Friday 18 March 2011

Sanremo on Saturday!

Deep joy, the Milano-Sanremo is on Saturday, and it's actually going to be televised on UK tv, at a time when we can actually watch it!

We have a Stuey, two Fabians, and a Linus, plus Robert, Anders, Wouter and Daniele, who LLB always thought was Daniel EEEbennati, so we still pronounce it that way amongst ourselves.

There's quite a nice description of the course and tactics here, so now I am all ready for the event, and hoping that we don't have another accident-waiting-to-happen like this one from last year:

"Shoot that liddle dawg!"

I'm quite excited about watching a race live (we are still five days behind with our Tirreno footage, so don't tell me who won it!) as it actually happens, so hooray for Eurosport, more cycling coverage please, but NOT two races at once, it's just too tricky trying to watch them both and not get confused over who is in which race... being still in the middle of both Paris-Nice and Tirreno as we are, we've had to make ourselves crib-sheets with the names and numbers of our "pet" riders!

More good news - two more Schlecklanders! Welcome to Eva, and to another Kara, with fingers crossed that this Kara is not going to spend all her time in the Naughty Corner as our original Kara does...  This means I get to choose another pic of Our Glorious Leader:

With thanks to Mr Kemp at for permission to use it.

Good Tuftage, do we think?

More cycling news, if you can bear to concentrate on the words instead of Our Glorious Leader: the UCI - aaargh! my soul! my soul! - have until the 24th to appeal against Contador being let off.

Most of the cycling press seem to think that they will appeal, but there's not been any official word yet. I don't know how much it costs to mount an appeal, but it can't be cheap, and I'm thinking they won't appeal unless they are fairly certain of a win.

Unfortunately, a win is less likely now that another cyclist has also just been not-banned for having tested positive for clenbuterol: this is the case of Dutch mountain biker Rudi van Houts who said that he ate meat in Mexico which must have been how he accumulated 50 picograms of the stuff in his test - Conti had 30 picograms.

I say "unfortunately", which is a bit mean to both Conti and van Houts, but I am really having a problem with this whole issue.

On the one hand, if these two (and others) are innocent of taking any PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) then it's a good thing that their federations recognise that it's not always possible to check every single mouthful that you eat. And it's unreasonable to suggest that athletes - who generally eat high protein meat-stuffed diets - should have to have all their food supplies tested, or certified, or something.

But on the other hand, if there is anything the slightest bit dodgy going on, then athletes wanting to cheat will see this as a green light to go ahead and poison themselves with clenbuterol, knowing that they can claim innocent ingestion as their defence.

Difficult, isn't it?

As with many things in life, I guess that if there were an easy answer, someone would have done it by now.

Conti's legal team will no doubt casually mention van Houts' decision as supporting their case: they are also planning to point out how easy it is to buy clenbuterol. According to this report in BikeWorldNews,  they say it is "readily available to buy via the internet" and we know this to be true, having spotted it in an earlier blog entry being sold for weight loss.

I guess they are trying to make the point that the Bad Beef Producers can easily buy the stuff, even though it is banned for use in cattle.  Perhaps they don't quite appreciate the difference between fat women buying one bottle of the stuff to lose weight, and farmers buying additives by the sackload to dose up their entire herds... but we'll assume that they know what they are doing.

Well, finally for today, in case you are wondering why I haven't been quite as prolific this week as usual, it's all LEELU's fault (*points accusing finger*) for getting me interested in Twitter, which is now driving me demented and eating up my spare time. It's not as easy as you might have thought: thanks to the lessons from Auntie Leelu, I can now tweet (my last one concerned my washing machine, on the grounds that Leelu said "just talk about anything", heh heh heh) and I am starting to get my Lists organised.

Look, proof: note the subtle plugs for the blog, but apparently it's ok, you're allowed to do it.

I still can't work out how to filter out messages that are addressed to me that come in while I'm not online, and are therefore swamped amidst the general noise of incoming posts.

It seems quite rude that someone might say "hello" (don't ask me why), and I would never know about it:, so I wouldn't ever reply. Unless I just happen to be online at that very minute.

Perhaps the trick is that you wait until the person is tweeting, then quickly tweet them back?

Anyway, I said I'd give it five minutes - well, actually, I said that I would never last longer than  five minutes, same thing really - and it's been three minutes and 50 seconds, so I'll stick with it a bit longer... come and say hello if you have a Twitter account, and the best time to catch me is early in the morning - 7am GMT - and late afternoon. And no, I'm not using txtspk!


  1. *evil laugh* you're done for now, CG!! Once you start tweeting about washing machines, there's no turning back!! ;P

    Just click on the 'mentions' tab and you can see any tweets that mention you or replies to you. Didn't I explain that bit?? Sorry, a tad remiss of me!!

    I just watched Chasing Legends. I must say, Andy's tuftage was looking very tufty too! :)

  2. Ah!- so now I know why when I said Hi to you, I got no reply till like the next day :O, thats just not good enough!! ;). BTW and im agreeing with Leela, Andy's tuft in this picture is very nice and his lips and that hint of an overbite, ok now im getting distracted!!
    *Wonders off to look for Andy in my PJ's*

  3. LOL at both of you, you bad influences, you!

    Nim, I'm so sorry for having neglected you, I hope that I am now forgiven. Leelu has now trained me to check messages first, then check my "mentions" tab.

    Now I'm working on getting my Lists sorted out so I can see what my LuxAngels (top tier of Fangirls, very exclusive, heh heh) are up to before I get swamped in the Timeline thingy.

    Mind you, I'm only on it for 20mins early in the morning, and a bit in the afternoon, and not at all over the weekend... unless possibly I try this Tweet-while-watching-a-Race suggestion, ooer, bit worrying. Sanremo here we come!


  4. PS Nim, did you mean "wanders off", or were you just swamped in "wonder" at finding a Schleck in your PJs?

    Can't be as bad as having to tackle a clawed, fanged KangERoo in the kitchen, with only a baseball bat for protection...


  5. Did Leela also tell it's very addictive... And very dangerous for sweet little innocent girls, like us... Look at me, once so sweet and innocent, now spoilt :P
    Anyway, I love Tufty Andy's picture :D and also the blog gets love from me ;P


  6. Dearest Coug, now you soon have to go to another rehab... But don't worry, you're not alone then because a lot of us would be better of going there.

    A little present for comfort:

  7. Oh yes Twitter during a race is fun! Very exciting. And if you can't wait a race, you get a feel for whats going on by checking twitter :)

    Eva, I have one word for you... NURSE! You can't claim to be innocent ;)

  8. LMAO Emily - "NURSE"!! Eva you are so not innocent!! ;P

    Coug, you'll be happy to know the KangERoo infestation is back under control!!

  9. Boo-urns, boo-urns (from that classic Simpsons episode "A Star is Burns", in which Mr. Burns asks if he's being booed by the audience, and his lackey Mr. Smithers says, "No, they're saying, Boo-urns, Boo-urns!"

    I hope you don't get too addicted to twitter Coug, some* of us REFUSE to join the 21st century, and think word limits, and internet shorthand, is like Orwell's nightmare of newspeak from 1984 come true.

    *Okay, some people means just me, and the rest of the population with no internet access.

  10. For those of us not fortunate enough to have Eurosport, GazzetaTV etc, the fromsport website usually has a few live streams of the races (which is good, because when one links freezes and crashes hopelessly, you can move on to the next one :P)


  11. CG Here is the promised link:

  12. Oh I see what you are talking about, I was way too distracted by the massive oil can he is carrying and lost in his face that I forgot to check out the rest of his body :O. It is a strange 'spot' on his leg, but yeah, probably not a tattoo. Here are my ideas:
    1.This 'wild flesh' growth might be an indication of him going through metamorphosis and about to become a new ANDY!. Its how it always begins, A little spot just below the knee and then BAM- before you know it you'll be looking at a new person.
    2. It could possibely be the hickey, that 'happend' when , you know Andy was over at my house- I cant remember the exact deatils of what happend, but the more I think about it,something about PJ's and knees and legs and lips.. hmmm.. (HAHA, Eva is not the only 'not so innocent' one around here)
    OH and if you zoom into the picture (not that I was doing it or anything), this mysterious 'spot' is in the shape of heart, awwwww, more reason to believe it was a hickey.
    I rest my case ;)

  13. Thanks Barbara, for that link: oh yes, look, a very-nearly-heart-shaped scar. Awww! Andy, pet, you didn't need to keep it, I was only playing around with that felt pen....

    (Oh Nim (*shocked face*) you and your hickey! You and your PJs!)

    Pity none of my many scars have ever taken on such in interesting shape...

    Figgy, if it makes you feel better, I couldn't manage to Tweet and watch at the same time, I had to ask permission of Auntie Leelu to turn it off and concentrate on the racing! So no, I won't be addicted to it.. (*rushes off to Twitter to see what's going on...)

    And jolly exciting it was too! Go Stuey! Go Fabu! Great work, boys! I was so pleased to see Stuey just making it into the Top 10, he worked so hard on that last section: and Fabian was just amazing, considering he's not a sprinter.

    Our next race on UK TV looks like being Gent-Wevelgem next Sunday, and hopefully we'll finish the P-N and Tirreno footage as well.

    Leelu, glad to hear that the KangERoos are under control, now you just have the WallIBEES to worry about...


  14. Milan-Sanremo was exciting indeed! And I had the same problem as you with Tirreno-Adriatico and Paris-Nice: I couldn't remember who-was racing-where!

    Now I have a little, innocent question for you: we have two new Schlecklanders. Doesn't that mean that you're allowed to post TWO pics of our Glorious Leader? Pleeeeaaaase? (*puppy eyes*)

    Talking about Twitter: I've just read that Hippi has made it back home! Oh, I'm so happy! Thanks to everyone who helped him on his way back home! And nice pic of the Rocca, Coug!

  15. Girls, especially Nim and CG, you really do have a lot of fantasy.
    That poor boy got this thing from his fall in stage 2 in Belgium and he's been putting on bandages for months there after. I even saw a plaster on that spot when he was in CuraƧao. Instead of (imagening) giving hickeys or felt-pen drawings, you'd better do as me and put a nice soft ointment on the (still) sore spot every evening and morning. He really appreciates that.

  16. Hehe... thanks for the welcome :) Hope it doesn't create too much confusion :P Nice hair Andy! Feel free to post another photo as Fede said! :D

  17. Kara(lala)! :) And hi to other Kara! Who I originally thought was this Kara and was under that impression for months and now I'm left wondering what references I've made to Kara in comments that were actually for Karalala! Phew, Schleckland just got confusing! :P

    Agreed - 2 new followers = 2 new photos of Andy, Coug! I think you should make up for this by posting 2 extra photos! ;)

    WallIBEES?? Who knew living in Canberra could be so dangerous?! *gets out the baseball bat*


  18. Oh, didn't you know? WallIBEES are terrible pests, they bite, kick, box, and fly around in swarms. And eat all the Paddle-pops as well. Beasts.

    Hey Karalara (my version of your name!)glad you made it!

    I've checked the Andyhab Rule Book, it suggests that if I shouldn't be allowed new pics of Our Glorious Leader for a new follower if I have just a follower. Huh, anyone would think they were concerned about me telling people to unfollow and then re-follow! However, I'm going to be Wild and Weckless and see if I can find another nice one. Maybe tonight.

    Milano-Sanremo was great! I'm so happy to have seen a race in real time! And it was strange and pleasant to think that I was exchanging Tweets with Leelu and Nim from pretty much the other side of the world, while we were all watching the same thing. Awesome!

    Yesterday LLB and I watched last-but-one day of Paris-Nice, cor, that was pretty thrilling too. Only one more day of that and about 5 of Tirreno to go....

