Tuesday 18 October 2011

Because yellow is the colour of...

Ushi: "Ducks."

Andy: (clearly deciding to humour the insane person) "Yes, small ducks."

Ushi: "So they put you in a shirt the colour of small ducks. Why?"

Andy: (shaking head and laughing) "I don't think it has anything to do with small ducks."

Ushi: "Not small ducks?"

Andy: "No - I think someone said yellow is a cool colour, let's put the leader in yellow."

(Andy, pet, we hope that you are playing along with the joke and that really, deep down, you know that it's yellow because the original sponsor of the TdF was Yellow Pages, and of course yellow was their colour.)

What am I talking about? More Schpleculation? No, an interview with Frank and Andy, for a spoof tv programme.

With many, many, thanks to Boulder Elle for the link.  I am still laughing.

See Frankie say indignantly "I don't do drugs!"

Laugh at Andy's sweaty armpits - oh boy, was he sweating!

And as for the "how is it hanging? On the bike?" bit: well, I loved the way Frankie, eventually guessing what she was talking about, turned his head away from the camera and clearly whispered to Andy the Lux word for "penis".  So Andy looks at his crotch. 

Enjoy it for yourself, if you haven't already done so: it starts about 13 minutes in.

and here's a nice still:


  1. This interview is hilarious. And Coug -- I love your blog.

    - Evie

    p.s. if you google translate what Frank says to Andy (I was strangely interested), he is apparently saying 'thing', not 'penis'...

  2. I love Frankie in this interview! Can't believe she declined to sit between them though (or was it on their laps?)

    Brisbane Gal

  3. Andy was patting his right knee - assuring her it was OK since he's gay! Hysterical. And yes, I'd have been on that knee in a hot New York minute! Maybe she wanted to keep distance so the wig removal happened later....
    Pretty darn bold of OGL to just remove the wig!
    Then again, he got pretty serious about pronouncing the TdF properly.
    I just really like them both as people. Couple of great guys.

  4. Hi Evie, thank you, glad you enjoy the blog! And thanks for that translation - 'thing', huh? I just loved the idea that big brother ("Brother") has to clear up the misunderstanding for thickie little brother, who is so sweet and innocent that he doesn't understand what the naughty lady is getting at...

    Frankie was taking it very straight, wasn't he?

    I had to laugh every time she got them talking about racing properly, then said "Enough." But they were so nice about it!

    And very brave of OGL to assure that he was gay, the way things get reported these days! Mind you, he had started out by saying "I have a girlfriend". You have to love the way he now gets that sentence into every interview.

    Also, it must have been recorded in happier times, as a) they are happy, and b) Frankie says "three more years with Lay-o-pard Trek".

    (Ushi to Frankie: "Did you take drugs?"
    Frankie: "No! I did not take drugs!"
    Andy: "We never take drugs."
    Ushi: "Go on, you can say it, it's all right, it's Japanese tv")

    Who needs me Schpleculating when there are interviews like that around?

    Thanks again to Inge for mentioning it, and to BE for the YouTube link.


  5. "Who of who" *bursts*, as I mentioned before, I probably shouldn't be laughing so heartily at the perpetuating of Japanese "Engrish" stereotypes--but she's so obviously hamming it up, to the point of caricature, that I can't believe that Andy (and Andy's brother) didn't catch on.

    I appreciate Frank's holding himself together at the beginning, with "the who of who" bit--that's where I would have politely excused myself from the interview, so as not to die of internal haemorrhaging from suppressing a laugh.

    And I--grudgingly--give credit to Schleck the younger *makes pseudo basketball gesticulations to indicate younger status, a la Andy* for fielding the "Tour of de France" question, with a patient smile.

  6. Dear Coug,

    Great you saw the Ushi show.

    Somewhere you said that there would be a "coming-in-the-closet" of Jakob. When will it be published? I really love that sequel.


  7. Cav's having a baby! (ok, not Cav personally, - that would certainly make headlines!) http://www.velonation.com/News/ID/10180/Mark-Cavendish-to-become-a-father-in-2012.aspx

    Brisbane Gal

  8. Wow! Baby Cav news took me by surprise! Think they'll get married? Wonder if it was planned or a happy oops?

  9. Hey Barbara,

    Thank you for reminding me, "Jakob in the Closet" is still in draft mode. I will finish it early next week, I promise!

    Figgy, so glad you managed to enjoy some of the Ushi interview. Yes, a ridiculous stereotype, and it's a bit sad that it is so immediately believable. But so lovely that Frankie,in particular, took it so seriously and was so polite in his answers!

    Aww, a baby Cav. Peta says it was planned, so that's ok, and that the baby was conceived during the Tour. Wey hey! So much for "athletes must concentrate on their riding" etc!

    I like her theory that it will probably be a girl as athletes often conceive girls during the racing season as their testosterone levels are low. Actually, she says that's Mark's theory, but it will be interesting to find out. Good luck to all three of them! (Knowing Mark, who does nothing by halves, it might be twins, lol!)

    Right, work to do, must go, I promise that I will finish up the Jakob Schpleculation in a day or two.

    Busy as a little bee

  10. I laughed so hard all the way through that interview! hahaha Andy's constant cracking up was too good!

    Yes... I'm also eagerly looking forward to Jakob coming in the closet... *skips off to naughty corner* :P


  11. Yellow Pages? You're kidding right, Coug? Or is this a British way to say the color comes from L'Auto, paper of Henri Desgrange, now known as LÉquipe, who used to print in yellow pages indeed. Same explanation for the Giro leader's jersey and Gazetto dello Sport. There, you got a little cycling history. I actually learned this in Journalism's class. I can honestly say, sometimes I do get interesting subjects ;P

    Also, I loved it when Ushi said Andy walked like he was gay. Mum still thinks he's gay in a no-offended way said. Anyway, I had a nice crack up watching this interview...

  12. ROFL! Well done, Eva, I wondered if anyone would spot that!

    Of course it doesn't come from the Yellow Pages (which is a directory of advertisers in the UK and has nothing whatsoever to do with the Tour, but is printed on yellow paper), I just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention!

    I loved it when "Ushi" walked like a man! Actually, I am still laughing at lots of things in that interview.

    PS Eva, you are the first Belgian flag, welcome!

  13. (The second is from Antwerp, so "hello" to you, as well!)

  14. I was paying attention whilst reading this thread, while actually I had to pay attention in class :P I feel honored to be your very first Belgian visitor. *makes a bow* Probably I'll be the first Belgian visitor to be going into naughty corner again soon :P
