Wednesday 1 June 2011

My All Time Fave Andy Schleck Photo

That's it, I can retire now.

This is it: my favourite Andy Schleck photo. It can never be beaten.

It's wonderful. It says everything there is to say about this guy:

1) He's young
2) He's kinda cute
3) He's game for a laugh
4) He's ever so slightly geeky
Which adds up to:
5) (or technically, 10) He's adorable. Although in this photo, about 12 years old.

Figgy, thank you more than words can say for finding this photo and sharing it with the rest of us.


  1. I have to say that, although he is cute, he is so weird that it frightens me.

    It sort of looks like he's doing very weird skiing exercises. And that he really has to pee.

  2. And he's so youuuuuunngggg! Just a puppy! (Oh dear, we'd better put some newspaper down on the floor then.)

    And his hair! No proper tuftage!

    But so cute!

    (*slightly over-excited*)

  3. It does sort of look like he's gliding along an invisible Nordic Track ski machine, or doing his take on the Monster mash:

    Susanne, I think you've made a very important observation, "he's so weird that it frightens me". Personally, I think this is half the charm of Andy. It scares me how much I like him, because he IS weird :P

    Coug, what else would I do with my research "skills" when I'm not in school? I'm delighted to share the fruits of my time-wasting hobbies.

  4. Coug, he's not 12 in this picture (LOL). The picture was from last year or the year before!
    Fig, what did you do with Fränk? He was also part in this "Egyptian Reggae" (@Jonathan Richman) dance.

  5. barbara, I believe you're thinking of this photo by Jesse Wild:

    Coug, I remember you mentioned some time ago that no one picks flowers in your garden, but surely you'd make an exception in this case:

  6. Awww so cute, he wasn't old enough to have proper tuftage then.

  7. LOL Coug, this photo was only taken in 2009! He's not 12! ;P

    Although he does look cute... and goofy!

  8. Er, am I the only one that thought that Coug meant that he was 12 as a figure of speech, and not literally? *shrugs* He's 24 here, but he does look like a gangling teenager.

    So at the Schleck rate of growth / development, he'll look like he's in his 20's by the time he approaches his 40's.

  9. Haha, awesome!

  10. Fig, you completely, utterly, awesomely etc. impressed me!!!!! WOW!!!! Speechless for the rest of thhe night.

  11. i just love the name of the picture when I saved it - 'Andy Schleck being a prat' bahahahahahahha!!!

  12. Ooops, should say "Andy Schleck Being A Puppy". Well, isn't he? Willing to do whatever the photographer says ("prance around a bit - er, wave your arms - er - pretend to be skiing, yes, that's good, now smile - er, smile more - no, smile less - open your mouth - no, close it a bit...") until we end up with strange photos like this one.

    Figgy, thanks for the link to the Egyptian Reggae photo, that is actually one of my very favourite photos, I think it shows the nice relationship the two of them have, and again, how totally comfortable they are with fooling about, and not caring how daft they look!

    And yes, "12 years old" was indeed a figure of speech. He's in Saxo kit, so that puts him very firmly within a time window - I'm not daft, you know! (Weeeeelll,, maybe a little.)

    And yes, I think I'd let him pick the flowers in my garden. Just that once. Figs, we're so glad to share the fruits of your research, keep 'em coming!

    Oh, and another reason for the strange titling of photos is SEO - probably half the "strangers" coming to this blog come from searching for photos, rather than from normal googling. So that's why the photos have long captions now, with Andy's name in them! There, now you know.

  13. I thought it was a hilarious picture name :) quite a British saying I think... hahah :D he looks so goofy :)
