Friday 4 March 2011


Right, I've received a surprising number of emails on this subject, so I think there are few things that need to be said.

Before I start, if you don't know what Slashfic is,  it's nothing to do with knife fights. 

Wikipedia says "Slash fiction is a genre of fan fiction that focuses on the depiction of romantic or sexual relationships between fictional characters of the same sex" . If you want more detail, go to this Wiki entry and have a look. Be warned, it's not for the faint-hearted!!

Recent addition to Schleckland, Alina (Hi Alina! *waves*) is a prolific and imaginative writer of slashfic, as well as being a cycling fan. Yes, in her "Verse" (short for Universe, fictional, invented) our well-known cycling personalities indulge in some goings-on that the rest of us might find a bit weird.  But don't forget that we all have our own "Verse" - in mine, slippers go off and have adventures - although of course I say, what's weird about that?

The operative word is "fiction". Alina writes fiction, she does not slander the Schlecks. (For a start, if it's written then it's libel, not slander, ha! ha!) Her work is on a blog that is clearly designated as containing adult themes, and you can't enter it unknowingly.

No, I'm not going to "ban" Alina from this blog, just because of what she writes on her blog. In the first place, no I'm not, (*subtext: "so there!"*)  and in the second place, the internet is open to all, that's the point of it, so it's not possible to "ban" someone from a blog.

No, I don't think that there's a danger of Alina "polluting" EisenAndy, for heaven's sake, get real! Firstly, she's read this blog, she knows the rules - no "f" word etc. Secondly, she's not daft, she immediately identified this blog as being "fangirly" and therefore quite light and fluffy. Knowing that her own blog is protected by "adult content" barriers, she'll be aware that she shouldn't say anything too racy on one that isn't protected in that way, and I have total confidence that she just wouldn't make any off-colour comments here. Thirdly, I have the power (mwwaaah haaa haa!) to delete any comments I don't like.

All right, if you really want me to say it, then no, I don't "like" the slashfic, in the sense that I prefer to keep the image of Andy, Jakob etc that is the general perception. But I admire her for writing it: it takes a lot of time and dedication to create that much of a body of work. I also admire her commenteers: they critique each other's fic, they make intelligent comments on the way characters develop in that "Verse", they bounce ideas off each other: This is admirable stuff, no matter what you might think about the content. How many of  you have started writing stories but never finished them? Also, I know that Alina is in Romania, but I have no idea if she's Romanian with very, very good language skills, or English: and that's about the biggest compliment to her writing that there is!

I've deliberately blocked comments on this entry, by the way. Subtext: " As I don't wish to discuss this any further here!" If you want to tell me what you think, feel free to send me an email (just View my Complete Profile for the address) but please don't be over-excited or hysterical when you do so. Thank you.

Incidentally, to end on a light note, when you create a Blogger Profile for yourself, you get the option to type in your interests. Gnasher and I are the only people in the WHOLE of the Bloggerosphere to like Andy Schleck! Well, apart from some bloke in Spain who is interested in a whole string of Spanish stuff plus Andy Schleck and Clint Eastwood.

Here's the screen-cap to prove it! (Gnasher, you spelled Unndy wrong!)