Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Andy's in Oman!

*blinks in surprise*

Sorry, fellow Schlecklanders, I seem to have been asleep for a while, and I missed the fact that Andy and Frankie are both in Oman - they are riding again! Yay!

Let's hope we get some coverage of the race in the UK, as we had none at all of Qatar... I remember that last year there were problems between the host broadcaster and the UK Tv networks, so we didn't get any coverage at all, but we had hoped that thing would be sorted out by this year.

Alas, no - no coverage.

The bad news is that so far, I can't find any coverage of Oman, either! *screams and tears hair out*

They're under way, apparently - as I write, they've been on the road for about half an hour, due to finish about 11.30 UK time, and I'm stuck indoors again today due to the stinky weather we are having here - rain, rain, and oh! what a surprise, yet more rain. I have seen enough flooded fields to last me a lifetime, but please be assured that here in Schleckland, the water is nowhere near the doors. It's just that most of the gardens are full up with the stuff, so I can't get out there and work.

Ah well, it gives me time to try to track down some sort of race coverage, I suppose! *looks all around for silver lining*

So what do we have to look forward to in the Tour of Oman? *loyal cries of "Andy winning it!" *

No, Andy is not likely to actually win it, there are three sprint stages, one "undulating" stage (presumably that's a flat stage that isn't exactly flat?) and two mountain stages, stages 4 and 5, on Friday and Saturday, and those will be the two stages that will particularly interest us.

It's generally accepted that GC riders who do well here, do well in the rest of the season, so there's no pressure on Andy and Frankie *laughs* . Oh, I expect they are feeling the pressure, but hopefully they will be cheered up by riding together again, for the first time in about a hundred years.

And what of the teams? Running through them in race order - Sky are sending Froome, Svitsov (Robo-Domestique) and little Ben Swift (who is one of my pets).

Katusha are sending the usual selection of Dark Lords, still wearing red and white: Ass-t'na are sending Nibali (wonder what Jakob is up to?*waves*).

Trek are leading out with Fabian, he's wearing 31, with Andy on 36 and Frankie on 37. Which number did I decide was Andy's lucky bib number? 6, wasn't it? Let's hope it works for him this week! And let's hope that Tinkerjil is sticking to the schedule of not having her baby until next month!

The Cannondale Chipmunks are lead by Peter "Jammy Dodger" Sagan, BMC have gone for PhilGil, along with BumFluff Van Garderen: Omega Pharma ArmBands have sent Tom "snort it up my nose" Boonen - I still don't like him, but I have to have some sympathy for the guy after last year's "I have worn out the skin on my scrotum" episode. *winces* And he has Rigoberto "so good they named him twice" Uran Uran, my former Sky pet, as support.

Next we have Lotto Belisol, yet another team in Red and White this year, they have send Gorilla Gummy Bear Gruipel, who was doing pretty good stuff earlier this month.

Ah-dzjee-durrs-air are sending an instantly forgettable team with no big names - I don't think they are taking this too seriously, but there again, they are the only team to ever wear brown shorts - and Belkin, the only team sponsored by a medieval cod-piece, are sending Gesink, Lars Boom, and Martin "check spelling" Tjallingi.

The 10th team is Stinkoff, glowing brightly in hideous yellow - again, an instantly forgettable team. I have more faith in FDJ, at least they are trying, with Pinot, and Chavanel. 11th are NetApp, not much of interest there: followed by O'rica, lead by Darryl Impey, who is still managing to ride without his musette, which I have, as you might remember.

Barbie Barbie Haussler is riding for IAM this year, oh dear, how are the mighty fallen - mind you, an awful lot of pro-team riders were scrabbling for teams, and many of them have had to drop down a league. Topsport Vlanderen, Bardiani, and United Healthcare make up the 17 teams, so there you have it.

Quite a mixed bunch, quite a lot to look out for, but best of all, both Andy and Frankie! Riding together! Whoo hoo!

Err, I've just signed in to Twatter, for the first time in about three months, and Trek Factory Racing have given us this:

Seriously, guys, you own him, he's at your disposal, and this is the best photo you could get? He looks tired, pained, blinded by the sun, scrawny, and not happy.  Although the tuftage is not bad... but come on, give us nicer pics than this!!


  1. Hi Coug! Glad to hear you haven't been swept away by flood waters! I have to agree, not the best pic that Trek could give us. All I can think of when I see this is 'SUNSCREEN! SHADE!' On the plus side, at least Andy hasn't been taken out by a mattress: http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/matti-breschel-hit-by-flying-mattress-in-oman.
    In Australia we have swooping magpies. Apparently in Oman, they have swooping mattresses!
    Bris. Gal

  2. Congrats to Andy and Jil! A baby boy!

  3. Big welcome to Teo~!! Glad all are healthy and well! Big congrats to Andy and Jil (and Teo) nice choice kiddo!
