Tuesday, 12 November 2013

A new Schleck on the way?

Great news! And thanks to Brisbane Gal for mentioning it on the last post, as I hadn't heard it myself - so, is it true that Frankie and Martine are having a second baby?

I do hope so, it's about the right time for Leea to have a little sister or brother - oh, probably a little brother, as Frankie hasn't been racing much in the past year.

Sorry, what was that?  Why do I say that?

Well - settle down now, children - a lot of cyclist subscribe to the theory which says that babies conceived during the heavy workload of a major Tour, or the middle of a busy season, are more likely to be girls, as the father is using up all his testosterone on racing.

It certainly worked for Marky Mark (Cav) as his little girl was conceived mid-Tour.

I don't think there has ever been any proper scientific research into the idea, which is odd, as it seems like quite an easy one to check. For as start, we could ask if Jensie would consent to comment on the idea - after all, he has a good number of test subjects to check on!

Anyway, this could be a new little brother then, a new nephew for Andy, and another cousin for Andy and TinkerJil's expected baby.


I guess the only downside is that both families will be buying new baby clothes, instead of being able to pass them around.. or no, thinking about it, if TinkerJil is due in March, they might be able to economise by using Leea's outgrown clothes, then passing them back to Martine for her new baby a couple of months later... ah, it could all work out very well indeed!

Well, I have trawled the cycling news and not found any mention of it, but that's not surprising as the cycling journos have been very reticent to mention either Our Andy or Frankie (unless they can get the "D" word into the headline, of course) lately.

But we just have to hang on for a new more weeks - soon, we should start seeing leaked examples of the new team kit, and lists of the riders, and so on. So keep your eyes out, Schlecklanders, and do feel free to report back with any news that you spot!  I'm having a slightly strange problem with this blog at present, I can't respond to any of your comments directly, other than as "Anonymous" which would be a bit odd.  And might lead to certain people (you know who you are) pretending to be me, and getting me in trouble with the Andyhab overseers. So please don't be miffed if I don't respond to your comments! 


  1. Hi Coug! Sorry, I should have name my source like a good Schlecklander - it was Frankie himself on his Twitter account, so I think we can definitely look forward to another mini-Schleck. Yay! Now if only Andy would say something about his own possible mini-me!
    Bris. Gal

  2. Hi
    First comment here (though you may know me as ParisWheels on Twitter... we have conversed on the horribleness of Astana Pyjamas on Jakob F)

    Delighted with the Frank news and wondered if you'd all seen this article.

    It looks like the baby is due on the same day as Leea and Franks birthday, and also I think Steve and his partner (?) are expecting too. Three new Schlecks for 2014
