Tuesday 14 February 2012

Mr Bruyneel seeks Fortune-Teller.

Well, we've all speculated and worried about the lengths that Mr Bruyneel will go to, in order to get his "string" of riders to win races.

(NB for non-UK readers, race-horse trainers refer to their collection of animals as a "string" so that remark was a cheap insult, insinuating that Mr B treats riders like horses. IE breaks them far too young, flogs them to death for a couple of years then throws them out to the cat-meat factory. Let's hope not, eh?)

We have discussed the "special wind-tunnel testing" that was reputed to be responsible for improving Time Trialling out of all recognition: we even had some Schpleculation as to what it would actually entail...

...but now the truth is out, Mr B is looking at mystics and fortune-tellers. Madame Zebelda and her gypsy earrings will be sitting in the back of the RadioShack bus,  reading palms and making dramatic announcements.

What am I talking about?


Read what it says under the photo:

"Johan Bruyneel will attempt to work the oracle with Andy Schleck in 2012."


Do you think they meant to say "Miracle" by any chance?

Honestly, how many times have I offered my proof-reading skills to these people, in return for promotional items or possibly a ride on the camera bike? And do they take me up on it? No, they do not. *sighs*


  1. Aaaack! *splutter, cough, pffflt* WHAT am I feeding my furry little felines??

    Time to dust off the tarot cards and practice reading tea leaves, Cap'n!

    Btw, did you notice how every race is "the perfect race"?

    Okay, honestly ... I'm going back to work now.
    - Kat

  2. Snippit from Wikipedia:
    In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic predictions or precognition of the future, inspired by the gods.

    So, "work the oracle" would mean being the "oracle" the one who can give wise counsel etc...

    Eh, could be either...

    So did Fab and Andy get caught behind the crash, stage 1 Oman? Fab was like 22 and Andy 36 or something....


  3. ...meanwhile, Jakob placed 4th in one of the races in Mallorca and 19th yesterday in Oman. Does anyone else see what's wrong with this picture?! Andy is targeting a race that starts later than the one Jakob is going for (i.e. the Giro), so perhaps they could start putting some resources behind him and he could get a few results before May? I'm not saying he's going to win in Oman or anything, but surely it's not too much to ask for JB to look beyond B1 and B2 sometimes. right?

    Entirely agree with your reference to riders being treated like racehorses, Coug!


  4. I hope they really did mean "oracle". It would be rather insulting to say a miracle was required for Andy to win!

  5. Well, exactly, Emjay! I was so annoyed that they got the word wrong - sorry, Boulderado, I don't for one minute think that they meant oracle (thank you for the explanation, you are quite right, I should have explained what it meant for the benefit of anyone who didn't already know) - that I forgot to huff indignantly at the suggestion that it would take a miracle for Andy to win!

    *Huffs indignantly* Better late than never.

