Wednesday, 6 January 2016

On the thirteenth day of Christmas?

Why don't you ever see Father Christmas in hospital?

Ans:  Because he has private elf care

Oh, hang on, it's all over, the decorations are down, the turkey has finally been finished, and I have no excuse to continue this short season of terrible jokes and cheap excuses to look at old photos of Schleckland.

Well, maybe just one more, then?

Pic:  oh dear - the death of my first Lux socks. (Luckily LLB bought me some more)

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know you were back. A lot of personal disasters took away all my energy, but that's life sometimes. You can do nothing about it.
    I really appreciate your latest post (and some pictures :) ). Thank you for that.
    I think my new pet will be Tom Dumoulin, but it doesn't feel the same.....

