Friday, 8 March 2013

Rob Hatch promoted to Honorary Schlecklander!

If you read any of my race reports, you'll know that I have opinions about the commentators - I like Magnus Backstedt very much, and Rob Hayles:  and to date I have been taking the mickey out of Rob Hatch, who tends to over-pronounce the foreign non-English names.

Now, I don't mind anyone pronouncing names correctly - ah, remember the lovely Leelu and the "Graeme Brown?" voice post - but it seems to me that pronouncing AG2R in French - Ahh-gzee-durrs-air rather than the usual Ay-Jee-Two-Arr  - is what you might call over-egging the pudding.

And I've accused Ron Hatch of this a couple of times.

Err, well, every time he's commenting, actually.

Yesterday afternoon I was skiving wasn't able to work due to weather, so I was on Twitter following the Tirreno-Adriatico rainy flat stage.

The race ended, but there was no notification as to where Andy finished, so a fellow Tweeter, Jen, tweeted the question to Rob Hatch.

I joined in:

LOL!  Oh, I just love it when these guys read our tweets, and answer nicely, with humour! Rob, you are now an honorary Schlecklander, and I will never again criticise you for your pronunciation. Well, let's be honest, I will still take the mickey, but only in a nice way. Promise.

And hey, isn't he young? I had sort of formed the impression that he was, errr, quite senior... sorry, Rob!

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