Friday 3 February 2012

The two sides of Andy Schleck

I did this for a laugh on Twitter yesterday, and then thought that not all of you bother with that, so in case you find it amusing.... you know how "they" say that we all have two sides of our personality... and of course you all know that none of us are perfectly symmetrical in the face - or in any part of us, to be honest.

Well, have you ever tried that thing where you take a photo, and flip one side of the face over as though you'd dropped a mirror halfway through the head?

There's a nice portrait of OGL on the RadioSchack site, very professional, and it just struck me when glancing casually at it, that his eyes were a little uneven - of course, he's not standing straight on to the camera, so of course he's not "even", but I just wondered what would happen...

And before I knew what was happening, there I was in Paint, having a lovely time chopping OGL's head in two, reversing it, and sticking it back together. Twice. And look what we got!

Weird, huh? One classically skinny Schleck, although he appears to have gone three rounds with a boxer ("Oh, Jakob, how could you?"), and one strangely broad, but still handsome, Schleck, who looks as though he could possibly be related to Christopher Reeve back in his Superman days.

I'll let you decide which one you prefer.

1 comment:

  1. I am stunned that the Lance Armstrong case was dropped. Not much of an explanation as to why either. It's certainly not over though. USADA and WADA have not dropped it even if the US Feds did.
    And...the already broke American taxpayers have paid for this 2 year investigation that just vaporized into thin air. Politics, money and power. Tough adversaries in finding truth and trust.
