Monday, 5 January 2015

"On the twelfth day of Christmas...."

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the Quacktain gave to us:

"A portait of Andy!"

"Aaaa-ndy in Yellow!"

"Did my best at Time Trial.."

"AAndy and Jensie"

"Where is the tuftage?"

"Looking cool in Oakleys"

"Relaxing with Jakob"

"It's a - KAN GA ROO!!!"

"Slighty dirty face"

"I'm with my bike"

 "Don't cwy, Uncle Andy!"

"And a picture of Andy and Jil!"  Merry Christmas, little Schleck family!

And  Merry Christmas, Schlecklanders!

2015 won't be the same without Andy in the peloton, but here's my very best wishes for him and his family, whatever he does, wherever he goes, and who knows, one day he might be not-famous enough to come on here and say hello to us!


  1. Thanks for the pictures Coug! Going to miss the boy this year.Keep in touch!

  2. Hi Coug.
    Thanks for this. It was fun.

  3. *sigh*

    Glad you enjoyed it, one and all! Stunningly high page count figures all over the Christmas period, so there must be more Schlecklanders out there than I thought, I'm touched that so many of you found the time to come here and check out the new picture each day.

    Here's hoping that we see Andy in his new job soon - commentating, I hope!
