Friday 6 January 2012

New Year, New Kit

Apparently this is it:

With thanks to Boulderado for the link. Well done, you! Photo pinched unceremoniously from the blog Tour de Jose, and I'll repeat her comment that in the Netherlands, Jose is a girl's name. (Sorry, can't do the accent over the e.)

First thoughts: "Mmmmmmm!". Oh, whoops, sorry, first thoughts about the kit: "Hmmmmm."  Think I'll wait until I see the back before deciding - and of course, the shorts: I am assuming that they will be black ("Please be black, PLEASE be black!") in which case it actually might look ok.

I'm particularly struck with the inclusion of the "O" logo, and you will note that not only did it survive the alleged merger, it has gone technicolor! Yes, look closely, it's red white and blue. For a UK person, always a good choice of colours.

On the other hand, I can't say enough bad things about the new team's "casual" daywear:

Come ON guys - cardigans? Grey cardigans? Old men-wear-these grey cardigans?

Teamed with v-neck stolen-from-ER white tee-shirts?


Bring back the Fugl-scarves!


  1. I don't think the new kits look all that different from last year's--just different coloured highlighters so to speak, and more ad/sponsor space. I still think RadioShack-Nissan-Trek is a mouthful though!

    Your banner is news to me, Coug. How many bags of dehydrated banana chips do you want to wager that your next keyword / search surge will be "Andy Schleck engaged"?

    I would guess the team is trying to pare things down, after the hoopla of last year's presentation, which had that bizarre circus performance (and I'm not talking about this guy:

  2. omg i love it! :))

  3. I came here to post that very same picture - my first thought...Mmmmmmmmm (purring)...dang.

    And he was sick last night. I am OK with the new kit. Shorts are black! (yeah!) with a red band at the bottom instead of the blue. It's an interesting red too it seems - I like it - not bright red but muted and soft. All in all - I'm happy - but also want to see the back!

  4. I'm quite upset about the socks. They're not white, but black with red. I really can't stand it. Hopefully they're allowed to race with white socks and (light)shoes.


  5. The new kit came out a lot better than I was expecting it to and when I think about last year's Team RadioShack kit I must say that I am relieved. I find the front busy compared to last year's version but that is what sponsorship brings. The one thing that I have to admit to not liking is the black cycling shoes (I prefer the white ones) but I think that is a hangup that I bring with me from my youth so just ignore me on that one.

    Cannot agree more with your assessment of the cardigans though!! Who's idea was that?

    Overall, I'm feeling a little flat about the kit. And as much as I sincerely respect what the Livestrong organization has and continues to accomplish, I can't help but wish that the band wasn't on the sleeve. I am just so aware that there are so many charities worldwide that need support, visibility and a helping hand too that I'm feeling a little catty (or in my case, "katty") about it. So again, just leave me in the corner for a quiet little gripefest; I'll get over it.

    Is anyone else feeling sad at seeing Ken's tweets to his mates? He was very supportive of the whole day and in the absence of any real information my mind is creating it's own story, which is that it appears that it was his choice to leave RSNT. Wish we knew that he had an even better opportunity lined up because it now appears that my old mother bear instincts have kicked in too! *sigh*

    So on that note, it is time for me to *giggle* "multitask" to another task!

    Kat :)

  6. Well, here is my two-cents worth:
    The new kit is pretty good, not as classy as last year's, but that is to be expected with the added sponsors. They were fairly subtle with the Radioshack red though, could have been a lot worse.

    I missed the livestream of the presentation - dentist appt. I got home in time to see two old guys with some weird electro-techo-?music counting in various languages. Am I just showing my age here? Was that the big surprise that promised for the end of the presentation?

    You're right about those awful cardigans. Not very suitable for young fit athletes. maybe they're trying to psych out the competition. The Fugl-scarves were better, but I didn't really like them either. I thought they were rather an affectation. Maybe just too Euro a look for me.

    Anyway, I'm off for a 2 week vacation so I feel I'm missing the start of the season after waiting so long for it to start.Not complaining!


  7. Kit is ok, but cardigans? "Old men-wear-these grey cardigans?" I hope, that they won't be like old men at the races...

  8. The cardigans, the cardigans! Oh the horror...

    On a slightly more upbeat note, though definitely very late (sorry, been on hols for a while) - Happy New Year Coug!

    Brisbane Gal
