Thursday 24 February 2011

The Tufty Collection

Daa-daah!  Fanfare of trumpets, it's the Tufty Collection!

Yes, lead by our fashionista, the lovely Leelu (chorus of "Graeme Brown?" from all around and much Cougarish giggling), it has been decreed that Tufts Are Back for this season, yay!

Photo: Gerry Schmit.  Haircut: knife and fork
At the very start of the year, there was terrible news: Andy Schleck had a really brutal haircut for the Leopard-Trek presentation.

I mean, look at it!!

Where are all the floppy bits?

Where is the length on top, required to be pulled through the helmet by Jakob with a crochet hook?

Where are the cute sticky-out bits round the back?

No wonder he looked such a glum bunny for most of the time.

Andy, pet, go back to the old hairdresser, would you? This new one is a bit too drastic.

So, with fear and trembling, we wondered if we would ever see such wonderful Tufti-ness as we had in former days.

However, in an exclusive interview with our Schleckland reporter, Leelu confirmed the following:

"Ladies, the verdict is in and yes the tufty squirrel look is making a comeback to the peloton for 2011. The trend is taking off, but the fashion-conscious-cyclist should take note not to 'over-do' it."

Pausing only to chug a bottle of beer, shear a sheep and reverse her pick-up truck over a cardboard cut-out of Alberto Contador, the charming, elegant, leopard-ear-wearing  Leelu  continued "The tufty squirrel should be subtle and preferably worn with a smile."

Examples were given, to demonstrate the correct usage of Tufts, and - brace yourselves - there was even a demonstration of How To Over-Do Tuftage.  Yes, shocking!

Firstly, we have the Side-Tuft.

As is clearly visible in this shot, the Tuft is pulled through the helmet and laid gently to one side.

Gentleman in the peleton can of course choose if they are going to dress their Tuft to the left or to the right.

(Eli, stop sniggering, I can hear you all the way down here.)

Product may be applied to hold the Tuft at the chosen angle: we recommend J. Fuglsang as stocking the widest range of product.

Next we have The Scruff: not every member of the peleton will be able to achieve this look, it is essential to combine random Tuftage, copious amounts of sweat,  and some glorious back-lighting.

NB it may not always be possible to achieve this level of lighting when actually cycling, but bribing the camera-bike to shine a headlamp on you might help.

This is, of course, only to be attempted at UCI 1.1 or 2.1 races, where race radios are - at the time of writing - still allowed to be worn.

Here we have the UpDo, showing great root-lift and excellent styling.

A Danish henchman is almost essential for this style.

Please note the effect of extra Tuftiness emerging from the back of the helmet - yes! Those flowing locks are growing back at last! (Either that, or Andy's having extensions: well, you have to do something with all that stuff you fish out of the plug-hole.)

Aha! The Mohawk!

Only for the most serious TuftyMen, this effect is very difficult to pull off, and requires continuous adjustment to maintain the crest effect.

Again, product may be required.

This is also, as Leelu commented, a perfect example of a Tufty Squirrel worn with a smile.

Now a word of warning: How Not To Do The Tufty Squirrel.

Too much!

Too much!

And too grey!!!!!!

I'm not even mentioning the patch of what appears to be pink bare skin showing through the left-hand "nostril" hole, shudder.

Returning quickly to better things, back to Our Andy:

This contribution is from Kara, and as she comments, could possibly be considered borderline "overdoing it", but as it's accompanied by a smile, well, we'll allow it, just this once.

Actually that could well be a grimace of pain, rather than a smile...

... but it demonstrates a masterful use of the Tuft, with equal distribution and very neat placement.


 Some riders are born Tufties: some learn how to acquire The Tuft: some, alas, can never attain true Tuftiness.

Here, Our Andy demonstrates Ultimate Tuftiness while casually blowing his nose, while poor Boring Bertie Contador labours behind, bereft of Tufts, with flat, boring (probably greasy) hair.  Not that I'm biaised against him or anything, noooooo.

"Admiring my rear, ladies?"

"Nooo, not us, we're just admiring your Tuftiness, honest!"

Here, Unndy demonstrates Total Tuft, including back hair, Mohawk and Random Tuftage.

And my final thought on the subject for the moment: this is another reason to hate TimeTrial button mushroom helmets, which utterly ruin all attempts at Tuftiness.


  1. *sniggers* I can't help it. I really can't. :O

  2. This was the best post EVER! I am crying with laughter at my desk right now! :'D

  3. Oh sorry, forgot to sign my name!


  4. D'aaw, Leelu, it was your idea! Glad you liked it.

    As for you Tiz..... (*pulls mock fierce face*)


  5. Hi Coug- you are back. Its taken me a while to discover your new blog. Yay made my day...

    I used to dislike the Schlecks in a former life when I loved Cadel Evans( I know I'm Aussie and thought he was normal until I discovered he was a bit of a violent psychopath who is a wheel hugger). Anyways the only way I could identify baby Schleck was all his tufts etc sticking through and I would think 'who has hair like that-get a haircut dude'.

    It wasn't until 2010 TDF when Cadel once again proved he is never going to win that I saw Uundy being interviewed that I realised beneath that mop of tufts was a new perve for me to enjoy whilst watching cycling.
    Not that I'm fickle and only go for tall skinny dudes with a chin dimple and overbite, short front incisor, deep european voice and a penchant for perving on silicone enhanced tatas of podium girls!Nah it was all about his personality truly....
    And I agree -keep the locks long. The severe haircut was not flattering to our glorious leader. Ce Ce

  6. Off topic, but here in Lux, THIS is the buzz this week:

    If you don't read French, it is about how a Big Local Sponsor of Leopard Trek cut salaries for it's employees. People are MAD!

  7. Ffffff! (*sharp intake of breath*) oh dear, the Lux people didn't like that, did they? But what polite angry comments your fellow countrymen make!

    My favourite must be:
    "on n'est jamais content
    et ben pour habiller st pierre il faut bien deshabiller st paul ....."

    The first bit is "we are never content", I can get that for myself, but Google tells me the second bit is "bin and to dress it must be St Pierre St Paul undress ....."

    An explanation of that expression would be very welcome, please!

    Hi CeCe, I don't think I remember you from Schleckland (*scratches head*) (*oh dear, another splinter*) but welcome back, anyway. So glad to hear that you've grown out of Cuddles, and his ridiculous squeaky voice, not to mention the made-out-of-plasticine face....

    I don't think you can call it "perving" to be a 25-year-old bloke distracted by hugely inflated tatas - for heaven's sake, I had to look twice at the Amstel frontage, and I'm a girl!

    Just to worry you, I did find a photo of the two of them together, and Frankie was the one with the tufts.... so you can't rely on the tufts for identification.

    But we know that we can rely on Our Glorious Leader to be polite, calm and well-mannered at all times... and I'm so looking forward to the first photos of him greeting Conti in public for the first time.

    Will they hug? Will one slap the other in the face? Will it be big kisses and tears all round? (I do hope not...)(Eli I can see that face you're pulling...) Anyone know where they're likely to run into each other?

    Oh, and has anyone noticed, Unndy has given up Twittering, hooray! Ah, he'll do anything for me, sigh. Joking! Joking!


  8. Back hair? Can we refer to this another way? Haha.

    Ahhh the chin dimple, my husband will never understand why this is attractive... Great summarization there Ce Ce, although I don't think he has a preferencec for silicone enhanced, any set will do for him ;)

    The hair seemed unfortunate for much of the off-season. I think he's shown during his CSC days that he can pull off a shorter hair cut, but that cut at the presentation was just awful, but wasn't it rainy that day? ANYHOW, speaking of the younger CSC days, back then Andy seemed to understand that he can't really grow sideburns, now he insists on having them and I personally find them scraggly most days and I'd rather see him without them... curious what others think, on tumblr I seem to be alone in my dislike of the sideburns.

  9. LOl! Emily, I'm with you on the sideburn issue, if I had any influence in the matter I'd get him to cut them off sharply at least half-way up the ear. They're so - er - fuzzy, and, er - unlike head hair. That's all I can say on the subject.

    By the way, Emily, did you see Hippi sitting on your knee? I've just updated his adventures, he's nearly home... but not quite there yet.

    PS Am suffering - I've just cut my hair, and oh dear, I've done the front just a leetle tiny bit too short...aaaargh! Anyone know how to make a short fringe look longer?

  10. Coug, yes I did enjoy my visit from Hippi. I really love that photo you've chosen of me, back when my hair was much longer and blonder :) Anyone else have Smelly Cat stuck in their heads?

    OK good you completely understand the sideburn issue! Maybe we can pass around a petition and send it over to Mr. Schleck.

    As for the hair, I've read the trick is to use headbands or barretts until your hair grows. I generally fail at pulling this off and I wonder if it makes me look younger or if I look like a crazy 30 something wishing to recapture her youth (which I am , I just don't want to look it).

  11. Oh, how I do love Google Translate. It is often incredible poetry. I enjoyed that in the live blog of the Ruta del Sol, Ventoso (the rider) had his name translated as Windy or Breezy, seemingly at random. Lovely.

    Anyway, Coug, I'm pretty sure that the saying in the US is "rob Peter to pay Paul." In England as well? My french is utterly rudimentary and inadequate but it looks like the literal translation is something about taking the clothes off of St Pierre in order to put clothes on St Paul." I hope someone will confirm my take on this. If so, THIS is a phrase I'm stashing away or when it's really needed!

    Loving the tufts. But, I'm a dissenter on the sideburns - I think they look fab. Betraying my roots in 1970's California, I suspect.

  12. Isn't Contador only racing in Spain for now? Andy will be in a race there (GP Almeria) on the 27th, but am not so sure about Conti. In my mind, it would be totally awkward, but I imagine Andy would be his usual cool and calm self.

    PeeDee, I like the sideburns too or as I prefer to call them, fledgling muttonchops. I sort of like how the hair is curly and messy. Mmm, ok, that doesn't sound very convincing. :p Maybe it has something to do with California.

    I do vote for longer hair, more flattering with more tuft styling options. This post is a gem, BTW. Wish I had more time to hang out and comment here!

  13. Hey PeeDee! Of course, yes, we have that expression over here as well. It sounds a bit racier though, to undress St Peter in order to dress St Paul, n'est pas? (wish I were French, sigh...)

    Oh PeeDee, you hippy, you! Did you wear bell-bottoms and a flower in your hair? Or was that San Francisco? I'm far too young to remember the 70s (*coughs loudly to cover hoots of laughter*) or at least, being honest, I do remember Glam Rock and platform soles. I had a pair once with 6.5" heels, what a sight I must have been, running for the bus...

    Emily, I'm not sure what barretts are, I'm assuming they are some sort of hair clip? I put the word into Google Images and got lots of revolting medical (mainly pink, ugh) pics, plus a lot of Trent Barretts bottom. I kid you not.

    Right, I'm off for the weekend, keep those comments stacking up, along with suggestions for other topics for me to cover - thanks again to Leelu for generating this one!


  14. Gnasher! We crossed! Glad to hear you're enjoying the posts. We miss you! Comment more!


  15. Hello again, your post made me laugh out loud,
    love you always find the most important thing
    now has hair and hairstyle never been something
    to take lightly..
    Again thanks for a wonderful post.

  16. I think Fabian and Bernie should help do Andy's hair because they are the kings of peloton style. But only if I could watch. :)
    Eli x

  17. Regarding the sideburns- I apologise and say I actually don't mind them but my experience is that guys who have them tend to be losing their head hair..It seems to be a compensation mechanism- going bald so will cutlivate big hairy caterpillars on side of face to distract..Some pics suggest Unndy is getting a bit thin on top but it could be Jakob seeking revenge with the crochet hook!

  18. Tiptop post CG, thanks! Thanks to Leela/lu for the idea & contributions too, I just knew the fashionista nomination would work out well *mucho thunderous applause and cries of 'more'*!

    Emily you do not stand alone on the sideburn issue! I loathe and destest sideburns of any shape & size, as CG and others might recall I even suggested CG should take her topiary shears over to Luxembourg but she made some excuse about an expired passport, and besides I think this will be a full-time position considering the speed those things grow.

    PeeDee you've just put an image in my mind of Andy dressed in full 70's garb with his great big overgrown sideboards. Maybe someone could pass that along as a suggestion for the team outfits at the Tour of California press conference? Cancellara with flowers in his hair, anyone?

    Coug next time you feel like doing a 'collection' as a blog entry, how about one on Andy's enormous watches? (Though - in the name of research of course - maybe I'd better look at a few pictures in the meantime to check it isn't just the same watch every time...!) By the way not that it's any of our business but with all this disappearing at weekends I'm starting to wonder if you lead a secret double life?

  19. Here's Andy greeting Alberto for the first time since it all kicked off:

    Natasha was right, Andy was his usual cool self (while surreptitiously giving a clenched fist gesture or a one-fingered salute depending which hand you look at).

    [Either that or it's an old photo from when they both competed in the "Mr Worst Shorts in the Universe" competition.]

  20. No Kara, that's a picture of 2009 Curaçao (Amstel Gold Race)!!!

    It's not true that having sideburns make you turn bald sooner. My father used to have them for quite a long time and after 30 years or so he's still got a lot of hair.

    CG, why did I disappear at your followers list again?

  21. Eeeek.... it was just a send-up!

    Please tell me you didn't think I was being serious!

    Or worse, that I wouldn't recognise a picture of Andy from Curaçao when I saw one, after the amount of, erm, 'research' I've done on the topic.

    Anyway must dash. Nordic Ski World Championships & all. Speaking of which does anyone know if Stefan Denifl is at all related to Willi Denifl? (I know they're not brothers).

  22. OMG- THIS POST IS HILARIOUS!! its past midnight here and I can not stop laughing when I should really be going to sleep!!. LMAO!!! I love the extensive analysis you have done with Tufts ;) and agree with you 100% on all accounts, our Andy sure knows how to pull it off, with style. And with Andy and tufts drifting around in my head, I go off to sleep ;)

  23. @Kara I thought the same about Willi Denifl! And it's good to see that I'm not the only one outside Norway watching ski. You're not Norwegian, are you?

    This is my fist comment on your blog, but I hope it's not the last one :) I love your blog and I stop by almost every day.


  24. I agree that Andy wears huge watches but then he does have very skinny arms.He seems to have a few so probably gets given them by sponsors. Big watches seem to be the fashion for sports men. At least he doesn't wear on each wrist like some celebs do.

    Did anyone see the post on cycling news that Unndy allegedly lost his Lux vehicle license for going 40kms over the speed limit on the 11th of Feb. Not sure if true..naughty boy if is...

  25. Hey CeCe, don't be to hard on Unndy breaking the speed limit, he was just rushing to get back to me -joking! Joking!! Perhaps he had a collection of enormous watches on his lap and it weighed his leg down, making him press the pedal harder...

    Yes, it's true, I live a double life: if you count going into Andyhab and having bright lights shone into my eyes while a voice drones "you are waaay too old for him, you are waaaay too old for him".

    Kara, I loved your photo, good interpretation of the hand gestures - well spotted!

    Nim, I now have a picture of you trying to go to sleep with a circle of Tufty Tufts going round your head - you know, the way that little birds do when a cartoon character is hit on the head with a frying pan. Presumably instead of "chirp chirp" sounds, you get "tick tock" sounds, from the enormous watches?!

    Hi Ingrid, thanks for saying hello - I was watching some of the skeleton bob at Koenigssee on Sunday, now that is a scary thing to do. Do you watch that, too? Or just the Nordic skiing? I don't like the downhill much (I suspect that I only watch it for the falls) but I like watching the cross-country. I love the way the competitors (the female ones, this is) collapse at the finish line: due to their skis, they can't just plop down, they have to go onto their knees in a position known as "dead frog", which I find highly amusing. Best of all, though, is bob-sled, I am getting quite good at spotting skids and nodding in a knowledgeable way!

    Right, off to work now, see you all later,


  26. Strange... his tweet early that morning said he was off to visit Jens in Berlin. Not much of a visit if he was back in Lux before midnight?

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! Gotta dash but I'll be back later!

  27. Coug, what does Andyhab have to say about all these lovely pictures of Andy? Just wondering...

  28. Susanne, I guess I'm to blame for most of the pictures of lovely Andy in this post. Practically had to twist Coug's arm to post them ;)

    *whispers* I like Andy's sideburns...

  29. Leelu, you are a case! (slang expression in UK meaning slightly potty, in an affectionate way.) But thanks for backing me up on the "Leelu made me do it, honest!" front.

    And yes, Susanne, Leelu is to blame for me getting into trouble with my Andyhab Progress Officer, that's why I have to spend weekends being Re-Programmed. I tried to explain that now I have 17 followers, so that means 17 pictures, surely? But they didn't agree.

    I like the idea of me living a double life: yes, I am actually a Spy, at weekends I jump into my jet and do impressions of Sydney from Alias, ("Wig?" check. "New outfit?" check. "Complicated electronic gadget?" check. "Dixon: I'm in") then I parachute back early on Monday mornings in time to resume my "cover" as a gardener and blogger.

    Just to lend a touch of reality to this cover story, I would like to tell you all that I have spent 2 hours this morning doing annual pruning of some Living Willow fedges: my tiny hands are frozen, as are my feet, as is my bottom, so I came home to get warmed up. And I'm wearing thermal tee, thermal gloves, and thermal socks, with fur-lined waterproof boots ("Stylish AND sexy!") (not), plus the normal fleece/trousers/jacket etc. It's four degrees with howling, biting wind, and rain in the air. Brrrrr.

    I am now trying to get up the courage to go out again this afternoon, when all I want to do is get the feeling back in my rear, then stay in the nice warm house!

    PS Unndy has a new phone - does that mean he's changed his number? Might help him to shake off unwanted Stalkers, ha! ha!

  30. Oh, and Barbara, you haven't disappeared, you have just moved onto Page 2 of the list - it can only show 16 icons.

    I have no influence over what order the icons appear in!

    It appears that icons with a picture go first, then the ones with the silhouette, but they don't appear to be in a-z order, or in order of signing in, or anything!

    So don't panic, I haven't de-Schlecklander-ed you!


  31. Oh, it's all Leela's fault. Right :P

    Not that I'm complaining anyway. I think your reasoning is perfectly sensible. They sound pretty stuck up at that Andyhab, don't they?

  32. Yup! It's all Leelu's fault! (*smiles cheerfully*)

    Thank you for your support, I shall tell the people at Andyhab that you agree with my reasoning.

    But we mustn't make rude remarks about them, they are only doing their job (*mutters under breath*), and they keep telling me it is for my own good.

    And it wasn't all bad, we managed to watch most of Omloop Het Nieuwsblad (or "paper round" as it translates) although the stream went offline 3 kms from the end, which was somewhat frustrating: then on Sunday we managed to find a stream of K-B-L but the stream kept dropping out (I am sure there is a technical term for it) so we saw most of the race in what looked like really, really bad stop-motion: you know, like those old films with Jason and the Argonauts. Only on video. With vaseline smeared across the screen.

    "Hardly worth watching?" I hear you say - well, yes, but better than nothing! And the races were actually quite exciting - if anyone saw Oomloop, my favourite bit was where Pippo went the wrong way round some road furniture and ended up on the wrong carriageway: he had to ride across the grass, get off his bike, lift it over the barrier, climb over after it, get back on and pedal like mad - no doubt with a very red face from embarassment! Hilarious!

    Alas, so far no-one has put a clip of it on Yootoob.


  33. Nice view, bad music, but impressive:

    CG, you made my day that I still belong to the family! Sometimes I doubt myself.

    Kara, I really ;) thought you thought you found a picture of those two somewhere in Spain this year.

  34. Maybe he just planned to go to Berlin and then he drove a little too (> 40Kmh) fast and then his license was taken by the police and then he missed his plane and then his mother was so angry that she took his phone for a two weeks period. Sounds sensible, not?

  35. Barbara, thank you for posting the Bad Music video. It's incredibly frustrating not to be able to hear all of the interviews while the music swells but what I could hear was interesting. I wish there was a way to turn the damned music down but keep the voices there (since I can't read the subtitles). Ah, well, I'm still glad to have seen it.

    Coug and Kara, glad you liked the California references. And, Coug, um, if I remember the 70's, well, you do too, luv (trying my hand at the Brit vernacular). I certainly had bell bottoms and flowing blouses (and I did, indeed, grow up in San Francisco actually). But I never achieved the most important super straight blonde hair parted in the middle. Mine was and is auburn and wavy or curly or frizzy depending on the weather and it all looks terrible parted in the center. I do, however, have a tendency, for better or worse, to call people "dude" occasionally.


  36. Hey Barbara, you are back on the tiptop list after that video, thank you! As PeeDee says, it's very frustrating that they are talking in English but are drowned out by the music.

    (Which was very impressive music, not sure if we were supposed to cheer or cry!)

    Sporza seem to have a mean streak, they wouldn't let us watch the K-B-K race on Sunday just because we live in England - boo!

    Nice to see that Andy is still supportive of Contador, it's been a horrible experience for both of them. Although I understand that a lot of athletes who have been "caught" doing Clenbuterol are going to be furious, I now hope that WADA/UCI won't appeal: I just want it all to be over. But I suppose it won't be over until it is seen to be the "right" decision.

    At least Andy was smiling again! Looking tired, did we think? And no, Barbara, I don't think that his mummy took his phone away!!

    Yay, PeeDee, yeah, ok dude, I remember the 70s, but I was mostly still at school and I didn't get to wear trendy gear.

    Actually I can't say "dude" out loud and get away with it: being terribly terribly British, instead of coming out "dood" as it ought to, it comes out as "dew-ed" and sounds pretentious. Likewise I can't carry off "oh man!" There are times when I hate being British!

    Oh, and hey Eli, I'm sorry to have upset your friend, who referred to me as "that fangirl person" (*laughs tolerantly*) just because I was a bit rude about Bertie's hair! Or maybe it was me calling him Boring Bertie that did it? It seems quite a little thing, not enough to make her want to come over here and kick me, I was mostly joking! Tell her from me that truthfully, I think Conti has a lovely smile, and perhaps she might like this photo of him as a peace offering.


  37. Aww, Honey I'll let her know :) xxx

    eli x

  38. Ingrid: no, much to my eternal dismay I am not Norwegian (my plans to marry Bjørn Einar Romøren never quite worked out). I'm in the UK, and you?

    Cece, I didn't think of that, yes the skinny wrists probably do make the watch dials look bigger than normal! I'm still going to call attention to his big honkin' watches though, because it's fun. Yes I'm easily amused.

    I love that Andy's made it cool again to put "not" at the end of a sentence. Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent. Actually Andy would make a good Wayne - schwinggg! - but who'd be his Garth? Linus? Jakob?

    Barbara that Sporza video is quite a fun challenge, it's like a jigsaw puzzle piecing together the bits of English I can hear, the few bits of the subtitling I can understand and trying to lip read the rest! Frank's looking nice and tufty too I must say. Who here knows what the music is? I'd download that for my trail runs. Sounds like something from a movie score, not that I'd know because I've only seen about five movies in my life (including Wayne's World) and it wasn't one of those.

    I've just seen a couple of pics from the Enovos press conference today and Cougs we've got a bit of a sideburn emergency on our hands.

  39. I don't think you could get any better Garth to Andy's Wayne (why does this suddenly sound wrong?!) than Frankie! ;)


  40. Hi!

    I'm the anonymous Berto fangirl person who got irrationally mad and ranted where she didn't think she'd get caught. Ooops. I doubted anyone else but Eli would notice and I'm sorry, I did not mean to offend.

    I'm glad that you gave a little bit of thought to might have set me off re: the Alberto comments. I really don't want to kick you or anyone else, we are all allowed to like and dislike whoever we want, for whatever reasons we feel like. I guess that I overreacted because there's so much Alberto slander going on everywhere and I know I should not let it get to me but sometimes I'm too pissed off and it comes through.

    Honestly, I did not mean to offend, I had no idea you'd see my comment and yeah... I accept the peace offering gladly. Thank you.


  41. Alina, hi and welcome! You must be thrilled with that "26 out of 28 travellers from China had levels of clenbuterol" report: it really makes your man's case a lot stronger, doesn't it?

    And hey, forget it, passion is always to be admired. And you are absolutely right, there is far too much Alberto-slagging going on. (*whispers: stay away from Scary Stalker's blog - you won't like it!*) I'm not offended at all, you are quite right, we are a bit "girly" over here. But if you feel the need for some light relief, you are welcome here any time.

    Kara, my pet, where are these pictures? I've just rushed to Google and found nothing new, I must be looking in the wrong place. But I have my long-handled loppers ready for any sideburn emergency, just point me in the right direction.

    Or did you mean that they've overdone the shaving? Ooer!


  42. Thank you for the welcome. I might just hang around here now and then, to get the Andy love back. Because I did love him a lot back in the day, so much so that I was actually wondering whom to cheer for most during TdF 2010. But many things have changed since.

    Aww, calling Alberto my man... *pets* I don't follow the case and all the things connected to it with much diligence, but I do peruse articles and yeah, any good news is welcome. I'm not exceedingly optimistic and it really sucks to root for someone who is in this uncertain situation. I would not wish it on any fan of anyone and the athlete himself/herself. This might excuse the extra bitchiness, maybe. I hope. :)

    I usually take everything in good fun and not personally, so once again, my apologies. Name calling is not what I should be doing, considering what I do with my spare time (i.e. writing shashfic) You could just as easily go ewwww! and sling some mud my way. So, peace, yes?

    And thanks for the quick reply, too.


  43. Peace, of course! (*big hug*)

    You have good timing, I'm not usually on line for any length of time, but you picked a good evening - I'm trying to streamline the design a bit, in case you wondered why things keep moving around. (don't tell me you hadn't even noticed, sobs theatrically.)

    Of course it's hard when the one you cherish is under attack, we get our share of it with Andypants: have you heard the phrase "adorkable"? On the one hand I want to throw things every time I hear it, but on the other hand... he is a teeny tiny bit geeky, don't you think? But adorable nonetheless.

    Alberto is so yours! Here, you can have my share of him as well (*pushes armful towards you*).

    Whups, it's bedtime for me, enjoy burning all that midnight oil, all you lot in Luxembourg, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, France, Romania (that's you!) and the Netherlands who are reading right now: heavens, what time zone are you lot on? Or do you not have to get up at 6am as I do? Either way, have a nice night one and all!


  44. In the video there's not much support for Bertie anymore. It's more that they hope they can race against him, but only when he's truly cleared (zwart of wit > black or white).

    I think it's the BBC who started to block some programmes for foreign countries. E.g. here in Holland we suddenly aren't able to watch older programmes anymore via internet. The (only) explanation I found that it is because the British don't want to pay tv-tax for other Europeans, because they show no commercials. It's all (BBC,Sporza and probably more) about childish protectionism and is not in support of the people who want and could do well with quality programs.

    I found the pictures about the not-new kit presentation, but can't remember where. I think tomorrow they'll be around everywhere. I don't think they're very special though.

  45. There is definately a sideburn emergency in the kit presentation pics. It puzzles me how Andy can be so gorgeous on one occasion and look horrendously dorky in others. Has anyone noticed how long, narrow and flat his feet are? I'm liking the brown shoes but somehow the whole look is not really complimenting our glorious leaders best assests...

    Alina I am going to say that bertie can't be to bad if he breeds little fluffy birdies in his spare time--unless he is using them to experiment what is a traceable dose of banned substance in their blood. Bad Bertie/poor fluffy canaries!!!

  46. Leela (don't know whether to call you Leela or Leelu on here now!), I dunno, isn't Frank a bit too mature and sensible to be a Garth?

    Hi Alina! Seems I've missed something (not unusual) but do stay & join the fun. I expect a few of us here may have been through one of our faves being under some sort of suspicion. Certainly anyone who's been a Schleck fan for a while will know. I'm going to google shashfic in a minute to find out what that is.

    Coug did you find some pics from yesterday? There are some on Schleckfans and some on the Lux newspaper websites. There was also a pretty good segment on Eurosport News this morning, I nearly choked on my toast and marmite when they stopped reporting on football for a few minutes to give us some Schlecksiness. There were scenes of the world's press assembled, waiting with baited breath for this very special adding-of-a-small-logo-to-the-kit. Andy was interviewed but I have no idea what he said because I was distracted by the messy sideburns, then Frank spoke and I have no idea what he said either and it was nothing to do with sideburns. It's a good thing I'm not a reporter, eh? Then it cut to some scenes of the boys eating cocktail sausages on sticks (or something like that). Then just when I thought we were going back to the yawnsome football coverage, we got another cycling feature on Cav (wearing a very fetching red top). If only every day could start with such pleasures.

    Cece it may just be me but if Andy was Hollywood-style-perfect all the time I wouldn't like him anywhere near as much as I do. I may joke about the sideburns and occasional wardrobe malfunctions etc but I wouldn't change a thing. OK, enough of that before I get carried away (by men in white coats).

    46 comments here! Great reading - thanks CG and everyone else!

  47. Hey Kara, I rushed onto Google and found the Eurosport segment - thanks! No loud music,phew, but oh! bit of a disappointment, the new jerseys are exactly the same as the old ones but with Enovos in small letters in a couple of places. Drat! They missed the chance to make it better!

    And those sideburns! (*shocked look*) Fuzzy, or what? I am packing my pruning shears and rushing over to Lux immediately - gosh darn, no I can't, (all together now) my passport's not valid.

    Frankie's hair looked nice - could that be the influence of Jakob and his multiple cans of Product? I particularly liked the very end of the video, where they are, as you spotted, eating sausages on sticks: at 1:39, just before it ends, check out the look of worship on the face of the chap talking to Unndy! (please god don't let him turn out to be an influential member of the cabinet, or someone who approves entrance visas...)

    Yay, 47 comments, we're nearly back to Schleckland days of getting 70+ comments!

    Thinks: will have to write something that provokes a lot of you to join in......hmmmm...


  48. Yay, Coug, write something :D

    Actually, I'm only here to add something completely off topic. I just read this: It's in Danish but it's really only the first line that's important - it says: "Andy Schleck and Alberto Contador bla, bla, bla and are not exactly known for being best friends."
    Um, did I miss something? I know Andy's said those those things about Tourmalet and the arm and whatevs but I thought they were known for being too good friends?

    I've noticed that the design has changed! :D

  49. *hugs back* And not the not really a hug Andy/Alberto type of hug either. There should be always be peace between us fangirls. That way we have more energy to fangirl!:)

    I did notice the design changes while I was looking at Andy being cute in the pics. And you're right, there is a LOT of attacking Andy, most times for no apparent reason. I'm a little surprised, I don't get it. He was wonderboy and heartthrob a couple of months ago. Maybe he makes himself an easy target or maybe it's just the fact that he was/is top dog, and, as such, all eyes are on him, benevolent or otherwise. The word 'adorkable' fits him perfectly, though.

    Eee, you had a whole armful of Alberto? Gimme! I'm kinda proud that I fangirl him rather rabidly and he's not even pretty. ;p

    To Cece: Nah, Alberto is not so bad, if you have a closer look. Of course he is not sunshine and rainbows either and I reckon he's moved onto bigger things to test banned substances on (i.e. his loyal Spanish gregarios). ;p

    Kara, if you do not know what slashfic is... maybe it's best not to look it up. You might want to kill me if you happen across my fanfic stories. *cringes* Otherwise, I know what you mean, all the cycling boys seem to be targeted, at some point or another, for some reason or another. And we suffer with them.

    To everyone, hi! And thank for the kind words, especially in light of my first comments here happening because of random snipping on my part.


  50. Hey Susanne, thank you for your kind words! You know that if you encourage me, I do more... and more..... I started to write a blog that was a mock "ticker" from a race: you know, where there is no TV coverage, you get a text update minute by minute: but I was translating it from English to Thai via Swahili then back into English, to see what level of "Google Poetry" I could get.

    But frankly it wasn't that funny.... so I stopped.

    And yes, that story on TV2 is a bit strange, as Andy and Alberto are famous for being, if anything, a bit TOO friendly (Alina, stop sniggering, I can hear you) (and you, Eli, I shall come up there and slap your legs if you aren't careful). I sometimes wonder if these journalists ever write anything for themselves, or do they just copy off each other all the time, repeating the mistakes?

    And as for the Attacking Andy thing: me too, I have no idea why it's suddenly become so apparent. I assume it's a reaction to what someone called "the collective crush on Andy Schleck" just after the TdF. He's just too good to be true - and of course he's not "too good", he's a normal 25-year-old bloke - so the slightest sign of being less-than-saintly has to be paraded around as though it were a major crime.

    I mean, looking lustily at podium girls? A single, straight, 25-y-o? Having a beer? Not exactly world-shattering badness, really.

    I blame the anonymity of the internet - people can say trollish things with no fear of comeback, and there are a whole bunch of saddoes out there who just love to see their "name" in print, and to get people to respond to what they say. Ooops, just described myself, didn't I? Well, I choose to do it in a good-humoured way, with encouragement and hopefully with humour, whereas "they" do it with anger, with spite, and pretty much at random. Last year they were attacking Lance, now it's Alberto, already "they" are attacking Team Schlux for not winning anything yet.

    Huh! (*throws hands into the air in a Gallic gesture*)

    (feeling a bit under the weather today: went out to work at 8am and got very, very cold, so I'm staying in this afternoon and feeling a bit sorry for myself, sniffle.)

  51. ... And just as you posted that, Leopard Trek won something! Woo! Congrats Mr Klemme! I knew it was going to be a good day after waking up with the Schlecks!

  52. You woke up with the Schlecks?? Both of them??!!! (*reels back in shock and horror*)

    You bad girl!


  53. Glad you saw it Coug! I didn't know it was available online too, but I'll have a look at my tv recording later and pay attention properly this time. Can't wait to see the hero worship man.

    This whole Tourmalet thing is starting to bug me, I want to know how Alberto is supposed to have 'engineered' the arm thing at the top? They were talking about the hug after crossing the line, right? (Or is there another one?) Here's the footage:

    At 1:46 they cross the line, Alberto's hands stay on the handlebars and Andy moves over first, putting his arm around Alberto's shoulders (via telekinesis apparently). Someone, pretty please, help me understand!

    You don't think Alberto is pretty, Alina? Hehe I love the phrase: "to fangirl rabidly." I hope you don't mind if I use that in conversation from time to time. OK *redface* I'm aware of slashfic, but you put shashfic and I thought maybe it's some new offshoot version of slashfic? So, you're probably a good person to ask, does anyone write Schleck slashfic? Or is that Schlashfic?

    Coug I hope you are feeling better m'dear.

  54. Hey now, how am I not to snigger at Alberto and Andy being too friendly when they got me back into cycling and writing about their "friendship" like crazy?

    And I hope you're not having one of them nasty colds, Coug.

    Re Infamous hug on the Tourmalet, I have no idea what Andy was on about in that interview where he decided to diss on Alberto at the totally wrong time (was before they cleared Alberto, methinks). I'll just go with what Alberto said in Gazetta dello Sport the other day:

    " Andy Schleck ha dichiarato che lei sul Tourmalet ha fatto del cinema.
    "Si sbaglia". "

    Rough translation:

    Interviewer: Andy Schleck said that you played theater on the Tourmalet.
    Alberto: He's wrong.

    That's that.

    Do I not think Alberto is pretty? We'll, he's not conventionally pretty. Not Fuglsang or Breschel pretty. But I do find him good looking and hot and yum!, in his own way, and I'd pick him over anyone in the peloton any day.

    Of course you can use "to fangirl rabidly", Kara. I don't own the expression, I probably saw it somewhere too. :) As for slashfic... oooh, epic spelling fail on my part, sorry! *facepalm* I have written TONS of slashfic. Including Schleck slashfic. I have a whole huge verse just for Andy and Alberto and others. Not that I would shamelessly pimp my own fic, but I can point you in the right direction to a place where there is ample of slashfic and Schlashfic.


  55. Nooo! Leave the muttonchops alone!! They give him a laid back look. XD Maybe if he grew out his hair properly, it would compliment the sideburns.

    Kara, I don't really understand the whole hug comment either. Andy definitely made the first move, unless Bjarne was whispering step-by-step instructions in his ear piece like the automatons that cyclists are accused of being. So, I adore Andy and don't mean this as harsh criticism, but what on Earth are you talking about dude?? Contador made a "spectacle" after the Tourmalet with the face slapping bit. I just remember husband and I yelling at the TV wondering what's going on with these two!! Either way, it's obvious Andy wants to put space between him and AC. Whether it's something he's arrived to personally or at the encouragement of his team PR, I can't say that I blame him for it.

    Has anyone suggested a Swimsuit Edition post? Or "active" wear? There might be some good material there. :p

    Alina, it's big of you to reach across the table. Welcome. :)

    OK, must get back to writing. I can hear my dissertation chair's shrill admonishments now...

  56. Hey Gnasher,

    A "swimsuit" edition? Hmmmm, let me see (*thinks*)

    Oh dear, back into Andyhab I go.....


    Besides, I'd need about a dozen more followers before I'd be allowed that many photos!!
