Thursday 1 December 2011

Ken Sommer Teases Coug Again

Yesterday on Twitter - look, it's raining in the UK, all right, I can't get out to work, I'm stuck indoors, it was a bit dull, I had lots of paperwork to do but the Twitter page just opened up all by itself, and oh! as though by magic I was signed in......

Start again: Yesterday, on Twitter, I decided to change my avatar - yet again - as I'm getting a bit tired of the Crying Leopard face.
The time for wailing is over: Leopard Trek are no more, the merger has happened, now we all have to put on our smiley faces and make the most of it, look forward to the next season and the new challenges, blah blah blah woof woof etc.

You will remember that I horrified Ken Sommer recently with my nasty red Radio-Trek logo *sniggers and much laughter all round*.

Well, I didn't want to make him cross, so I thought I'd have another go at a better "fake" logo.

After some speculation about jersey design, I thought I might suggest that elements of the old jerseys could be retained, so I came up with this:

And actually, it's not bad, is it? In fact, think how much money they could save, by just screen printing this logo over the top of the old L-T jerseys, then adding NISSAN in big letters across the back.

There you go, we knew there was a reason for all that white space.... with a bit of felt-pen work on the Mercedes logos, and one or two others, they could be completely re-kitted at a fraction of the normal cost.

Anyway, having spent some time creating this minor work of art, I thought I should bring it to Ken's attention, to see if I'd get a seal of approval, or a tiny, tiny hint as to what the kit might actually be.

And do you know what? He replied, which is always nice: and he replied with a link to a photo, which he must have put up specially just to answer this tweet:

What can I say? Well done Ken, you  had me going there, and Kat fell for it as well, and Barbara - we all went rushing off to see what the new jersey was going to be like, only to meet his retro rebuff.

I suppose you could say that at least he has confirmed that there IS going to be a new jersey, but that was a it of a foregone conclusion really, wasn't it? Neither the L-T kit nor the Shack kit would have quite the right selection of sponsor names, although, errrr, horrible thought, the Shack kit does indeed feature Shack, Nissan and Trek (and Twitter, for some unknown reason) so a case could be made for sticking to the old kit.


I am so glad that no-one suggested that on any of the blogs or forums, that would have been quite worrying! But luckily Ken has now confirmed that there will be a new kit, so let's be grateful and look forward to seeing it.

And apparently they're having a press conference next week, so maybe they'll unveil the new kit there? Let's hope that they have a UCI licence by then!

Oh, and as a side issue, it's almost a pity that Leopard Trek were riding Trek bikes not Bianchi - anyone else noticed the strange similarity in colour choice?


  1. Hahaha! Whilst Ken is not one of my favourite people anymore, I do think he has a fairly wicked sense of humour! And didn't he get you good?! :P

    I thought I saw a mention this morning or last night that 2 more riders were signed to RaNT... did anyone else see this or can shed some light? I guess cos Gianni Meersman did not end up signing with them. And I don't really know how the numbers fit! Or maybe they were talking about the development squad... anyway, on a side note, I took great pleasure this (European) summer cheering for Gianni when I saw him at a criterium in Roeselare. He had the good luck of riding for FDJ, so I deemed him worthy of my encouragement ;)

  2. Hallo, hallo! ;)

    Great post :D

  3. Hi Marleen! Hi Leelu! Sorry to hear that Ken has fallen out of favour - did he do anything specific? I've never met him, but I appreciate that occasionally he is willing to tweet in return. If anything, I think I feel sorry for him, in case he loses his job! Mind you, according to that interview with Mr Becca, they are taking the O logo into "tomorrow" which could mean that it continues to appear on the new kit, which in turn could mean that Ken keeps his job....

    Anyway, no, I have no further info on signings, in fact I have completely lost track of it all, and I am thinking I ought to scrap that Page, as it's probably well out of date by now. I think I'll have to wait until there is an official announcement of team and kit...

    But we did hear that there was a Lux junior or development team, that would continue to be called Leopard Trek, maybe he's joined them?

    Oh, in which case they could pass over all the old kit to them.... uh oh, I see a problem, it might involve creative use of a felt pen, or some deed poll work, as most of the kit seems to have the riders' names on the back. Drat, another good idea down the drain.

    I'll have to stick to "screen print the unlovely red logo on the existing kit".


  4. Wow, I found this is a picture from Steve Schlecks birthday (I guess) but check out the dark side of OGL!!! I wouldn't wanna mess with that! Never seen him look like this before.!/schleckfrank/status/142346516496003072/photo/1/large


  5. Aw...and now I feel worse about slamming him for driving fast...poor baby, looks like he needs a big hug and a good cry............

  6. Elly, I agree with you about the picture. It really hit me too.

    Coug, about the now old LT kits, I read a tweet of Joost Posthuma that he got a whole bunch of them for a criterium/charity in the East of the Netherlands. Joost was very grateful to Ken, because now he could give all the kids who won something a nice LT kit. Most of the shirts were ofcourse too large, but the kids looked very happy.
    Somewhere on you should be able to see something about it.


  7. BE, you are a case! "The daaaaaark side..!!" I rushed off to see it, expecting some horror show of snarling, large hammers, TinkerJil quivering in fear etc, and it's just Our Andy looking very young and presumably thinking that he wasn't going to be in that particular picture, so he didn't see the need to smile.

    I think he looks kinda cute, actually.

    And hey, those Schleck boys all have that cleft chin, don't they?

    Barbara, thank you for that info - I had indeed seen a post of Joost's, some while ago, saying "thanks to Ken" or something similar, with a pic of a box of bidons and a box of jerseys. I did wonder why on earth they were sending jerseys out to riders so late in the season, and I was somewhat surprised that riders would be sent a whole boxful in one go.

    Now I know!

    Mind you, I have no idea how they "manage" the kit, whether the riders have to ask for new kit if they damage or wear it out, whether they are allowed only a certain number of jerseys per season: whether they are allowed to give them away as souvenirs etc.

    I rather assume that all the early-run and prototype jerseys, along with any with printing faults or technical problems like pockets sewn on upside down, would be given to the riders specifically for signing and giving away...

    Funnily enough, these sort of matters are never covered in rider autobiographies... occasionally there is a mention of leaving out a bag of dirty kit for the soigneur to take away, returning early next morning all nice and clean, but that's about it.

    It's time we had a cycling book written by a soigneur, I think. Hmm, perhaps I could change career for a year or two, then write a book about it... you'd all buy it, wouldn't you?


  8. PS And hey! Brother Steve is a Boy Scout!

  9. Hey, Coug. I love your design. I think it would make a great kit, really merges both teams. Now if they would just move the Nissan logo elsewhere and keep the Leopard logo on the butt, I would be happy!

  10. OK, how about having NISSAN in big letter across the back, just above the pockets (no point having in ON the pockets, Garmin, otherwise it will be covered up, WON'T IT?) and the Leopard logo remains on the shorts?

    Maybe they could morph the Shack red stripe into a big red arrowhead pointing up the back, in the direction of travel. So we can spot them in the peloton.

    Actually, I quite liked the red flashes on the backs of the legs, on the Shack kit (I have, reluctantly, been paying attention to it lately) as it emphasises the power etc of the leggies. Also handy for disguising those Hoogerland moments.... (sorry)

    And I do hope they'll find room to pinch Sky's brilliant idea of having the rider name along the side of the jersey, such that it's orientated horizontally when they ride. So the cameras can read it very easily. Nice.

    Ooh, ooh, it's getting exciting, press conference thingy next week, Christmas a couple of weeks after than, then holiday (for me, anyway!) then Tour Down Under... and only 209 days until the Tour de France!!!!

