Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Schleckland is Back!

EisenAndy has moved to Wordpress for a while, to see if it is better than Blogger: and I took the opportunity to get the name Schleckland back, yay!
The address is schleckland.wordpress.com
But I'm keeping Eisen Andy going for now, as it has the best SEO!
Click here for an easy jump to the new blog, see what you think of it.

Hey Schlecklanders, welcome to our new home!

Blogger was all right to start with, but it will shortly be time to move on, so I'm trying out this one, although somewhat apprehensive about a terrible feature called "re-blogging" where, apparently, other bloggers can simply steal these blog entries and publish them on their own blogs.

I'm not at all sure that I care for that idea!

I mean, Tumblr is all about getting popular by being reblogged: and it's mostly (with due respect) just photos. I'm not at all keen on someone else getting the credit for all my hard work, but we'll see how it goes. Maybe Schleckland is so obscure that no-one else will want to reblog it!!

Please let me know if you've had any problems with this site, or if you spot anything missing from Eisen Andy.

Auntie Coug


  1. All I have to say is: Eins, zwei, drei: vier, fünf, Schlecks. I may have acquired German more easily from Rosetta Stone if they'd shown 1 Schleck, 2 Schlecks, instead of äpfels. Also, this is technically my first post on Schleckland. Novelty!

  2. Looks good, Coug!

  3. Hey Figgy! Welcome, after all these months, to Schleckland. There, you are now a fully qualified, card-carrying Schlecklander. *waves flags*

  4. Hi again Coug.

    In fairness, I think photos count as work, in that unless I'm taking photos of my neglected toenails, it does require that I'm physically somewhere, documenting an event, experience, or what have you. To me, it's just as unnerving to see photographs I've taken on someone else's blog--it's like having someone decorate their photo album with scenes from MY life.

    As for tumblr, I can tell you that reblogging doesn't make you popular, as the credit gets buried in the ether.

  5. No swearing? *sigh* ;D

  6. Yes, young lady *points finger warningly at Naughty Corner*, No Swearing!

    Oh yes, the Naughty Corner has been imported as well, although I still can't find the Pages. And we couldn't move here without bringing Hippi and Hoppi along, could we? Not to mention the Singing Cat. I will work on it soon, honest.

    Figgy, I think that photos are much, much more "worth protecting" than mere text. But I also feel that mere text should not be stolen, either.

    I'm still not sure, so I'm planning to get this blog running here for a while and see how it goes: and see if Blogger decide to rescind their decision to force the horrible gui on us!


  7. It looks good, Coug! Nice to see the old, original name back! :)

  8. Oooh, my very first Schleckland post! The new blog is looking good Coug.

    Just came here after end of Stage 6 and am feeling very sorry for Frankie after today's crash. Not to mention poor Johan Van Summeren (did I spell that correctly?) coming in across the line with his jersey ripped to pieces.

    Anyway, good luck with your last exam Coug!

    Bris. Gal *heads sleepily off to bed*

  9. I am actually loving the the clean wordpress interface, Coug. Hopefully, no one will be dodgy enough to steal your work--I actually think it's more heinous to take credit for ideas and writings, which are so particular and idiosyncratic, and so very personal, in a way.

    Snaps are just snaps. I just can't get my head around why anyone would want to post photos of the bowl of noodles I had for lunch, when they could very easily take a picture of their own lunch. It's just bizarre!

  10. The blog looks good Auntie! And the old name brings back such good memories! :D
