Here's a bit of non-cycling news that could have a big effect on Our Andy: Shack are in big trouble.
Their CEO, James Gooch, has quit. Not surprising, as Shack's shares have tumbled 83% since he took over in May of last year.
83% !!!
For those of you who are not quite clear how much of a drop that is:
The report says that Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities (who? And why is he competent to comment on this story?) said one problem facing RadioShack is its name, which conjures up images from another era.
“Radio is a concept from a hundred years ago, and a shack is a place that essentially homeless people lie in,” he said.
Well, good point, hadn't really thought about it in those terms.
Certainly this can't be good for their sponsorship of a cycling team - even though the cost of running a cycle team is negligible to a company of that size, it is no doubt considered an easy thing to cut, when cuts have to be made.
Out of interest, how does this relate to AndyFan satisfaction with RadioShack and their team management style? I asked a random selection of Andy Schleck fans how they would rate their satisfaction with how Shack have treated riders and staff, since the merger:
Yes, I can see a clear correlation there, can't you?
So, what will we get next year?
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