Tuesday 26 April 2011

Fleche Wallone - yes, I know I'm late!

Yup, I know I'm a bit late with this, but I've been snowed under with work, and LLB and I only get to catch up with the cycling we've recorded during the week, at the weekend. Pardon the sentence construction.

So we all know what happened, (Phil Gil won it) therefore I won't bother with the blow-by-blow report - if you feel the need to relive it, pop over to Miss Fede's Blog for the full details - and I will just add my few extra comments.

To start with, in England we have a tradition in sports reporting that sports are given time slots for their coverage, but if they over-run, then whatever is supposed to follow it gets delayed. This is very sensible and logical: after all, what's the point in watching the bulk of a race/match.competition then missing the last ten minutes when you find out who won.

Normally, tennis is the culprit - they schedule it a slot, but it can over-run by a significant amount, causing chaos amongst the following programmes.

We don't mind that too much - tennis is popular, I understand it: but snooker? (*voice rises indignantly*) Snooker?!

Anyway, eventually the damned snooker finished (yawn) and our live coverage started, and there we were, all agog to see Andy and Frankie in a race together, along with Contador. Would there be hugs? Would there be fireworks? Would there be elbows in the peloton, and hissy fits?

No, of course there weren't, we barely saw Contador, leading LLB and I to suspect that although he's fully prepared to win everything in Spain, he's keeping a low profile out in the real world, until the Longest Enquiry In The History Of Cycling (sorry, Lance) finishes.

Once again, terrible wobbly camera-bike work: makes me wonder how Tour de France can get it so right, and everyone else get it so wrong. Also, have they not heard of steady-cams? I can't imagine it's technically that difficult to get a steadier image from the back of a bike.  OK, before all the camera-bike fans shoot me down in flames, I admire the camera bikes tremendously, not just the nerve of the cameraman who has to trust his pilot with his life, but also the skill of the pilot who is controlling an inherently unstable top-heavy bike while his passenger commits every crime known to pillion passengers in the sense of leaning left and right, up and down, unpredictably..... but notwithstanding that, as a viewer, I want clear images, please!

So, finally the coverage started, and SaxoBlank and the Leopards (sounds like a 50s pop group with a girl drummer...) were pulling hard at the front.

David Harmon, commentating, said "And we are online live now in Australia." and there was a chorus of "Hi, Leelu!" from LLB and I. Then I distinctly heard Brian Smith, the other commentator, talking about Jakob FOOGLE-SLANG and I thought "oh no, Leelu's going to erupt off the sofa, spitting and cursing!"

Apart from that, not a terribly exciting race, until we got to the part where Andy was leading Frankie and the Peloton (another 50s group, this time biker boys in black leather with greasy quiffs) down the penultimate hill, LLB and I were eating Easter Eggs at the time, and he took advantage of my total concentration on OGL to steal bits of my egg while I wasn't looking. What a swine, eh?

Finally, we had Frankie leading the peloton up the Muy de Huy: not for long, but at least he got 7th. The leader board on Eurosport showed Andy as coming 4th. Uh? We clearly saw him dying like a dog on the last climb - how did he get in 4th? Did he teleport? But no, it was a mistake, he came 44th. At least Frankie beat Contador, who came in 11th. Oh, and my favourite Carrot, Igor Anton from Euskaltel, came in 5th, so I was pretty pleased with the results.

Now, in the last post there was a comment from CeCe about Andy and his new girlfriend - possibly - and here is the photo we were talking about: gorgeous photo, isn't it?  The sort you could imagine made into an arty print, on textured fake-canvas paper, with no frame.

So if anyone knows the story of this photo, do tell.

Incidentally, there have been some ludicrous search terms leading to the blog in the last couple of days: things such as:

"Andy Schleck girlfriend April 2011."   Interestingly specific.

"Andy Schleck girls"  Yes, we've all tried that one, haven't we.

"frefre eisen sex tv"  Don't ask me what that's all about, I haven't a clue.

"Fugl scarves"  Aha! That's more like it! First and Second for Schleckland, closely followed at Third by Miss FeeDee. Yay for the Schlecklanders!


"Is Andy Schleck gay" Well, what a question.

a) No, he's not.
b) If he is, it's none of our business.
c) Even if he is, I don't care, he's still adorable.
d) No, he's not.

That's it for now, short blogs this week: lots to do!


  1. Hi Coug! Great to see you post when you can. :) I still haven't watched Fleche Wallone. I set the DVR to record, and then it vanished from the schedule. It was probably replaced by a fishing program. FISHING! Maybe Andy and Frank would approve, but maybe not, because it replaced a race they were in. :p

    I saw a picture of Andy & Conti smiling at each other during the race. Friendly again, I suppose.

    There's a quiet intimacy to that photo. I wonder about it! I thought I read something somewhere about a swimmer (?), but not a legitimate news source, I don't think. Well, if it is his girlfriend, I hope she's nice and our adorable OGL is happy, otherwise, we will have to take "action". ;)

  2. There are more pictures of them from Roland Miny (e.g. one before Hotel la Source), just look somewhat further.
    But somehow I don't think it's something to get scared of...

  3. You know I now expect you and LLB to break out in chorus EVERY time you see/hear something about Australia, right Coug?? :P

    I didn't actually hear Harmon pronounce Jakob's name incorrectly, just as well! I was watching the race on mute since I was on the phone the whole time. I think. I don't know now... it was too long ago!

    I liked the photo of Andy and Alberto laughing together. It was cute :) Also not so sure about this gf business... possibly some investigationing needs to happen!

    Also I've noticed, from Eva's photos of LBL, that Andy's tuftiness is not apparent pre-race. This must mean that Jakob gets out there mid-race, with the crochet hook, whilst they're on the bikes!! He's mulit-talented that one! ;)


  4. We in Oz actually for some reason got the vision telecast some 30-45 mins before Harmon said welcome to Australia. However we had no commentary until the snooker finished. Harmon and the scottish chappie annoy me but definitely having commnetary makes it a far more interesting.
    Race was good- Andy 'busting a gut' but always knowing it was probably to no avail.

    Interesting that Spartacus did a shoulder plant and took Frankie out. Was he mad that no Leopards helped him in Flanders and Roubaix so he was going to sabotage the Andy/Frankie attack? I'm sure he is having a good break eating all his burgers and real meat-hope he doesn't return as Fatticus.

    I think Stuey O'grady had to many beers on his days off comparing Andy to the great Eddie! I think he was drunk and meant to say PhilGil. Love our glorious leader but think Stuey must have passed out after Andy made the break-So he didn't see OGL getting caught and PhilGil winning!!

    Re Andy and pic of girl- I'm not sure it is the same one as the one further back Barbara- the hair is different-layers vs non layers, face looks different. It does look a little like Andy just being interviewed however..hope for her sake it is otherwise her life could be in danger from lovestruck fan.

    Well must go do some work.

  5. Hi Gnasher, wasn't the swimmer the whole Lotte Friis thing? The Danish papers were full of it back in July of last year: "Our Swim Princess" having a snog with some bloke with a push-bike.... but it was only a one-off, it seems. And it occurred the previous January, so it was out-of-date when they reported it!

    We're not scared, Barbara - we all want Our Andy to get a really nice girlfriend! The nicer the better. And preferably a Schlecklander, so they can give us insider information - joking!

    He's such a nice guy, I really want him to find a nice girl, get married, and then he can have his baby up on the podium, too. He won't stop being OGL just because he has a girlfriend!

    Hey Leelu, I haven't seen Eva's photos, where are they? And what is this about her touching his arm ("it was hot..." she said, "physically and metaphorically"...)?

    Of course Jakob is multi-talented, he can ride a bike with no hands while attending to tuftage - haven't you seen him doing it? (*surprised expression*) I'll see if I have a photo of him in action. (*sniggers*)

    And yes, we all shout "Hi Leelu!" every time Oz is mentioned. As well as shouting "Graeme Brown?" from time to time. It's become quite a catchphrase! Even the wombat and the koala bear are using it!

    Wups, time to go to work, have a nice day, everyone.


  6. LOL good god, the kangaroos in the fridge will be at it too soon enough!

    Not having the best of cycling coverage available over here, the crochet-hooking-acting must have gotten lost in all the pixilation. I'd be delighted if you could sahre a picture though Coug!

    Eva's photos with Misters Schleck and Fuglsang are on her new blog (link is on twitter) :) I believe 'golden fluffiness' may have been mentioned re arm touching... ;)


  7. oops - I meant crochet-hooking-action!!

  8. Hi Leelu! We knew what you meant... heard what you said, but we knew what you meant!

    I can't find Eva's photos, any chance of an http?

    Aargh, the kangaroos have now joined in! That means that everyone and everything is now saying "Graeme Brown?" in Leelu's accent. Which reminds me, must write up my thoughts on De Panne....


  9. Eva's lovely blog post about LBL is at: http://lycraandleopards.blogspot.com/2011/04/liege-bastogne-liege-team-presentation.html


  10. I'm pretty certain that is not Andy's g/f and just a poor journalist who is probably hating Roland Miny now.
    Andy is still mine for the taking-just have to reverse my age by some years and lose the husband and kiddies!
    Say Cougs have you dusted the hat, made the tea and cucumber sandwiches and got the brittania flag out for the big wedding tomorrow?Or are you already camped outside Westminster for a prime position?

    If you had the Andy flag ready you could wave it to the 2billion plus people who are supposed to be watching-embarrased to say I will be one. CeCe-

  11. PeeDee, you're a star, thank you for the link, and thanks to Eva for sharing it with us! D'aaw, lovely story. Well done, Eva!

    CeCe, wedding? Uh? You must be joking. Some bird I've never heard of is marrying some bloke with a famous dad: oh yes, I'm going to take a day off work and not be paid - not! (*mock crossness*)

    No, sorry, not interested. I am one of the, what was it, 78% who don't give a s**t about it, if you'll pardon the expression. I will be working as normal, and getting paid as normal. Unless it rains, of course, in which case I will be sitting indoors, but NOT watching it on TV as I don't have TV.

    There, that's straightened out.

    But I do like the idea of waving a Team Schlux flag or a Lux flag!

    Talking of which, the Tour of Britain route has been announced, but none of it is anywhere near me, boo: but on the other hand, as Britain is so small, I can go to pretty much any stage of it, really! Yay!

    Any other UK Schlecklanders thinking of going to any of the stages? I'd like to find one with a loop, always best for getting a second chance: and definitely one with a feed station in it, as my stated aim is to get a Team Leopard Trek musette as a souvenir.

    OK I wouldn't say "no" to a big kiss from OGL, but it's not very likely, is it? No, a musette will do.


  12. Cece, I'll be watching the wedding too, so I wouldn't be too embarrassed about it. I guess I like spectacle, whether it's a fireworks show, or scanning the crowds at a Royal Wedding, for a flag that has the outline of a country that bears an uncanny resemblance to a nose... :P

    I agree with you Coug, the picture is beautiful, and has a quiet intimacy to it. It reminds me of an Edward Hopper painting, like Summer Evening, or Automat.



  13. Ah yes, I remember Lotte the Swimmer! LOL I should have connected the dots to the regurgitated rumor. Oh well. Fried brain is fried.

    I recently read an interview in which Andy said he needed to change his lifestyle a bit, to be more private, because of all the rumors that start about him. OGL is making wise decisions. :)

    Anyway, onward to a newer post!
