Sunday 13 March 2011

Race Radios

There is a rumour in the peloton that certain teams are finding ways to circumvent the forthcoming ban on race radios:

Do you think anyone would notice?

I'm currently catching up on the Paris-Nice footage, and David Harmon, commentating, keeps relaying messages they've received saying how much more interesting the race is, without radios. And he keeps saying "and the funny thing is, that they are indeed wearing radios!"

This makes me think that a lot of people don't actually know what they are talking about.

My opinion? I've only really followed pro-cycling since post-radio days, I'm perfectly happy with the level of excitement and spontaneity that I see, so I'd like to see them continue.

However, the UCI are in charge (no matter what we may think about them) and if they want to take radios away, then we have to do what they say. I can see that point that without radios it's harder for one team to control the peloton, and that without them there would be a lot more to-ing and fro-ing, which might be seen as more exciting.

But I really don't like the idea of the team cars having to butt their way into the peloton to give orders to riders. That seems ludicrous!

So, a middle course? How about allowing the Road Captains to have the radio, but not the rest of the team. I think that this way, the Road Captain would be informed of problems and guided in tactics by the DS - who has a much better overview of the race - but it would be up to him to choose how and when to relay information  to the rest of the team.

While we think about that, a little light relief: what do we think this little peasant lady is thinking as she admires Andy Schleck's bottom?


  1. Actually that is a really good idea about the race radio... at least it's a compromise!

    LOL peasant lady is thinking she'd like to fatten Baby Schleck up a little before she has her way with him! ;O

  2. Lady: Tsk, he'd be so much better off riding a 58cm frame with a shorter stem and 30mm post setback.

  3. ROFL!

    Leelu, very good, I should have seen that for myself: I don't think he'd survive the experience otherwise, would he?

    Kara, is there any reason why you don't have a blog? I sometimes think it would be a great deal funnier than mine!!


  4. "One of the cool side to have a press accreditation is that small brochure about the race they give you with maps, timetables and also... teams hotels."

    What, the one available for anyone to download off the official website? Still, let's not let that get in the way of mentioning press accreditation yet again!

    I'm so mean. Off to the naughty corner I go.

  5. I've banned myself from having a blog Coug, I'd get myself into too much trouble.

    What are you talking about? (That's my new favourite phrase after reading Jens' open letter), I could never be funnier than you!

  6. Oh no, not Italian Stalker Girl. Why does she think she would be a better DS than the people who have been working in the sport for years? Obviously they're not going to say, "Wegman sucked and we did everything wrong today" on their official website.

    At least there are a few comments - although not very nice ones :P

  7. I know what I'd be thinking if I was the peasant lady ;), but it would not be appropriate to say it out loud :P

  8. Oh, Nim! (*shocked look*) Get thee hence to the naughty corner! Oh, and just take this basket of cakes to Kara, would you, she's taken up permanent residence there....

    It is becoming quite hilarious to read the Leopard Trek "spin" after each race, but honestly, what else could they say? It's not only team morale, it's sponsor happiness as well - they have to stay calm and cool to avoid panic behind the scenes.

    Not that there would be any panic: any new team will take a year to "shake down", and besides which, it is still very early in the season. Sky took a while to get it together - I did think that Leopard Trek would have an easier time of it than any other new team, as they have a big core of 12 or so riders that have already ridden together. However, I think they have rather more of a spotlight on them than most other new teams!

    Kara, such a shame you won't have a blog, I'd sign up to it!! Your technical reply had me spluttering, wish I'd thought of it (darn!)!

    And yes, OK, at the risk of being shoved back into Andyhab, I think my comment would have been something along the lines of "nom nom nom". Or possibly Tiptop.

    I still haven't quite caught up with all the race footage, it's maddening having two races taped and not enough time to watch them!


  9. Linda, I have deleted your comment, kindly don't try to get me and the Schlecklanders involved in your private war. In fact, please email me, I have some comments I'd like to discuss with you.

    Cece sent in a very good comment but for some reason it's gone into "spam": the gist of it concerns the wrongness of dissing someone on their own blog. If you don't like what they are saying, just don't read it!

    I completely agree, and I would further say that I don't want her dissed/discussed on here any more either, if you don't mind: I think we all know what we think about her, and there's nothing more to be gained by repeatedly pointing out her shortcomings.

    For the sixth and final time, I am never going to read her blog again. It's very kind of some of you to keep me updated with what she's saying, but I really don't need to know, thanks, and I'd rather not be reminded of it!

    Schlecklander Rule number 3: We Will Not Mention Scary Stalker Again.

    (I'm sure you all remember Rule 1 and Rule 2 so I won't remind you of them!)


  10. Sorry Coug. Please delete my comment above (the one with the quote) too, and this one, then I won't mention anything about it on here again. Kx

  11. Yeah, I'm sorry too, Coug. There's no need to mention it again.

  12. D'aaaw, you guys, (*big hugs*) it's ok, 'nuff said.

    Well, you'll be pleased to know that I've been working again today (yay!) and I have four broken fingernails to show for it. That'll teach me to cut them, when they start getting too long!

    Wups, I am on twitter now, is that the sort of thing I ought to be saying there? (*rushes off to sign in and Tweet*)

