Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Tour de France 2017 - sprint deviation

What with all the kerfuffle about Peter Sagan elbowing Cav and his subsequent dismissal from the Tour, not to mention poor Cav being now out of the Tour himself with a broken shoulder, it's easy to overlook that there were other problems on the day.

Apparently Boo-hoo-hanni was ALSO blocked on his way to the sprint.

Ha! Ha!

Poor cry-baby Bouhanni, bleating to the press that he was cut off in the sprint, otherwise he would clearly have won it, as he is clearly the bestest ever sprinter ("not"). At least he stopped short of demanding that Arnaud Demare, sprint winner, should also be thrown off the Tour....


  1. Hi Glad you're back!
    I tried to post a comment earlier, but my internet froze up. Apologies if this is a repeat.
    Too bad about Cav's scapula. Most of the comments I have seen think it was an over-reaction to DQ Sagan. Not sure myself. Looked dodgey to me, but I'm sure he didn't deliberately mean to injure anyone.
    The bits of Andy I saw looked great! He's all grown up, but still adorable.

  2. Hey emjay, nice to hear from you again! Yup, it's a shame that ASO over-reacted but having done so, I guess they have to stick to their guns.

    Aw, I haven't seen the Andy-clips yet, fingers crossed that LLB hasn't deleted the recordings so I can search through them at the weekend!
