Friday, 15 February 2013

Andy will march back in March.

It's official - Our Andy has finally admitted that he's been a sicky boy, and there is no point rushing back into races when you are not properly prepared.

We all know that he had a major injury last year with the fractured sacrum/pelvis which, in retrospect, must have been all the more annoying as there were no outward, visible signs of damage. It must have been a bit hard to have to say "it hurts, it hurts" without there being any blood or bandages to show for it.

Then he came back in the Tour Down Under, not really prepared: I think Jensie's comment made it plain that Andy had not been training hard enough to be in good condition for a race. Whether we think Andy didn't train because he was worried about not being fully recovered (as indicated in his interview early in the Tour Down Under), or whether he didn't train enough because he was lazy and un-motivated (Sporza et al) is a matter of opinion.

In my opinion, obviously, I tend to believe what he has said in person, to a camera, rather than what some magazine somewhere has said, particularly when they are repeating what someone else has said.

Then there was the Tour of the Med, where he had to drop out on the first day with a respiratory infection, which was yet another blow for him, and yet more ammunition for the Schleck-knockers.

But, today, better news: Radioshack have apparently announced that he's not racing again before the end of the month. This makes a lot of sense - having been ill, he certainly won't be in race-fit condition, and he wasn't quite race-fit before the illness. 

It therefore seems sensible to take a fortnight off, and get back in training.

There's nothing about this on the Radioshack site, btw - they don't seem to talk about him very much - so we have to assume that the quote came via the press office.

“We were happy to see Andy doing well in training the last few days,” explained RadioShack Leopard manager Luca Guercilena. “There is however a big difference between training and race situations." 

“We want to prevent a relapse because of the race. Andy’s main goals are situated later in the season. It’s better that we are cautious now instead of taking steps backward.” 

So, fingers crossed everyone that he doesn't get knocked off his bike in training!

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