If I've missed any, feel free to send me an email and I'll add it to the page: Leelu just reminded me about Tuftage and the Naughty Corner, so we'll start with those ones:
Tuftage: this is the technical term for when the riders' hair sticks through their cycle helmet in little tufts.
Here is an example of Good Tuftage, as demonstrated by Our Glorious Leader (see below), of course.
Tuftage can occur to the left, to the right, dead centre, or any combination of the foregoing.
There has been some discussion as to how great tuftage can be achieved, and it is generally accepted that Jakob sits behind Andy on the Leopard coach - and on the SexyBank coach before that - with a crochet hook.
Otherwise it generally appears after several hours of wear and tear on the road.
For more information on this subject, check out The Tufty Collection post from earlier on.
The Naughty Corner: oh dear, I hang my head in shame that Schleckland should even need such a thing. But yes, there came a time when Certain People (and you know who I mean, Original Kara) (see below) tiptoed ever-so-slightly over the line between Making Funny or Admiring Remarks, and Making Coarse, Rude, Vulgar, Shocking, Lustful or Downright Cheeky Remarks.
Being sort-of more-or-less in charge of Schleckland, it fell to me to maintain standards, and to Keep Things Clean, as I have - as you all know - a Pure and Spiritual Adoration of Mr Scheck, based very much on his personality as demonstrated in particular on Stage 15 of TdF 2010. See the video on the Fave Footage page to experience the wonderfulness of Angry Andy again for yourselves.
So anyone being a bit too cheeky was sent to the Naughty Corner.
After a while, I was a bit cheeky myself, can't remember the exact circumstance, so I had to send myself to the Naughty Corner, and I discovered that PeeDee, Eli, Cece and Original Kara had installed some nice comfy chairs, a TV, a coffee machine, and the walls were covered with posters of Our Glorious Leader! Then, then, some woman arrived from the cake shop with what she referred to as "the regular order" ! Shock! And, AND, I found that someone (you know who you are) had used my tippex to remove Andy's sideburns in the photos, and someone else had used my scissors and sellotape to put them back on using hair clippings!
I have cleared out these enhancements to the Naughty Corner twice now, but they keep coming back... it's supposed to be a punishment, guys!
Original Kara: from Shleckland days, a keen wit and a lot of cheek! Then in 2011 we gained another Kara, Karalara (well, Karalala really but when I type it, it always comes out as Karalara) and about this time Original Kara decided it was time she took a break to calm down a bit, and to avoid confusion, but we're all expecting and hoping to see her back one day, under a different name.
Andyhab: a sort of rehabilitation, aimed at making me once more a productive adult member of the human race instead of a 14-year old with a crush on a boy who is way, waaay, too young for me. Involves me being shown pictures of Andy and hit with a stick while someone shouts "no! no!" at me. It's working very well. I am allowed out of the straitjacket to make posts once or twice a week now, as long as I don't get too carried away. Each time the blog gains a new follower, I am allowed to add a new photo of Our Glorious Leader (see below).
Schleckland: This was my original blog, from 2010. It quickly gained a large, joyful following of active, prolific commenteers, and was full of pictures of Our Glorious Leader (see below). We had our own secret handshake, and a protocol for meeting up with fellow Schlecklanders that involved singing the Schleckland Song - Chou Andy by The Rita Mitsouka. It's a moderately terrible late 80s song, from a French pop rock group, but we kinda liked it!
Lux Splocks: these are an essential uniform item for Schlecklanders, being easily available on the internet, and being easily hidden under trousers until the appropriate moment arrives.
Can also be waved like small flags - if not actually on the feet at the time, obviously.
Modelled here by Itsy and Bitsy, my slipperbears, who have struck up something of a friendship with Hippi and Hoppi - see below.
For a review of these socks see Wiggle. (*blushes with embarrassment, I assumed they would heavily edit the reviews before printing them....*)
Stomach of Anger tee: The other essential uniform item!
I became quite friendly with Michael from Stomach of Anger, as their website didn't quite work for overseas orders, and we had quite a lot of to-ing and fro-ing by email, and testing of their website.
But we managed to get it sorted out, and I successfully ordered my Stomach of Anger tee, along with a blue Schleck Brothers tee.
Hippi the Slippo: Miss Fede, who has her own excellent blog here, has a pair of slippers with pink hippos on them, and one day she foolishly put up a picture of them on her blog - right.
Mwaaaaah haaa haaa!
Ever since then, Hippi - the one who became detached - has been having adventures. The other one, Hoppi, hasn't travelled yet: but who knows, one day....
Our Glorious Leader = Andy Schleck, of course, leader of the Schlecklanders.
Unndy = Andy, obviously. This comes from the way their names are pronounced: Andy is a bit of a boring name in English, it's very, very
Frankie = Frank: used to be written as "Froink" for a long time in Schleckland, as I figured that the umlaut would change it. However, a nice lady who used to teach Frank emailed me and explained that his name didn't originally have the umlaut, he added it when he started to become internationally known, as he didn't like being called Fronk or Frunk, which is how the German and French pronounced it. So the umlaut makes them call him Fraaaaank with an A. However, I've noticed that Unndy usually calls him Frankie, so that's what I choose to call him.
The Howald Tunnel! (fanfare of trumpets). Way, way back before the team name was announced, there was a rumour about Leopard True Racing being involved, and they were based in Howald.
That's all we knew, at the time. They didn't have a website or anything, and although I searched the internet for info on Howald, all I found was an apartment for rent, and a news report saying that the Howald Tunnel was still closed, as though it had been going on for a long time.
This led to an update appearing in every post ("It's still closed!" "It might be opened early?" "Nope, still closed" "Not going to re-open until November" etc) and eventually I wanted to find a photo of it. This lead me to the fantastic Victor Bodson Bridge, which is a thing of beauty (the road springs out of the Howald Tunnel straight across this wonderful bridge) and then I found the traffic cams.... an obsession was born...