Thursday, 22 August 2013

LLB lubs me!

Remember the Lux ensign socks? Bought about three years ago, worn to death, finally consigned to the bin, amid much sadness and with a very glum face:

Yes, they had actual holes underneath, and you should have seen the heels!! It was a sad day when the second pair (above) finally gave up the ghost, and were thrown out.

It was even more traumatic, as I couldn't find them for sale any more - I bought those ones from Wiggle, and although they had about a hundred products from Sock Guy, none of them were Lux ensign ones.

After wailing about this for several weeks, I finally learned to live a Life Without Lux Socks: it was a hard adjustment, but eventually I came to terms with the loss.

Then LLB gave me a present - oooh! New Lux socks!  How sweet is that? He searched for, and found, some very similar Lux socks for me, instead of sending me off to Andyhab (where I think I probably have a standing reservation).  Perhaps it's because we haven't heard much from Our Andy this year... or perhaps I have been very good this summer.

The new socks are not quite the same - instead of Angel of the Mountains (in memory of Charly Gaul, not Our Andy) on the sole, these ones have L/XL. Apparently they don't come in my size anymore, so these one are a leader bit (as Magnus Backstedt would say) too large, but being extremely stretchy they aren't as overlarge as you'd think, and I just don't care, I wear them anyway!

So I am a happy, happy, happy Schlecklander again, and I am now wearing my new Lux ensign socks as often as I can. I'm wearing them now, actually!

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