Sunday 3 July 2011


Gasps with relief! The Tour has started, we've just watched Stage 1, and all is well.

Firstly, a quick word about the presentation. No, not about the booing, about Team Thunderbird (note for non-UK viewers,  Thunderbirds was a kiddy's puppet series, long, long before CG was invented.)

Why is Andy standing like a puppet? Who knows...right, that's enough about that!

So, stage one nicely under way, I am quite bemused by the number of crashes: it was lovely weather, bone dry, dead flat, no cobbles, but people tumbling off all over the place. Poor old Greipel from Omega Pharma Lotto, hitting the deck before the race had even properly started! Not a good stage for O-P-L, they had half their riders wearing bandages by the end of it.

And what about that poor O-P-L rider , Van den Broek, [Van de Walle! Jurgen Van de Walle! Sorry!] who was diligently putting an arm up to warn the others about a traffic island, and who then went "Slam!" down onto the tarmac. I don't think  I've seen anyone hit the deck quite that hard at such slow speeds. And he spent pretty much the rest of the race at the front, pulling! I think he's the one who should have won the "Combative" jersey....

Early on the race, LLB and I were discussing the Conti thing, and we both agree that although the best thing would have been for him to have chosen not to race - this is my point again about bringing the sport into disrepute by having booing - he was within his rights to do so, so we have to put up with it.

After much discussion, we came up with a solution: if Contador were to have a, say, moderately minor mishap and have to retire from the race, then his face would be saved in that he started, and everyone else could relax and enjoy the race.

Yes, the eventual winner would have to endure some "ah, but if Contador had been in it, he would've won" but we decided that after a few months, people would forget about it, so it wouldn't detract from the win. Well, not much. Especially if Conti wasn't in that strong a position when he retired....

And the nature of this moderately minor mishap? Well, how about the old "stung by a bee and had to go to hospital thus having to retire" routine?

Or there is always that good old standby, food poisoning - but not from steak, of course - sufficient to make him withdraw?

Or the famous Frankie broken collarbone - my personal favourite.

Of course, this came back to bite us when we saw that he had been caught up in the first of the two final crashes..... 

In case you haven't seen it, a stupid, stupid spectator was standing on the grass verge, somewhat too close to the road, and one of the Astana riders collided with her. She did nothing to avoid the collision: she couldn't, as she was looking the other way at the time. (Fingers crossed that it wasn't Leelu: Lee, that wasn't you in a bright yellow overlong tee, was it? Or was that you at the finish line, waving an inflatable kangaroo? We weren't sure where you were, so we shouted out "Hi, Leelu!" at 10km intervals, just in case.)

So he ended up 1'20" down, shame (*laughs hard-heartedly *).

OGL was then caught up in the second of the final crashes, although he managed to stay on his feet: and best of all, being within the last 3km, Article 20 was invoked (thank you, BoulderEl, for telling us the name of the 3km rule!) so he didn't lose time for it. (*laughs smugly*)

Now, this plays nicely into my plan - Contador now has a chance to stop all the booing. He is now well over a minute down, and he looked tired, stressed, and not in good condition by the time he got across the line. If he maintains a stoic demeanour, and says things like "Well, these things happen", he might find that he gets a bit of sympathy.

If he then does something nice for a French rider, such as letting them wheel-suck up a hill, then perhaps the French might change their minds and stop booing him.

And if he then swallows a wasp at high speed and has to go to hospital, thus withdrawing from the race... well, wouldn't that work out well? 

In a perfect world, Frankie and Andy would beat Contador up a particular mountain, in a fairly convincing manner, and then Conti could have the accident/injury/debilitating food poisoning episode, and retire. Thus no-one would say "Ah, but if Conti were there....." instead they would be saying "Yay! Andy/Frankie is a well-deserved winner of the Tour, pity poor old Conti wasn't on form, and swallowed that wasp, but, well, he wasn't riding well, look how they thrashed him up the [insert name of mountain]."

Finally for today, what happened about the rider who went the wrong way and shot off into the buildings? Anyone else see that? It was at 123km to go, so just a little while after Van Dem Broek crashed.

The peloton came up to a biggish roundabout, they all went round it in the usual two streams, except for this one guy.  In the screen cap below, we are viewing the peloton head on: the main field are following the camera bike round to the right of the screen, and you can see the one guy - thinly circled in red - who shot off to the left.

Seconds later we got the aerial shot of the same moment, so here they are going in two streams around the roundabout, and the mystery rider is shooting off at right angles, to the right, through a gap in the crowd.

I've circled him in red, (it was a lot clearer when he was moving) and you can see him going over the crossing stripes, to the far right of the picture.

No-one ever mentioned it!

It was too brief and too unclear to identify the rider: I can't even decide on the team for sure (as Andy and Jensi say) but I think it's Garmin. At least, he's wearing the same blue hat as the other Garmin rider.

Any suggestions?!

Well, I'm so happy to finally be watching the Tour, and I hope that we're all going to enjoy swapping comments and points of interest over the next three weeks.


  1. Coug!
    I was going to post an extrememly over excited comment about the Tour being on TV yesterday but then I thought that maybe you would not appreciated it! Did you, like I, sit there for over 5+ hours? Wsn't it glorious!?
    Spent the last 5km freaking out because I couldn't see OGL or Cav and then the website took forever (slight exaggeration) to load the gc only to discover that they were both ok and Contador had lost 1 20" (Sniggers)!
    Will we be having an overview of everyday, she asks, or just the important ones?
    Anyway IT'S THE TOUR DE FRANCE!!!!
    Apologies for over excitement :)

  2. Coug, I had a feeling you were having lock out issues. I hope that becomes a rare experience!

    Bethan - You got that right - hours and hours of viewing yesterday.

    I'm still reeling with the results from yesterday. Wonder how many people were putting out the thought that Conti needed to take a whack. I know I was thinking it. It has been seriously suggested that this loss of time for Conti could make a safer TdF for him. One announcer is very concerned about the crowds in the mountains and how dangerous it could be (for everyone) if they turned on Conti. We've all seen riders taken out by spectators in those close quarters. I did hear a good one though - that after all the hubbub and UCI lack of resolution for Conti, as well as hostility about last year - leave it to a french woman to provide the solution! I wonder how the woman fared? No one has even mentioned any damage to the spectator, or interest for that matter.

  3. Coug, you must be psychic - did you see Frankie's tweet about how he swallowed a BEE during the TTT?!

    Wrong rider, though... No wonder he wasn't feeling his best today!

    I think the stray rider is off to pee. He's probably trying to find somewhere with less spectators but it does seem weird to do that in a city :P

  4. Susanne, Coug is the all seeing. She even knows when I'm here... I suspect she sees me typing right now. *shifts uneasily*

    But on a serious note: Frank really has the WORST luck. What are the chances of swallowing a bee, and being stung by it from the inside? Have we learned nothing from Winnie the Pooh? You're meant to spit those suckers out, like bullets from a machine gun:

    I wonder if anyone here is worried about Cadel Evans as a threat for the GC? BMC had a great Team Time Trial today.

    Also. I am BORED out of my skull from having nothing to do. No school, and no work make susan a dull girl. No school, and no work make susan a dull girl.

    I thought about applying for retail work, but my inability to lie / baloney people would get me sacked immediately.

    Fast food scenario:

    Customer: What's good here?
    Me: Absolutely nothing. I don't eat here.

    Clothing scenario:

    Customer: What do you make of this dress?
    Me: I think it's just like all the other flimsy, sweatshop crap we sell here.

    LUSH scenario:

    Customer: Do your shampoos have sulfates in them?
    Me: Do I look like a motherf***ing organic chemist to you? Beat it, hippie.

  5. First, I just laughed my heart out about the Thunderbirds association with the strange ropes in the arena. Oh, so funny and so right!

    Second, it wasn't Jurgen van den Broeck who crashed, it was his teammate van der Walle. J.v.d.Broeck is still a big contender and ended last year TdF at place 5. He is one of the hopes for Belgium.

    Third, poor, poor Fränk. Never, please never call the bees/wasps out again Coug.They can't be controlled.....

  6. I got the impression that Frank got stung (on the outside)..then swallowed the bee. At least I certainly hope so. Getting stung on the inside could be really bad - and he did say he was OK - but sheesh. I immediately thought of Conti's post when I saw his tweet! "we know" we have the "power" coming out of Eisen Andy - let's use it for good! And yes, Cadel has real potential to become a threat, at least that's what I'm hearing from some other outsiders as well. I sure wish they'd give him more time to recover before interviewing him - gawd...that high voice drives me batty. Maybe that's a part of OGL's charm..lovely low voice. Frank's is higher as well, but Cadel gets the prize for "whoops where did my testicles go" high pitched whine.
    I think the LT boyz did great today. They are in good, good position and no one is getting cooked in the process. Jakob tweeted about losing his TTT virginity...and Stuey has been dragged kicking and screaming into twitter as well. Jens still resists, and Fabian writes "Good Night" notes - sigh...I really, really like these fellas.

  7. Ohhhh Conti -
    Maybe Frank reads this and is messing with you and there was no bee at all??????????????

  8. Hey Bethan, that's so kind of you to be concerned! Yes, LLB and I spent ALL DAY saturday glued to the TV, it was great! So what that it was a flat stage? It was great!

    Neither of us can watch the live TV footage during the days, but we've agreed that he'll watch the highlights in the evenings and I'll watch the ITV catch-up coverage on my computer in the evenings. So I will be more-or-less up to date, but as I'm studying for my botany exam on the 20th, I might not be able to watch all of it... so please feel free to tell me about anything that I might have missed!

    And yes, even though I'm supposed to be studying, I'm sure I'll find time for the odd post!

    Hey Susanne, that bee! Ooops! (*yells over shoulder "Frankie! No! Spit it out!" Rolls eyes*) I had no idea Eisen Andy was so influential. Ooer, does this mean that I am going to get the blame for every broken collarbone and episode of food poisoning> (*barricades doors*)

    We did wonder if that stray rider was going off to pee, but it seemed like entirely the wrong place to do it - I mean, can you not hang on for just another couple of minutes until we are clear of the town? - and he zoomed off at such high speed, as though he thought he was going the right way. Most intriging. "Intrigueing?" (*embarassed - I have A levels in speeling*)

    Figgy, loved your work dialogue scenarios. I can just hear you....

    Oh, Barbara, of course I got the wrong Jurgen, so sorry, apologies to the Van de Walle fans: entirely my fault, I checked the startlist and the very first name was Jurgen Van den... so I didn't even read the rest of the names. Van den Walle is the one who deserves the prize for Combative rider, then! I was full of sympathy for him in the TTT, he was struggling off the back a bit, and even the commentators mentioned that he must be sore after the fall and all the work he did on Saturday.

    I do like the idea that Frankie is just teasing us by pretending their was a bee... nice idea! Not very likely! But Frankie, if you ARE reading this: Go Frankie! Yay!

    Off to work but will be back later - if Blogger doesn't break again!
