Thursday 15 December 2011


"Who?" I hear you ask.

Apparently OGL has only just realised the obvious terrible pun, the one we all discarded months ago, that the new team name could be RadioSchleck rather than RadioShack.

Andy! Where have you been?? Have you not been reading this blog properly? *shakes head in disappointment.*

Perhaps he's been spending his spare time with TinkerJil instead of stalking around on the internet... mind you, there's all those wasted hours, stuck in airports, or on team buses, you'd think he'd find time to keep  up to date.... oh all right, I know he doesn't actually read it! *waves cheerfully, though, just in case...*

Anyway, we all thought of RadioSchleck, aaaages ago: then we went to RaNT, which was good for a giggle for several weeks, then we got the whole business about the UCI stating the only two sponsor names are allowed. So it would only be RaN, which wasn't nearly as funny.

Somehow, though, Andy has missed out on RadioSchleck - which I suppose is a tribute to the modesty and general niceness of the Schleck brother, don't you think?

A couple of days ago, though, a new player popped up on Twitter: presumably taking the place of Ken Sommer (*pulls glum face - we liked Ken, he occasionally used to respond to our tweets, I bet this new Shack guy doesn't).  The name is Lee Applbaum (is it just me, or is there an "e" missing from that name?) who seems to be the Marketing Manager for the Shack. Oh, I beg his pardon, "Chief Marketing Officer".

So, this Lee Applbaum - who I assume is a fella - sent out a couple of tweets on the subject of the team name. Andy seems to have been completely oblivious to it, until these tweets,  which I find very sweet.

Here they are,  and I have put them in the right order for ease of reading:

Well, it shows he has a sense of humour, which is a good thing.

Andy responded:

Ah, isn't it nice to see that Luxenglish appearing again?  I was particularly amused by the use of the French idee rather than idea: by the hilarious mis-spelling of Radio as Raido, which does sound just ever so slightly like something you spray on unwanted fleas; and of course, the spelling of Schleck without the first "c". Oh, and I'm not even mentioning the missing apostrophe.

Ok, ok, he tweets in a hurry! Seriously, we don't mind, Andy, pet, we're just very happy to hear from you these days.

So there we have it, the new team name is RaidoShleck, please note correct pronunciation as per this press release that was issued by Trek earlier this week.


  1. poor andy... he's a little behind the times! And yes, it feels like there should be an extra 'e' in Applbaum!

  2. "Andy Schleck shoes" ? Someone just this minute came here from googling "Andy Schleck shoes"?



  3. Hee hee, I'm quietly pleased that he spelled his own surname wrong, 'cause I'd been doing that myself for months, last year!

    I like that there's a space where the apostrophe should be, indicating that there was an intent to punctuate.

    *squints* this Applbaum fellow looks like a motivational speaker / televangelist in his avatar.

  4. LOl! Hi Siouxsie, yes, he does look like the sort of person I would not wish to spend a long train journey with, if you'll excuse the grammar. I think I preferred Ken Sommer's laid-back attitudes.. who knows, time will tell.

    And a quick hello to people from Mamer, Steinsel, Beringen and Lux city, all of whom have been here within the last hour. I am always pleased, flattered and surprised to have people from Lux reading this blog, as I do rather assume that you just have to stick your head out of the window in order to do your Schleck-spotting. If you get any privileged gossip or nice photos, do feel free to share...

    Oh, and while on the subject of me checking my stats in an eternally geekish manner: a quick hello to the 0.77% of search terms who came here after typing:

    "stuffing up search terms *singing* eisen andy"

    into google. Diving Caroline, I just KNOW that was you! Possibly along with:

    "padded leather uniform" (huh??)(Oh, I remember, Fabu and the fashion shoot) (which, in turn, sounds like an 80s band) and

    "welcome to Eva! great news"

    OK, you got me! Please stop! Mind you, 0.77% is nothing compared to the whopping 20% who got here via googling "Andy Schleck girlfriend" which continues to be the biggest search term. Ever. Groan.


  5. Hiya! Okay ... it's Thursday morning and I'm wishing it was Friday afternoon, plus I've only had one cup of tea and am in desperate need of another, but I'm confused (again!). Educate me please Oh Wise One (aka CG). Isn't Lee Applbaum the Chief Marketing Officer guru-dude-guy for the RadioShack company? Why would we be talking about him replacing Ken?

    Doesn't JB recognize talent? AS IF anyone could "replace" the great Mr. Ken Sommer! After all, he responds to your tweets!

    :) Kat

  6. Thanks for asking what I wanted to ask Kat.
    So is Ken "out" of all this now? I'd thught he was still retained? Hope you said - he responds!!! That's pretty high value. I'd noted that I didn't hear a word about him at the training camp but figured "marketing" didn't really require his presence there....hope he's still got a job!

  7. Haha I love this blog, never fails to make me smile;) keep up the great work!

  8. Hi Brookles, and thank you! Glad you enjoy it.

    Regarding the Ken V Lee thing, I don't know: judging by other elements of the "merger" I don't hold out any great hope for much of the Leopard backroom team retaining their jobs in the face of the Shack team wanting to keep theirs.

    I got the impression that the Shack marketing machine would be a fairly unstoppable juggernaut: well, wouldn't you be, with Mr Bruyneel standing behind you with a big stick saying "get results or you're out"?

    And I rather thought that Ken was something like brand manager for Leopard True Racing, (definitely within the marketing team) and certainly the O logo was his: and if they don't use the O logo in the new kit, or the word "Leopard" anymore, then what do they need him for?

    Obviously I'm hoping that he remains, along with the O logo (not least so that my work shirts aren't out of date, not that that would stop me wearing them, ha ha) but until we see the kit, we just won't know.

    Ken is still tweeting, and he still sounds cheerful, so we can but hope.

    But if you need to reduce staff, and you already have a powerful marketing team (I know nothing about Mr short-of-vowels Applbm other than his tweets, but he seems quite dynamic) then why would you keep someone who is no longer relevant to the team?

    Ken, if by any chance you are out there reading this, do please feel free to send me an email (links at the top of the page in my profile, or you can pm me on Twitter) explaining where you fit into the new organisation. It would stop us from worrying about you!


  9. Saw The Movie last night. The Brothers were there. Squee!

  10. this is the new kit?

  11. Hey, Lady A! Nice to hear from you again! See, people who live in Lux get a big head-start on the rest of us when it comes to Schleck-spotting! "The Road Uphill" opened in Lux cinemas over the weekend, and here is the a report which contains a trailer, in case you missed it:

    Oh, Anonymous from Fejer, that's actually just a black-and-white pic of this year's Shack kit. Cynics amongst us might well be saying "yes, that IS the new kit!" but I am pretty confident that we will see a new version of the Shack kit for next year. I'm still hoping to see the Leopard O logo on it, somewhere!

    But thank you for taking the trouble to add it, anyway.

    Alas, no news from Ken, I think that proves that he doesn't read this blog...

    Good news for cycling, though: Soler is continuing to recover from his horrendous crash in the Tour earlier this year, and is now well enough to be flown home to Colombia ("Hola, Pahola!"). We've lost quite enough cyclists this year, it's good to hear that one is making a recovery.

    Oh, and Gilbert has been named Belgian athlete of the Year. No surprise there, then!


  12. Came across this on twitter this morning, possibly the GreenEdge jersey:!/singlespeedcam/status/148715921442217984/photo/1

    Looks suspiciously like the LT jersey. Only green... Am left wondering if Nygaard has used up all his creativity. Clearly he cannot come up with a new jersey design!


  13. I think they are keeping the O

