Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Andy Schleck Girlfriend 2013 - having a baby!

OK, unconfirmed rumours at present - although you'd think that would know, if anyone does:


Hooray!  Brace yourself, TinkerJil, this will be the first of many, as Andy has already said that he wants "heaps of kids", and I think we all know how much he dotes on his neice,  Leea.

D'aaaw, sweet, I've been waiting for aaaages for the announcement of a wedding - we thought we saw a delicate little engagement ring on Tinkerjil's finger a while back, but nothing was said. Mind you, Andy has been being fairly quiet this year, for all sorts of perfectly understandable reasons, so maybe they felt the time was not right to talk about the future..

Perhaps now he might be a bit more forthcoming? *scans Twitter in case there's any more info*

Oh, and it's going to be a boy, of course. Oh, I do hope they go with a Luxembourgish name (cries of "Call him Jempy!" from me) although apparently the top Lux boy's name this year is Toni, which - in all the English-speaking countries - is the girl's version of the name. Short for Antonia, usually. So don't go with that one!

It looks as though 2014 is going to be a fabulous year for all of us: Andy will be racing again, fully healed, and very, very happy: Frankie will be racing again: Trek will have the new team up and running,  no more Becca; Martine will announce her second baby (that's just me speculating); Jil will be having her first baby, ooh! excitement!  and the new Trek team will blow everyone out of the water, except for Sky. *big grin*

I can't wait!


  1. Aww, that is wonderful news!


  2. I notice some strategic wording happening in the title of this post Coug, haha ;) can't wait to see the stats!

    Bris. Gal

  3. Oh, did I accidentally include the phrase Andy Schleck Girlfriend in the title of this post?

    *innocent face*

    Well, good lord, would'ya look at that, so I did!

  4. Well, this is what I get for taking my annual post-tour break from cycling; just today learned about this great news. Had to check-in here to see the report. And I agree with Bris. Gal, the title made me laugh out loud. - Kat

  5. Hi Kat *waves* welcome back! It hasn't exactly been headline news, apart from here in Schleckland, as Andy seems to be being sidelined by RadioShambles (who now don't bother to mention him in their race reports, even if he was part of the team), and I guess the shallow journos have lost interest in him. But we haven't! Yay, go Andy! Terrific news, isn't it, for someone who said a couple of years ago that he wanted "heaps of kids"!
