Saturday, 10 January 2015

Trek Confirm Kit Design Done By 4-year-olds

On a much nicer note, I am pleased to see that Trek have redesigned their jersey, after all our complaints about the boring black, the invisible and worthless pinstripes, and the difficulty in spotting riders in the peloton.

They've - hold your breath, troops - changed the top quarter of the jersey to white, and added red go-faster stripes round the legs.

Here's Fab, showing that he looks great in pretty much anything, even with snow on the slopes.

I have to say, I'm disappointed that they've gone for pinstripes on the bottom but not on the front panel, leading to that horrible "I'm wearing a nappy" effect.

Also known as Groinal Emphasis, and I'm not keen on it. It's hard enough, supporting a sport where the participants wear lycra, without having all this Groinal Emphasis giving people the wrong impression.

Also I am very disappointed that they have missed the chance to put the rider name along the side, but have instead allowed a sponsor name to take that slot. Even one side - the nearside, obviously, as that is where about 80% of the camerabike coverage falls - would have done... ah well, I suppose they can't please everyone, and presumably there is a professional designer included somewhere along the process.

It's rather odd to think that we will never see Andy in this new jersey. *sigh*

Having nothing better to do this afternoon, I was on Twitter, and happened to make a comment about the new kit. Trek, who presumably also had nothing better to do this afternoon, responded.

After a barrage of complaints from myself and Emily about the Groinal Emphasis, they said:

I love their delicate pause before and after... area... *laughs*

Amazed that we actually got their attention, I took the opportunity to ask a question that, as all Schlecklanders will know, has been bugging me from the minute I started following cycling, and to which I never have had a satisfactory answer:


There you go, confirmation that any idiot can design a kit, all you need is a bunch of 4-year-olds and a box of crayons, and off you go.

Actually *checks over shoulder to ensure no-one is looking* they then said:

So I guess we have to forgive them.

Even though they have clearly not taken any notice of the many, many posts I have made on the subject of kit design. I've just seen a pick of the kit from the back:

Oops! Looks as though they have all pooped their panties.

Or have been sitting on a black wall.

Or black tarmac.

I think it has to count as a "fail" if the back of the hat is more distinctive than the back of the jersey, surely?


  1. I think they should go with the 4 year old designer. The red bikes will help with spotting them in a race but again boring kits from everyone.Even dark Grey would have been more distinctive than more black..
