She then coolly handed it to Pierre with a big smile.

You go, girl!

I have a thought to make about the actual TT performance as well - there's always a heap of people pushing and shoving to be first to say how bad the Schlecks are at TT, how weak they are, how terrible they are, etc etc, but they both came in the top 20. That's perfectly respectable for any GC contender, and pretty damn good for guys who acknowledge that they are not TT specialists. If they were superb at every discipline, it would be dull, dull, dull..... and the ASO themselves stated that they were striving to make cycling more interesting to watch.  NB after Thursday afternoon spent following the ticker and squeeing on Twitter, I think Nim would agree that if it got much more exciting, there would be fangirls passing out from stress all over the place!

You have to spare a moment's sympathy for Andy, as well: did you catch that quick glimpse of him waiting to go up the TT start ramp? He was whiter than a white thing, and looked as though he was about to throw up. When asked afterwards about the TT, "how hard was it?" he said that it's been a while since he was suffering like that.

Yet he still did a very respectable TT:  at the first and second check-points, the commentators were saying that he and Frankie had the same time to within one second, but at the end, Andy's time was some 3 seconds faster than Frankie - so he didn't exactly give up and cry, as most of us would have done. Good boy, Andy! (*big pat on back*)

Oh, oh, here's the video of Andy, a little while after the TT:  Andy Post Stage 20.

He can't jump in the air, he says, but the team are happy, he is happy: what a guy! "Of course, in the beginning you are disappointed, but come on," he says, "it's the Tour de France!"  "I go home with my head high, I don't go home a loser. "

As someone else said, "Andy is not only an amazing athlete but also an amazing person too, even though it would be hurting him inside to be runner-up again he's shown nothing but class in defeat and shown great respect to the Tour De France."


  1. Me too!
    I appreciate having spent some time here with Eisen Andy! Coug, you are wonderful. It's been an incredible Tour.
    Very proud of OGL and Frankie.

  2. Oh- well said on all points. The best part about the outcome is it means we are most assured of getting to enjoy some Andy stalking again next year where he's sure to have even more fire in his belly for Yellow. I didn't find this Blog until a few days ago- but I feel like I've found "my people". I hope you'll be around for 2012!

  3. My favorite final moment - Andy, Frank & Cadel on podium in Paris. Australian Anthem has just begun, Andy whips off his cap and motions to Frank who immediately does the same thing - then Frank says something to Cadel and then he takes off his cap!
    Are our Boyz well mannered or what!! Total class and grace.
    And I'm happy to not feel like my time with Eisen Andy & you all is over! Pro Tour of CO coming up soon and Leopard Trek will be here! Coverage on TV will be better than live but I am hoping to get some opportunities. The race doesn't go through Boulder - but the likelihood of some of the "big boys" spending extra time in Boulder is high.

  4. Best Tour ever!
    Although I am a little disappointed, I am happy for Cadel. Andy has 10 years on him to win in the future. And it was great to see both Schlecks on the podium. Beating Contador didn't suck either, although I do have respect for the way he fought to the end. And Tommy V too.

  5. I have been a cycling fan since the 90's, and a rabid TdF fan. I have never been more pleased with the 3 podium finishers than this year! I have nothing but respect and admiration for Cadel as an athlete and person, and his TT was simply incredible. Frank and Andy were awesome through the whole Tour, and thank you Cougar Girl for pointing out that both finished the TT in the top 20. I was a little tired of Phil Liggett going on and on about how bad the boys were at the TT. LOVED reading this blog, thank you for the great writing and pictures.

  6. I didn't mean to write that last bit in the PAST TENSE, because I fully intend to keep reading this blog! I'm now going back and reading some of your older posts (and oogling the pictures!)

  7. This was a great Tour in every single aspect!
    I have to admit I cried seeing the TT and the podium, but at the end I'm so proud of Andy, Fränk and the whole L-T team. They all did an excellent job.
    Conti wasn't as strong as I thought he would be, but I guess he had his reasons.
    Andy will have a lot more opportunities to win the Tour, I'm sure.
    I'm gonna miss the tour, it was why I woke up early every morning, I feel kinda lost now :S Can't wait for next year.

  8. Weren't they great? I managed to keep a stiff upper lip all the way through the TT and the final day, except for just before the parade started, when Eurosport showed a tiny clip from after the TT when Frankie was, frankly, crying, and I did sniffle a bit then.

    Otherwise it's cheers all the way! They are just such nice guys, and well worth our support.

    Hi Nemo, stick around! We manage to find Schleck-related discussion topics all year round, so there's no need to go away. That goes for you too, CycleKat, and Hazel, and anyone else who has recently wandered in! Do feel free to dig back a bit, this blog goes back to, errr, (pause while I check) January, so there's plenty to catch up on (and don't forget the Pages - Hippi, the Singing Cat etc): sadly I deleted the previous blog in a fit of nervous terror that I was turning into someone deranged, but we're well on our way to replicating the strange joy and cameraderie that was Schleckland.

    There is still plenty of cycling to see and talk about: very soon we will have the Transfer Season madness, which is always good for a giggle, then we'll have Conti's case again, then it will be speculation about new kit, then Conti again, then Vino trying to be a DS having not read the UCI rule that says no former drug cheats (sorry Fede!) can take a staff position... then it will be holidays for the boys and picures of them relaxing in swimsuits on the beach again: then training, then Christmas, then more training, then Tour Down Under and off we go again!

    And what with Twitter, camera phones etc, we are never short of new pictures....

    Well, I think it was the best Tour for ten years (which is how long I've been watching it, although not quite as intently as I do these days!) and in the end, I think the strongest rider won. Well done, Cadel! Andy said "Cadel rode a perfect race" and as OGL can say that (d'aaaw! Such nice guys!) then we can say it too.

    Hazel, I'm ashamed to admit that Conti wasn't weak, that was my fault, I "poked" him (points finger in poking motion at the TV) and he fell off. It wasn't Karpets, it was me. Oops. I think that put him off balance for the rest of the race.... don't forget he's already won a shed-load of races this year, and no-one else who did the Giro was even visible in the Tour! I have to say that OGL is right, Conti probably is the strongest rider of these times, but even he can do too much.

    Andy said "we'll be back next year". We know!

    Ooh, going back to Cadel winning, does that mean Leelu gets an extra day off work? Leelu, are you home yet? Figgy, did you enjoy Parisian nightlife, did you run off with a cyclist or did you go home safely? Tune in over the next week or so, folks, to hear the answers to these questions...


  9. Hello Coug! It's Cristin from Fede's blog and Bananas About Bikes ;-)

    I just want to let you know that I've been reading and enjoying the blog in these past three weeks (and before, of course), but a very lively three-month-old doesn't leave much space for commenting.

    I liked the final podium. I'd have preferred a Schleck in yellow (wouldn't we all?) but if that wasn't going to happen, this is the next best.
    Thank you for being reasonable to point out the very decent TT results of los Schlecks. That's what I've been saying all along, but everyone just keeps going on and on about how terrible they did.

    I also loved the cap moment!

    Btw, there's one thing I don't understand. See, if no drug cheat may take a staff position, then where does that leave Kim Andersen and Leopard Trek? He tested positive not once, but two times.

  10. Hello Cristin! Hello Cristin's Baby! (*pulls silly face and says "whoosa widdle bitty baby, den?" in soppy voice*)

    We're all looking forward to hearing about Leelu's experiences, ("soon! soon!")on Bananas About Bikes - don't let her forget!

    I, too, am thoroughly fed up with hearing that coming in the Top 20 is a "terrible" TT result. When you think that the World Champion, Fabian, came 7th... suddenly 17th doesn't look too dusty!

    Although there may be those among us who think that Andy is actually a sort of proto-Superman and can do everything, we have to accept that neither Andy nor Frankie are ever going to be "excellent" TT-ers, but we must bear in mind that, really, they don't need to be "that" good. There are very few other riders who can get up hills the way they can....

    ..besides, when did Fabian ever win the TdF? Do they seriously think that Cav will ever win the TdF? No - they are specialists. Our boys are GC contenders, that means they have to be able to do everything pretty darn well, but they can't afford to specialise. If they put too much work into TT-ing, they would have to sacrifice some other skill. What would Phil Liggett etc have them do? Put on tons of muscle for TTs, and stop being able to go up hills? Become terrible descenders? No, they are just fine as they are, and next year will be very interesting indeed.

    Regarding the Drug Cheat rule - it's been brought in this July, and it is not being applied retrospectively. So all the drug cheats already hard at work in Pro-cycling can continue. But no new ones can join them.

    I am beginning to wonder if no-one has told Vino about it!

    But I can't believe that the UCI would not have contacted him by now - I mean, they must be reading the cycling news, and you'd think they'd have a quiet word with him before he commits himself to anything, surely?


  11. PS, I've just watched the Podium finish again, to enjoy the "pssst! Take your cap off!" moment.

    Anyone else notice that when they all put their arms up to take the cheers, Cadel - despite being on the top step - could only reach the wrists of the Schlecks?!

    Oh, you have to laugh!

    And didn't Andy and Frankie look nice, all lean and splendid, with big smiles and no malice anywhere to be seen.

    Mind you, Conti took it like a man, here's his post-stage 21 interview : . Interesting that, for almost the first time, he speaks in English! Previously, he refused to give interviews in English because he didn't want to be mis-quoted, apparently. (Sensible of him.)


  12. Hello, I've just found this blog while browsing the web. Nice to have a blog about Andy Schleck! 1st saw him at the Giro and I think I've become addicted ever since then...:)
    I'm very proud that both Schleck bros made the podium (wasn't Leea the cutest thing ever there with Frank?) and I really hope that next year Andy can take a step further and stand on the top of the podium.

    Do you think that there's any chance that he'll ride the Vuelta? Might could make my way to Madrid to the final stage and I'd love to see him there!

  13. I have criticised Cadel before as he was always portrayed as a bit rude and abrasive and as a cyclist bit of a wheel sucker not willing to attack. However I have gained utmost respect for him this tour and believe he was a totally deserving winner.
    Watching him on the last day as he cruised into Paris he seemed so humble and genuinely chuffed by all the other cyclists paying respect. He didn't slap one cameraman or threaten physical harm to anyone (to my knowledge).
    And in his defence in regards to not taking his cap off in time, he was tying the flag around his neck and probably shocked that little tina was sharing the stage and probably bringing back terrible childhood memories of watching her on YTT.
    Proud of the 2 lux stick insects (so cute seeing Cadel trying to hug skinny schlecks) but really proud of Cadel! It was a fabtastic TDF but now I am looking forward to sleeping before 1am. zzzzzz here I come. Cindy

  14. Hello co-andyholic!!

    We're sorry to say that we found your blog by google "andy schleck girlfriend" a couple of days!! We just to say THANK YOU for your hi-la-rious blog! We reaaaaaally enjoyed reading your texts and discovering another side of Our Glorious Leader!! Now we can follow Andy the entire year :)

    PS: by the way, we're swiss and enjoy your posts about Fabu A LOT!!

    Ben and Nath

  15. Hi Coug and the Gang! I'm at a place where internets is limited and sloooooooow, so I didn't have a chance to watch the Paris stage. I'm happy to read Andy and Frank were all smiles and grace.

    @Cindy Cadel had one post stage bad moment when he threw water on a TDF helper who supposedly got in his way. And a little bit of the water landed on Cav. hahaha. Cadel immediately grabbed Cav and apologized (that's one dude I wouldn't want to upset), but it's not clear in the video why the little helper was a disturbance. Anyway, in all honesty, I don't care for Cadel's personality, but he worked hard and smart this tour. He deserved yellow.

    I watched the TT in a bar and had to excuse myself to shed a few tears when it was clear Andy would lose time. All is better now. OGL is still young and put in an outstanding performance. Makes it even better that Frankie stood alongside little bro.

    Coug, I agree with you on their TT skills. Top 20 is not terrible! How much more power could two little skinny guys put out? They would have to gain more muscle mass but sacrifice their form in the mountains...

    I'm excited for the field reports from Schlecklanders. ;-)

    -Gnasher, who can't log in because of the internet situation.

  16. Hi! Just found this site about Andy!
    I like your stories!
    Greets from Holland!

  17. Groeten, Bellino! I am happy to hear that you have found us. Also, hello to Ben and Nath, SO IT WAS YOU you little tinkers, googling "Andy Schleck girlfriend" ! You are not alone, in the last week 3,423 people have found this blog by typing "Andy Schleck girlfriend."

    Plus 892 who typed in "andy schleck girlfriend 2011".

    And another 93 who used "andy schleck and girlfriend".

    Only 56 for "andy schleck girlfriend jill" (well, they spelt it wrong!) but another 82 who said "andy schleck jil".

    Ah, I love the statistics page... it's lovely (if a little scary) to think just how many people are wandering around the blog now - do feel free, folks, to add a comment. Or you can send me an email direct if you don't feel quite brave enough to "go public" yet, that's ok.

    GNASHER!! (*flings virtual arms out in big hug*) Oh, how awful, having to watch the TT in public! It was bad enough trying to keep a stiff upper lip just in front of LLB - and he already knows what a big softie I am. (*wells up again at the memory of Frankie boo-hooing*) I hate to admit it, but even the sight of Cadel getting all choked up was enough to set me off - d'aaw, what is it about seeing these grown men cry? Cycling is a strange and wonderful sport.

    Hey Cindy, yes, it will be nice to get back to a "normal" routine, won't it? Cadel is one of those odd little characters, he hasn't helped himself by being a bit stand-offish in the past: but in the last year or two he's really made an effort to be more co-operative. Perhaps he got a new PR person? I always thought he was very ugly, and I didn't like his squeaky little voice, but after the way he rode this Tour, I now have a good deal of respect for him.

    (hugging skinny Schlecks! Ah-ha-ha neighing! It was funny, wasn't it? He's obviously a rootin' tootin' Aussie, more accustomed to a manly hand-shake than the full-on Euro-hug. On our footage in the UK, the commentator referred to the podium hand-holding moment as a Schleck Sandwich which had me laughing out loud!)

    Hello to Sophie also: I have no idea if OGL will do the Vuelta, I do hope so - he did, last year, didn't he? Oops, beergate, sore point!

    Finally, hello to all the new Followers, I have still lost my "followers" widget so I can't display you all, but welcome to the Blog, and I hope you enjoy reading it for many months to come.


  18. @Coug
    Where did you see Frankie crying at the finish? I can't find any videos online yet and I missed it if it ever was on TV. I watch on Eurosport and they've blatantly ignored Frankie's entire TT. Seriously, I think I saw him like twice, start from finish lol

    I've also always thought that Cadel is an eyesore. It feels kind of mean to publicly state it though. But that's not to say I don't respect him for his riding and effort. And I wasn't a cycling fan until fairly recently so I missed the stand-offish thing.

    On a completely random note, until like two days ago, I didn't understand what all the jokes about Frankie and Italy were about either.

  19. My son (horrors of horrors) is not a big Schlecks fan. Most likely, it's because I am - and we make no secret of it. We did the big Conti/Schleck battle last year. Heck, makes for dynamic conversations to say the least. Well - he was reminding me the other day that to understand Cadel, it's important to know his background. He basicly grew up (alone) in the outback in Oz. No real socialization or the skills that go with that, no best buddies to hang out with, and was therefore very inexperienced socially. I think his marriage is really helping with that. I was never a big fan of his - but like others have mentioned, my respect level is higher now. I think it's a real challenge for him on many deep levels to have this kind of spotlight and I certainly have seen big growth in him, but it must have its chalenging side. I think it's important to look at the history and background of these guys in terms of their behaviors on the bike and at races. Andy and Frank grew up being so loved, supported, strong, partnered and quite blessed by comparison. It's a pretty dramatic showing of the difference healthy nurturing in childhood makes.

  20. Cristin, it was the briefest of brief glimpses, on the Eurosport coverage of the final day. They always do the "look back" to previous days to pad out the programme until the live footage arrives, and there was Frankie, off his bike, just howling. It was very moving.

    (He was, of course, crying for Andy not winning, not for himself coming a "mere" 20th!)

    BTW, am I the only one who thinks Frankie's podium finish is being a bit overlooked? Coming third in the Tour is his BEST EVER RESULT to date, so Yay! Well Done, Frankie!

    His TT was pretty good as well, as it happens - I thought he looked smooth and strong. I think they both did, actually.

    Errr, jokes about Frankie and Italy? I think I must have missed that, as well?!?

    Cadel - yes, he used to be the worst interviewee ever, he would say practically nothing other than "yes" or "no" and would never smile. I didn't know that he'd had a lone upbringing, but I certainly know that during the last few years of the Tour - and other races - he has almost always been completely alone, in the sense of never having any team-mates to help him. It made me feel quite sorry for him as a cyclist, and I used to support him just a little bit, on the "underdog" principle. For years, people have been speculating as to what sort of results he could achieve if he had some support from his team.

    Well, I guess we know the answer to that one, now!


  21. @Coug
    You know the Operacion Puerto doping ring and how Frankie was linked to it? (In case you don't, he essentially paid several thousand euros to Eufemiano Fuentes for training advice. When the ring was busted and the payment tracked down, Frankie got suspended. Some time later a list of the cyclists who did dope appeared somewhere and Frankie, of course, turned out perfectly clean)
    Well, apparently it was Italian doctors/investigators/you name it who tracked down Frankie's payment and suspected him. And he happened to not attend a single race on Italian roads ever since. Is that a coincidence or purposefully done - only Frankie knows. So there was a joke going around that Frankie might want to pull out/crash/get caught by the time limit before the Tour crosses over to Italy.

  22. Well, I have to admit that I also found the blog typing Andy Schleck girlfriend. LOL! :D
    We're women after all, aren't we? ;)

    Now I've managed to read a couple of posts and I agree with you Cougar Girl in a lot of things.

    Unfortunately at the beginning Andy only concentrated on Bertie. But has anyone seriously thought that for once in a lifetime Cadel won't thro away the opportunity he has and finally he grabs it: Personally I've never thought he can deal with the pressure but he did.

    I've also been wondering about whether they make yellow/green/polka dot/white stuff for every single rider before the Tour or not. OK, it's not hard to find yellow sunglasses but what about kits, bikes, helmets? I have no idea about it.

    And yeah, Andy looked really pale at the time trial, I was a bit worried then, because Cadel looked soooo calm that the Hungarian commentators said he was sitting on the bike like Buddha! :)
    The boys did a relatively good TT but Evans did an awesome! If Fabian had had the yellow jersey, he wouldn't have kept it either...that tells a lot about Cadel's TT!!

    Anyway the Tour was good (well, the Pyrenees wasn't that great) but the Alps produced some great rides and I'll never forget stage 18 with Andy's brave breakaway and the heroic climb to Galibier.

    I'll come back from time to time to check what's going on in the world of Andy.
    Thanks for the blog, I'm enjoying your writing Cougar Girl! :)

  23. Hey I grew up in isolation in outback Oz but I wouldn't say I was backward socially. Hey I think we are pretty normal (Wolf Creek anyone-ok maybe not all normal).

    Katherine is a pretty big outback town and apparently Cadel was a horserider until a nasty one hoofed him in the head. Then he tried mountain biking and was 2 x world champion.

    They have shown a number of interviews with his Dad (farmer-real salt of the earth and his Mum-exactly like him but very smiley. His folks have been divorced for a long time. And something tells me he does not stay in his Dads house when they visit Australia.
    I think Cadel is a very smart person with a dry sense of humour who doesn't understand why others don't think like him. I also think he does not 'suffer a fool'. I do think he has a few anger management issues.(who knew I was a wannabe psychologist).

    But more importantly where are any pics of the post tour dinner/parties. I want to know if OGL outdid his blue/white ensemble from last year? Think I'm getting cyclist withdrawals. Cindy

  24. Here are some pictures of the party:

    Andy's looking very nice - and One L Jil is there too. (I don't think they've put her name anywhere on the website but in the paper they spelled her name wrong :P) Also, the picture of Frankie, Martine and Andy (where they've cut out One L Jil :P) is very unlucky.

    Apparently, I have to set the table now so that cut my comment short.
    Only one last thing: have you heard Bertie's "I will never race the Giro again!" comment? Maybe he shouldn't have said that. It's caused quite an uproar in Denmark with the Giro-start in Bjarne Riis' home town next year and everything.

  25. And how are we so sure that it's One L Jil if it hasn't been published anywhere?

    Someone looked her up on facebook?

    I've heard Bertie's comment and also thought it wasn't a very smart thing to share in public. And then I remembered that it IS Bertie we're talking about and that he has never really been all that bright, so what to expect.

    Thanks for the photos!
    And I also agree that the photo of Frankie, Martine and Andy is... very unfortunate, to say the least. Btw, does anyone else find that dress on Martine oddly familiar? I'm sure I've seen it already. Probably it's just my imagination or I have seen it somewhere else, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

    Lol, I meant to write just the top two lines and whoa... I'm chatty

  26. Hi Cristin, thank you! I knew about the Operation Puerto thing, but I didn't realise that Frankie hasn't raced in Italy since. Our Eurosport commentators obviously didn't know about it either, as I don't remember any remarks about crossing into Italy!

    Susanne, good stalking, well done with the photos. Ooer, that one of Andy/Frankie/Martine is about as unflattering as it can get, isn't it? Andy seems to be having trouble with that toffee again, (and what has happened to his hair?) Martine looks horrified, or possibly is wondering if she remembered to turn the gas off: and Frankie is so relaxed that he is already falling over.

    And they are wearing the same clothes.

    (The boys, not the girls)

    It's a bit weird for the photographer to have cut out One L Jil (pronounced somehting like Dzhill, as in Phillipe Gil-bert) like that, don't we think? If she didn't appear in the later photo, we might start thinking that they are breaking up already! But no, there she is, going commando in a home-made toga outfit with added shine to the forehead. She really does look quite Russian, doesn't she, Figgy (*sniggers*)? But d'aaaaw, Andy looks happy!

    No, I hadn't hear Conti declaiming "never again" to the Giro. Is he mad? You can't swear never to do a particular race again, for all sorts of reasons. As you say, he's not over bright. I would understand if he said "next year, no Giro, concentrate on Tour" but to say "I will never ride the Giro again" is ridiculous. It must be a mis-translation, or a mis-quote, surely?

    And Yay! he's not doing la Vuelta! Good, we can enjoy that one, then!


  27. Hey Cindy - no offense intended I assure you.

  28. Boulderado - 'scuse me interrupting, you mentioned the Leopards coming to Colorado, which race was that, and when is it?

    They haven't updated their calender yet - probably still all out celebrating!

    PS How is your boy's collarbone?

  29. The Quiznos Pro Tour will be in Colorado the week of Aug 22nd. Higher mountains than in the Tour as far as I know. Should be good. Hitting some really beautiful areas. It's under consideration now if Cadel will do it. It is on the LT calender - but we don't know yet who is coming. Horner will be in it. Tommy D lives in Boulder - so I bet he is in it. Should be good. Touted to be the Tour of Colorado - best mountain in the US.

    Alas - my son's injury is a grade 4 shoulder separation - requires surgery. We are working on coming up with the funds needed for his co-pay with his insurance before he can have the surgery. Our health system just is horrible. In my view - he has insurance and this should be covered immediately. One should not have to beg, borrow to receive a necessary surgery when you pay premiums every month! Sigh. He's doing alright though. His left shoulder hangs about 2 inches lower than the right - with a big lump on the top of it where his clavical has been disconnected from the shoulder bone. Get's him out of mowing the lawn....and taking out the trash bins! Seriously, it does really suck, but it' too darned hot to be riding right now anyhow...He is not a happy camper. In the middle of a divorce too - so when it pours.

  30. An addition:[q]=Tour+de+France+2011&_i=18&_c=9

    Jil has been removed from A's facebook friends :)

  31. Oh my--Cougar Girl, I'm still recovering from strenuous laughing at your description of Jil as "going commando in a home-made toga outfit with added shine to the forehead"! Thanks to Susanne and Barbara for the links to more photos, very enjoyable.

  32. I'm sure this has already been discussed but is anyone else impressed that Bjarne Riis could produce such good looking offspring? Anyone else a little taken by Jesper or Thomas?

    Also re Cadel, I think a lot of previous behavior is a lot to do with his previous team environment, just like a lot of the commentators kept on saying in their coverage here in Oz. At BMC I think he's found a good environment that supports him unlike Lotto so I think it shows. OGL and Frankie have been lucky to have not only each other when they race but a good close team too and it really shows how important it is to have that - just look at how many times Conti seemed to be by himself this year. A

  33. The g/f could be called Mary Smith ( I know not very European) for all we know. I think we need to stalk oops I mean just stumble across what her name really is. My hubbie said her forehead could be used to watch movies on (I know so tactful and kind is my beloved).

    I'm not loving the white toga. Martine wore that dress at the Lux sportsman of the year- I think in the Roland Miny pics archive. I must say she is looking pretty fit and great in red. However in this latest pic it looks like she has a fuller stomach (another baby Schleckie perhaps.)

    Barbara I laughed at the pic you posted link for when I saw it. What is OGL up to with her hair? Getting knots out-what a kind b/f he is.

    I haven't got link but in the late hours I saw the video of OGL and bro driving that mini around with the 2Johnnies. Think it can be found searching Tumblr. Cindy

  34. Hey BE no offense taken at all. I was only joking-but will admit probably like the States some very odd characters can be found lurking out in the outback. cindy

  35. And (last catty words) someone needs to tell luscious lulu that the party was not another lingerie shoot. Get a skirt that fits honey. Cindy

  36. Well, yes: cycling is a team sport, and it's not easy to do well if you are not supported by your team. Whether that is due to internal wrangling ("you are not the leader! HE is!") or just from being that much better than the rest of your team.... Cadel has been very much alone in the past few years, so it's interesting to see how far he has gone with some decent support.

    I've just read Bradley Wiggins's autobio, he speaks with despair of his time riding for French teams where no-one would speak to him other than during training - he was utterly demoralised by being left so completely alone "out of hours". So it's not just "on the bike" where this is important.

    I don't know what went wrong with SaxoBank this year - they had, what, slightly more than half their original riders left, (plus all the existing support team and organisation, etc etc) so their failure to keep up with Conti must be a big disappointment to him. Maybe he was hoping to have the Schlecks as his super-super-domestiques?

    Barbara, thanks for that photo - hmm, Roland Miny has finally learned that nothing is un-stealable on the internet, huh? Is Andy holding her head in a "look that way" sort of manner? (*considers sending self to Naughty Corner*)

    Baby Bjarnes: yes, very nice! He must have married a very handsome lady.... I just saw some footage of Bjarne winning the Tour in 1996, he didn't have any hair even then!

    Oh, Boulderado, so sorry to hear that your son isn't quite put back together yet, poor boy. I am quite horrified to hear that you have to pay for your insurance, yet you STILL can't just have the surgery done. (*pulls :( face *) I can't imagine how much stress that must add to the whole experience. Here in the UK we have dirty hospitals and astoundingly ineffecient organisation, but at least when they scrape you up off the road, you get taken in and mended pretty much straight away.

    I hope he gets his surgery quickly.


  37. I just looked through the pictures again and noticed that on the unfortunate picture they call Martine Leea... Now that's journalism on a very high level.

    Yes, Bertie has never been that bright with his comments. Maybe he was misquoted but somehow I think not. It's OK to think it but a bad idea to actually say it out loud - that is not how you get friends. They are now panicking in Denmark because they fear no one will show up to see the stages. And I'm thinking, I'd rather show up now :P

    I'm thinking about cutting that picture with Andy and One L Jil out of the paper and putting my own face on hers... (Wait, who said that? *cough*)

    I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Andy and Frankie would be going to Colorado (and therefore not the Vuelta) but now I can't remember where.

    In my opinion, Mette, Bjarne's first wife and Jesper and Thomas' mum, is not that good-looking. I mean, she looks nice and everything but to have such beautiful kids with such an un-attractive man you'd think you'd have to be extraordinarily beautiful.

    I've found you a little picture for you to judge yourself:
    I admit, it's not the most flattering picture but I was in a hurry and it was the first one on the page :P

    In Denmark, the lack of team support for Bertie this year has been discussed again and again. Bjarne keeps making excuses. Bertie upholds that the team is wonderful while Nicki Sørensen decided to say what everyone knows - that it just wasn't good enough.
    Now, the "experts" have come up with two main reasons:
    1. Bertie clearly wasn't at his best. When your captain is doing well, the morale is high and you can do a lot more than you thought. It probably takes a lot to motivate yourself to do work for a captain who can't deliver.

    2. The new Spaniards are not worked into the team so it really worked as two separate teams and not one unit. It takes time to get to know your captain as well as you should and the old Saxo Bank haven't had that time.

    Hmmm, and I was in a hurry...

  38. OMG so I finally found where all schlecks' fans hid since the TDF ended!!:) !! talkin' about serious deeds: girls, I can't stop laughing!! that video with the schlecks driving in eindhoven is siply amazing!!

  39. Can you tell I have to much time on my hands today? Anyway again don't have link but my dutch friend said she was watching some show on tv and they said that 'a few TDF ago OGL had a fling with Tom Boonens then g/f who was a young girl called Sophie van Vliet (her Dad has Curacao race). Don't have link sorry so not sure who/where it was said. Cindy

  40. Ok, so I don't feel any shame, because me too, I found this blog after typing andy schleck girlfriend yesterday...
    Nice blog, Coug, I read some posts, and you made me laugh. That's what I needed now!
    I loved this year's Tour, and also the photos (thanks for links) from the after-party - how old are Bjarne's sons? Does anyone knows?

  41. The youngest (of those two), Thomas is eighteen and Jesper is 20 (or he may have turned 21, I don't actually know when his birthday is).
    Aside from cycling, both of them are, apparently, modelling!

  42. Hey Susanne, you are a top-class stalker! So that's Mrs Riis, huh? Actually, look at her cheekbones - excellent - and she has a good chin, good teeth, and appears to have a cracking figure even when middle-aged. (*prays: "please don't let her be 28 in the photo!"*) Often the structural items are what make the children beautiful... and yes, I had spotted the "Leea" mistake, it had me looking all round the picture for the baby buggy!

    Cindy, a photo in was captioned "Andy Schleck and girlfriend Jil" and for a brief while, her facebook page was available, which clearly was her. So we're pretty sure she's called Jil.

    I would appreciate any Lux readers telling me what that's short for - presumably it's a Lux name? It can't be Jill as in the English name, I am expecting it to be short for something.

    As an aside, I wonder what their pet names for each other are? In the UK, young love usually generates sickening pet-names like "Bunny Wunny" and "Snookums" (these are only examples, not my own pet names)(although I was "Little Bunny" for a while, the boy concerned being "Big Bunny": oh dear, I can hear the sound of vomiting - too much detail?) and a character in Heroes was called, as a pet name, Claire-Bear. So if Andy calls her Jil-bear, it could lead to some amusing confusion when discussing races, couldn't it? (*grins happily at having worked in that long-winded joke*)

    Hi Claudia, Hi Narce, welcome to Schleckland - yes, this is where we hang out all year round, swapping stories and pics of Our Glorious Leader, the lovely Andy. Not just here - normally we also follow Miss Fede's blog at she's away on holiday at the moment but will be blogging again soon. (*waves to Fede on holiday*)

    Susanne, that's interesting, that SaxoBlank are admitting failed team work. Hmmmmmmmm.


  43. Thank you very much, Coug. I do consider stalking one of my strongest points (not the creepy kind where you knock on people's doors with cakes but the searching the internet kind). Also, I haven't had much to do this afternoon (which is also why I'm spamming your blog a little :P) so I might as well pass time with a bit of stalking.

    She is now former Mrs Riis as Bjarne had an affair (OK, not really, but he met someone else and they "connected") and married Anne Dorthe Tannerup, Danish ex-handball player. (Now, this isn't stalking as he wrote about it in his book, is it? :P)

    Ha, ha, ha - the pet names! It would be me making the choking sounds as I try keeping the mouthful of juice down. Rather sticky to get on your keyboard...

    "Experts" have also agreed that Bjarne has had to give in to Bertie on some points and that he no longer has the final word.

  44. In my street there also lives a couple with looks that are not so attractive, but their kids are so handsome/beautiful, you just can't imagine although they're still quite young.
    A few weeks ago this not so overwhelming beautiful mother was talking with me about the ducks swimming in the pond before our houses and from one came the other and she told me, as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world, that her husband was not able to get children and that they were so glad to have found such a nice donor....

    About Jil, Jil she is and her last name begins with a D.

    About the affaire OGL presumed to have had: it is suggested that it happened last year in Curaçao and after looking through some pictures, startlists and memory, the only "victim" it could have been, would be the former girlfriend of Jurgen vd Broeck. To my opinion all other "subjects" are not realistic, but you can prove me wrong.
    Note: JVDB now has a new gf, who is even looking better, so I don't think he'll go to Curaçao this year....

  45. @Susanne thanks for the info on the baby Bjarnes! Wow, 20 and 18 - so young. *sighs* if only I were several years younger... Not really surprised to learn they're models too :)

    @Coug laughing (neighing?) at your witty take on Jil-bear. Funny how 'bear' always turns up in pet names - mine used to be Baby Bear. A

  46. Barbara, are you suggestion Bjarne and Former Mrs Riis used a donor? :P

    No, actually, I see your point, Coug. She really does have great cheekbones.

    A, I've actually considered if I could live with Bjarne as father-in-law. I ended on 'no'. On the other hand, they usually live with their mother in Denmark...

  47. "Baby Bear" !!! D'aaaw, sweet! (I shall never take you seriously again.)

    Going back to Jil-bear, the more photos I see of her, the more I think she should be called Velcro, as she appears to be firmly adhereing to Andy. Jakob and Luscious Lulu seemed a much more realistic couple, walking around holding hands.....perhaps we need to see Jil-bear in a video, to decide if we like her or not? I'd like to hear her talk, and I'd like to see how the two of them interact. And whether she has feet. (*must stop obsessing about her...*)

    Love the idea, going back a bit, of Conti not doing everything that Bjarne says. Quite a difference from dealing with the "I made you" Schlecks, I would have thought. Probably good for both of them!

    It's odd that SaxoBlank had such poor teamwork, when you think that they only had the one leader: their team briefings each morning must have been very dull. "OK men, get out there and support him *points to Conti*, do everything to keep him out of trouble, stick beside him, give him water, if he punctures, give him your bike." End of briefing.

    Bjarne as a father-in-law? Urk! There's a scary thought!


  48. Ok ok.. one more here. I admit. I'm as well one of those who found this blog by typing those now-so-famous-search-words. Hi to everyone! *waves* Anyways, despite the somewhat ashaming circumstances, I'm very happy I found this blog. Been laughing a lot while reading the entries and comments (not least when I've seen confessions from other people who used those now-so-famous-search-words). Seems I've found just the right place.. to wait for next TDF, to see nice pictures, to chat about famous cyclists and their girlfriends.. :)

    To add something to that conversation: during my google-search I came across to a picture where certain girlfriend (with one L and last name beginning with D) of certain cyclist has a ring on wedding finger. Also found online-version of gossip magazine, which has in it's frontpage picture of this couple, with text "thinking about marriage" (or something like that). Seems like it's serious.. wondering how long they have been dating. Well-kept secret it anyways has been, as typing her whole name doesnt give basically any results at all (as someone already mentioned). I'm sure this will change soon, tho.. can only hope that publicity doesnt ruin their relationship.

    Keep on doing good job with this blog! I will continue following :)


  49. Has the coinage "One L Jil" officially entered the Schlecklander vernacular along with "Stalk-a-Schleck?" *tickled from the cockles of my cold, black heart*

    Okay, back to sorting photographs. GOOD LORD, I seem to have taken photographs of nothing but ceilings in France! But when the ceiling is solid gold, with a 1 tonne chandelier, it's hard to ignore. Also, from my photos of the race taken near the Rue de Rivoli, it looks like Andy is pedalling the hell away from me--good man. *said in tone of Aussie chap about to get devoured in Jurassic Park by a velociraptor*

  50. Also, a toga? Did she wander away from a sorority initiation, or a torch lighting in Olympia? Velcro... I don't know, put Andy in some green tights, and slap some pixie wings unto her, and you could just call them Peter Pandy, and Tinker Jil.

    Personally, I'm not certain that she isn't an oversized Blythe doll:

  51. Figgy! Welcome back! (*big hugs*) So glad to hear that your cold black cockles are tickled. I'm still neighing from the image of Andy in green tights!

    Not sure about One L Jil ("yes, it has" being th answer to your first question, along with Velcro Jil) her being a Blythe doll (never heard of them before, thank you for enriching my Sunday morning) but I was intrigued to read "In 1972, the Blythe doll was born. She died later that year." Let's hope that's not an omen for PP and TJ's relationship, eh? Also, we haven't seen her feet yet, so if she turns out to have dainty little Cinderella hoofs, then she might indeed be a Blythe doll: but if she has les grandes bateaux at the ends of her legs, then not so much.

    Hi to Angie, welcome to Schleckland - you are most welcome to hang out here whenever it suits you, until the next TdF. Personally, I am not suffering TdF withdrawal, as we are still ploughing through some of the earlier stages that were recorded, but haven't been watched yet.

    Yesterday I saw the bit where Gutierrez of Movistar licked his finger and, laughing, put a big smeary fingermark on the lens of the camera bike. I have no idea why, but it was pretty funny!

    It's wonderfully interesting to listen to the commentary with hindsight. I thought it would be dull, watching stages when we already know the results, but it's not - it's fascinating to see how situations developed.

    Anyone see the Classica San Sebastian? It wasn't covered on UK TV, but we caught some of it on the internet, although it wasn't very good quality: however, Frankie came 6th, (another 20 UCI points, yay!) and Jakob was looking much better than he did in the Tour.

    We're hoping to get some TV coverage of the Tour of Poland next week, so we can enjoy Mr Orange Head at work!! (Sorry, Leelu!)


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