Friday 2 March 2012

The Musette lives on.

Hey gang, remember how thrilled I was to have finally got my hands on a Leopard Trek musette last year?

Well, undeterred by the fact that my team are no longer known as Leopard Trek, I decided to do a little bit of crafty alteration to make the musette more useful in normal life:

There we go! The long handle has been cunningly converted into two short ones, and I've inserted a panel in the side to make it a bit more 3-dimensional and easier to fill with groceries. It fits easily into the smallest pocket, weighs nothing, yet can easily hold a quite reasonable amount of shopping.

I'm already driving LLB mad by producing it every time we go to the supermarket together. One day someone will point and say "Hey! Where did you get that from?" or "Hey! UnndySchleck!" or "Blimey - don't say that YOU are that Cougar Girl?" or something equally embarrassing.


  1. Wow! How creative is that?!!! :)

    1. Oh I did it again ... this is Kat going squirrely and not signing posts again. Hope that your anti-virus uninstall/re-install went well! - Kat

  2. That's so nifty Coug, I want one!

    Bris. Gal

  3. LOL! Oh yes, I'm a dab hand with a needle! Hey, this could be my new job - converting musettes into more useful bags! Or maybe into stylish hats... or lightweight scarves.... heavens, this could be the start of something big...

    Or on the other hand, maybe not.

    Hey Kat, I finally got it done, and with some hints from LLB I even managed to get my email working again *proud!*. Which reminds me... *scuttles off to make a new System Restore Point while it's all working*

