Tuesday 12 July 2011

Brace yourselves: it's another race day

And for goodness sake, let's hope it's a bit less exciting than the weekend's racing!

Team Sky have wisely said that they are not going to make any decisions or demands until they have calmed down: so hopefully today they will be issuing detailed instructions for the plate on which the French TV car driver's head will be placed.

And guess what - we have a failed drug test already. Will they never learn? Alexandr Kolobnev of Katusha has failed a drug test, it seems. You'd think that this year, of all years, no-one would try to get away with it, wouldn't you? It will be interesting to see if he's allowed to start the race today.

I'm a bit short of time this week, so I'm happy to direct you to Miss Fede's Blog to read all the details of what happened on Sunday's race: I agree with everything she says, except for the bit about Vino, as I'm not a fan! (I don't like Unrepentant Drug-Takers) (And yes, I was making "pokey" motions towards the screen, but it wasn't my fault that he fell off. Honest.)


  1. The Kolobnev-news was a really bad one. What happened to Hoogerland and Flecha is already causing enough damages to the image of the Tour (and of cycling in general), we surely didn't need this doping news - not now, at least!

    According to Gazzetta, Vino is already thinking about his comeback. Are you happy, Coug? ;)

    PS: Don't worry, I can understand those who don't like Vino - it may shock you but, once upon time, I used to dislike him too :P

  2. "it wasn't my fault that he fell off"

    Are you sure about that? The lady doth protest too much...

    Coug, a random, out of nowhere question. Are you planning to attend the cycling events at next year's London Olympics? Yes, I admit it, I looked up Beijing opening ceremony footage, to see if everyone's favourite Mondorfer would feature. Imagine my disappointment that he wasn't there flag bearing. He was in the race though:


    Reading Han characters, or pinyin, I see. Dude, you need not learn Mandarin to conquer Asia, I promise. :p

    Also, I seem to have nuked my twitter account too soon. I could have followed Jean Vois. Rats!

  3. Hey Ripley, thanks for that picture - is it me, or does he have really badly swollen ribs? Or is he being attacked by your spider-hand face-hugger?

    If the latter, you know what to do (*stands back as Ripley leaps into action with a metal tray, and whops Andy across the back of the head with it*).

    2012? Hadn't thought about it. A quick look on Google suggests that the road race is a possibility, and a brief check of the map indicates that the most appropriate/funniest place to stand would be in Dorking.

    Although there are going to be "several loops" of Box Hill, and we all know that loops are great, so it's possible that I might be standing there, with my faded and worn-out Lux socks.....

    Jean Vois is on Twitter! What fun! I bet his tweets will be a great deal more coherent that those of Fabian (bless!) but you have to know that LLB and I always call Jensi that now - every time he appears on screen there is a combined call of "Jean Vois!"

    Poor Vino, I don't like him at all - not least for not having any eyebrows - but I wouldn't wish that sort of crash on anyone. And no, it wasn't my "poking" him that made him crash. Honest.

    Hey Fede, talking of Vino fans (*giggles*) thank you for finding the time to come on here, I am so glad that you are doing such a great job on your blog, with the daily updates - curses on the timing of my botany exam! I have so much to do, grumble grumble - and if I don't have time to check the news, I always find time to check your blog. (*rushes off to read about the Karpets incident. Watches video. Nope, that does not look right at all. I think the rider who did the strange head-bob is not even Karpets. It must have been the invisible fuzzy hammer-thing. It's still funny to watch, though!*)


  4. Me, and the famiglia are hoping to holiday in England, and Germany next year. When we'd planned this hypothetically, ages ago, I thought I'd be attending a few of the swimming events, and watching tennis / blubbering in Roger Federer's direction at Wimbledon.

    Now, my parents are welcome to watch the amazing merman Michael Phelps do his thing, but I would rather watch the cycling if I can.

    Really, the Olympics + Wimbledon + Roger Federer + possible Mondorf boy sightings = Me, applying for citizenship, posthaste.

  5. A-ha-ha neighing!

    I rather think that all the tickets for the Olympics have been issued now, but I might see you in Dorking, then!


  6. I expect that Olympic tickets are as difficult to obtain as Centre Court Wimbledon tickets, so I'm content just to be in the environs. I'd settle for watching Roger from Henman Hill!

    Well, here's hoping that the Olympic committee doesn't charge admission for standing around in the middle of Dorking :P

    You know, I didn't realise until recently, that Sigourney cries out, "You B**ch!" in both Alien, and Aliens! First to the Mother computer, and then the Queen bee alien thing.

    Ugh, that facehugger thing! It actually scares me more than the fully grown version. No honestly, if I saw one of those things on Andy's person, I'd whack it, and Andy senseless. Sorry!

  7. Piffle. Men's Road Race "tickets" for valedictory laps around The Mall:


    They may yet find a way to charge us for standing around Dorking. What if we say we're not standing around for cyclists?

    I find it a little depressing, that the Women's Time Trial, taking place at Hampton Court Palace, is a free, non-ticketed event.

  8. What! They are going to charge £60 for standing in the Mall! Damn cheek! Huh! (*huffs indignantly, as a Londoner who cannot agree with charging money to stand in a street which I've walked along any number of times for free*)

    Dorking should be safe, though: no-one is likely to go there.

    So, as a random question, now that you are "merely" Ripley, er, Susan: why Figbash?


  9. All of my accounts are named after characters by the late author / illustrator Edward Gorey--it just sounds better / less creatively bankrupt than susan3901, or some variation thereof.


  10. Wonderful stuff! I particularly liked Neville. Ah, poor Neville.

    This is just the sort of thing that Nice Auntie Coug would be reading to her tiny nephews and nieces (if she had any) before bedtime.... along with explanatory gestures and background information.

    Perhaps it's a good thing that my great friend Jane didn't die in a car crash at the exact same time as her husband, thus leaving me her daughter to bring up as they didn't have any relatives that they trusted with the care of their child. (Yet they trusted me? Hmmm.)

    In contemplative mood.
