Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Blackmail, Bandits and Anti-Sleeve-tucking escapades

Well, here we are then, fellow cycling enthusiasts: the Christmas season is over, we're all heading back to work, the days are imperceptibly getting longer, it's time to start thinking about cycling again.

And what news do we have to greet us, in this new year?

It appears that that the unlovely Mr Tinkov, who must be related on some sub-psychic level to the unlovely Mr Becca, is now threatening the UCI that if the US don't stop hassling Russia, he will stop sponsoring Stinkoff.


Does he seriously think that the UCI have so much clout that they can tell America to change their political policies because, and I quote, "80 people will lose their jobs in europe"? Get real, Stinkoff.

Other news, poor little Atapuma was attacked by bandits while out on a training ride in Colombia.

"Gi'ss yer bike!" they growled.
"No!" he squeaked
"Orl right then, we'll knife yer!" they said, threatening the diminutive rider (he's my height and weighs two stone less than I do, the cowards).
"I can't, I've only just been given it, BMC will be furious with me!"
"Get 'im!"

slash, slash.

Atapuma is now wearing a protective cast on his arm while the knife cuts heal, but the report says that police have apprehended the two bandits, so presumably he bravely fought them off and managed to keep his new bike intact. Good man! Atta-boy, in fact!

Finally, all Schlecklanders will be well aware of the way that Johan Van Summeren constantly tucks  up his armbands. No-one seems to know why he does this, he's not on Twitter so I can't ask him, I've tried tweeting David Millar, team-mate at Garmin, but he never replied... so I don't know why JVS does it.

He's now moved to Ahh-dzhjee-durrs-air (thank you, Rob Hatch, for training me in the correct  pronunciation) and they, having seen what he did to the Garmin kit, have found a way to prevent any future sleeve-up-tucking:

Hah, let's see him tuck those super-long sleeve us, then!

Here he is posing round the pool, demonstrating to Jan Bakelants (5'10'') what it's like to stand next to someone who is 6'6".

Presumably JVS will use that extra height to spot the scissors...

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