Honestly, the quality of cycling journalism does leave something to be desired: I read a story in the cyling news a couple of days ago, about what Our Andy is up to these days: apparently he is very sensibly using the time before he opens his bike shop in Itzig, in learning how to manage a business.
He is doing that by working for TinkerJil's father, in his swimming-pool installation business. He is following the standard business model of spending time in each department, learning about taking orders, invoicing, credit control, quality, project management etc etc .
All well and good, we think.
But the report says that he is working for his step-father.
This can only mean that Gabi has divorced Johnny, and remarried. Hmm, that seems a bit unlikely.
Or, maybe, it's just sloppy journalism: the phrase they were looking for is, I would suggest, Father-in-Law.
Not that he has actually married TinkerJil, as far as I can tell - he still refers to her as his partner and not his wife, and there certainly haven't been any photos. Come on Andy, marry her!
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