Saturday, 14 April 2012

Oh dear, things are not going as well as hoped: I got all excited after Circuit Cyclist Sarthe, which Andy finished - although I was a bit miffed that we had no coverage of it - and he said afterwards that he was feeling good.  But now he's crashed and abandoned another race, the unpronounceable Brabanse pijl.

According to the report, he had a bad crash, and hurt his hand, but got up and rode on ("Go, Andy, go!") but when he reached the final destination, instead of doing four (I think) laps, he only did one, then retired.

Here he is at the beginning, looking all bright-eyed and tufty-headed:

Mind you, less pleasing, here is an interview before the race - seldom have I seen such a non-happy, non-smiling Andy: watch it, and tell me what you think.

There have been some comments lately to suggest that Andy is off form, past his best, a no-hoper for the Tour, etc etc.  Well, *shrugs shoulders and makes pfff! noise with Gallic gesture* that might be the case, I'm not a DS and I'm not privy to his training schedule - although in the video, he does say that he has done more training this year than ever before, which can only be a good thing.

If I had to take a guess, I'd say that being bounced into three teams over three seasons can't be good for the soul, nor good for the rhythm.

I also believe that luck comes into it: not in the doom and gloom sense of "oh dear we're having bad luck this year" being a self-fulfilling prophecy, but in the sense of "we've had some bad luck this year: it's not down to lack of preparation, poor form, inadequate training or bad bike-handling skills - it's just bad luck."

So we'll have to see how things pan out tomorrow, at the Amstel Gold. Velonation point out that it's a long way to the Tour, but they do admit that the Schlecks are not showing their 2011 form yet.  Nice to see a news report that says that they are not in good form, without making rude remarks about it! Some of the forums, and especially Twitter, are on a real Andy-hate-fest at the moment.

I asked LLB why there should be so much hate of Andy, in particular: he commented that it's often disillusioned "fans" who thought he was good, got all keen about him, then took it personally if he "let them down" by not winning. Or by not attacking, or by not finishing a race, er hem. Something to do with these people feeling that they've been made to look foolish in some way - some imaginary way.

It is also a fact, much lamented by me, that if you go back a year and read the comments, many of those fangirls have moved on.  (Although I do know that some of them do still read the blog, they just don't feel moved to comment, which is fine *waves to Armchair Schlecklanders* as long as they still enjoy reading about cycling and, occasionally, about OGL)  I guess people can "grow out of" following particular athletes.

Oh well!

Just to give more joy to the cycling world, Tony Martin - the "Dripping Cod" as he is known - former lead-out man for Mark Cavendish, has been knocked off his bike while out training, resulting in some serious injuries. He was on a cycle lane as well, which makes it all the more annoying, and some woman driver drove across it, knocked him out, broke his eye-socket, jaw and cheekbone, and he has now been found to have hairline fractures in his shoulderblade and upper arm as well. Ouch.

And as for the Amstel Gold, riders are already dropping like flies, according to this report from Velonation: the worst news in this collection is that Johnny "Barbed Wire" Hoogerland might be out, he has a sore throat and is not sure if he'll be ready to ride.

So, fingers crossed, everyone, that both Schlecks manage to start, finish, and get a place in the race tomorrow!


  1. I am feeling the urge to simply re-state that "I am a Schlecklander". I am such a big supporter of both Andy and Frank. That won't change -
    I am, however, concerned for them.
    Yet, how weird must it be to be "top o' the heap" and then buried under the straw?
    I suppose everyone heard the rumors that Johan had all copies of "The Road Uphill" (Schleck movie) destroyed? (Because they seemed to celebrate 2nd place????)
    And they have both been so quiet. And the RSNT website is rarely even mentioning them.
    I understand there are "team" issues and and the best riders get the mentions....
    So, maybe they need to become the best riders ....again? Because they were. And I hope they are again.
    I suspect it's politics, promotions and paybacks.
    When you've been "on stage" it's really hard to sit at the back of the room.
    Personally - I hope they blow the drawers off during the Tour. Many riders historically have focused only on the Tour. I really hope they shut a lot of mouths in July!

  2. LOL - what a lovely expression - "blow the drawers off"!

    Not quite sure if you mean for them to blow their own drawers off, or whether you mean for them to blow the drawers off of everyone else, but it's funny either way.

    Particularly funny when, in English, "drawers" are also "underpants" or "knickers"....

    Cuog - see, laughing so much I spelled my own name wrongly!

    PS A kind Twitterer gave me a link to the full one-hour video of Andy Schleck: My Tour. I'm sure you all remember it, we all saw the short three-minute version, which starts with Andy shaving his legs: ("Kat, control yourself") but I have never seen the full hour-long one. Check the Fave Footage page!


    1. *wondering if Coug has perfected time travel in her spare time, Kat rushes off full of hope to check the date of birth on her birth certificate ... sigh ... nope, the birth year hasn't magically changed; still old enough to be OGL's mum* :)

  3. He looked a bit distracted in the interview. I watched the race on TV and it was just a bad-luck-crash. They were going over a roundabout, it was raining hard and some rider in front of him crashed and then it was a domino effect. He looked quite sore actually.

    The peloton was already going full gas when he crashed and they didn't slow down. By the time he was finally back, he had to change bikes and then he was never able to get back again.

    I'm not too worried to be honest, in both 2009 and 2010 he'd had a lot of bad luck before the classics started, still he was good AND did a good Tour. Moreover, I think that last year during the Tour, he was not in super shape. At least he was not in the same shape he was in during 2008-2010. So maybe it's a good thing he's not there yet.

    I'm noticing the Andy-bashing as well. Seems to me that lots of people are blaming him for winning the Tour 2010 now that Contador is banned. Which is not fair, of course, because Andy didn't exactly ask for that. I think lots of people now want him to show he can actually win the Tour without CAS interfering.

    Oh well, I'll be cheering for them tomorrow, sure that will help! ;-)


  4. Hey Inge, thank you for that - I'm a little envious that you were able to watch it, and I hope that you were waving your flag!

    Phew, there you go, it really was just bad luck, and yes, you are right, a lot of the current Andy-bashing might well be disgruntled Contador-oes (hey, I made up a new word!) who are as sick as pigs that their man had the victory taken away from him. It's very unfair of them to blame Andy, as he has said, right from the beginning, that he does not want to win the Tour this way.

    Keep cheering, everyone!


  5. As I recall, he was sort of reclusive last year before the Tour, so I'm not terrible worried.

    P.S. Tomorrow is brother Frank's birthday. Yay Frank!

  6. firstly, i still think of myself as a schlecklander, although i am no longer the huge schleck-fan that i once was, and i've certainly stopped following RSNT as a team. i'm not "disillusioned" so much as plain old-fashioned disappointed. there's so much potential in Andy that we are just not seeing. i feel like shaking him and telling him to wake up! we're allowed to be frustrated, right?! i'll readily admit to making snarky remarks about him from time to time, but i feel they're more 'tough-love' than anything else. yes, the team, like other teams this year, has had some bad luck. but... it can only account for so much.

    secondly, Coug you said about Andy's form, "If I had to take a guess, I'd say that being bounced into three teams over three seasons can't be good for the soul, nor good for the rhythm." I don't think 'bounced' is really the right word. Andy was with Saxo Bank since... 2008 I think. That's 3 years with 1 team. He then CHOSE to leave Saxo Bank and be a part of Leopard Trek. And Kim Andersen was, reportedly, his DS at both teams (except, presumably, for the 6 months between Andersen being asked to leave Saxo and Leopard Trek starting). So, theoretically there should not have been that much difference in his training etc. I don't think the change from Saxo to LT did much damage. I DO think that happenings within the team throughout last year took its toll. and i DO think that the change from LT to RSNT probably has something to do with it.

    Anyway, that's just my thoughts on the matter. i would like to see andy do something. soon.

    PS Hoogerland started Amstel. he's on my screen right now ;)

  7. I agree Leela. And...OGL is now in a serious relationship. That changes a fella. It's probably had an effect on "the brothers" as well. Not saying it's bad - it's just that time in this guys life.
    I also think Woulter's death had more of an effect than people realize. Makes them aware of their mortality.
    Watching Amstel right now. Cuddles dropped out. Wonder why? My feed is in french....
    Hope the boyz show well!

  8. Hey Leelu *waves*, ok, "bounced" wasn't quite the right word, he did jump the first time - but certainly, the change to Shack was forced upon all of them, and judging by Brian Nygaad's comments, the whole Leopard thing turned out to be a bit of a nightmare for just about everyone concerned.... all that can't be good for your internal equilibrium.

    Actually, I'm now thinking that the change from Saxo to LT might have had more bad influence than I originally thought: there was a bit of a wave of "Schlecks start their own team" and "new team formed around Andy and Frankie", is it possible that in all this hype, not to mention all the press attention, Kim Andersen found it difficult to keep Andy to a sensible schedule? Maybe he (Andy) was riding the wave of "ooh look at me, I'm the Great White Hope of my own team": or, "heeeeelp! Everyone's depending on me!" (or a mixture of both) which could have altered his outlook etc. Mind you, he did still get a podium finish at the Tour - yay!

    And as Elle says, he now has a serious relationship, he's growing up, all these changes... we can only watch and wait.

    BTW Elle, our feed was in English and no reason was given for Cadel's disappearance!


  9. I was on the Cauberg yesterday, when they had to go over it for the second time (with 75K to go). Cadel came by a few minutes behind the peloton. He had a Europcar rider and a Lampre rider on his wheel and he was struggling actually. A few minutes later, the speaker announced he had abandoned the race.


  10. And poor Matti Breschel had to abandon too. I was really shocked and disappointed about that as well.

    Bris. Gal

  11. Cadel abandoned because he's been sick. At least that's what I eventually heard.

    Coug, you mentioned Andy being boo'd on twitter? My protective lioness rises. (I am a Leo). Could you clarify?
    My issue being - regardless of how Andy is "showing" now - it's still very early and the reality is, he's a really good rider and HOW DARE ANYONE BOO HIM??
    Or are you speaking of "boo's" as being just negative or comical statements?

    Must admit, after all his abandons - which were sensible and reasonable - when Dwouri tweeded that Cadel did a perfect "Abandy"...I did laugh out loud. Do I have to go to the closet?

    Again, my hope is that both the boyz do really well in the tour. I think Frank declaring he was the strongest Sunday (with a 12th place finish) was just baiting the hook for the naysayers. Shouldn't have said that in my view.

    And I think you hit a nail on the head Coug in terms of the instant fame and pressure they had with LT formation - and to have the "truths" come out now (thank you Brian N) on how the team was actually, my heart goes out to all of them. And I can not imagine what they all went through when they were basicly "sold" to the Shack....

    And I know we all cringed when we heard Andy was hanging out with LA - even if it was enforced by JB - and we all know why. So figure how the guys must have felt when they were bought? Racehorses anyone?

    I just feel that if I was basicly forced to become an employee of someone who has done "bad things" in the past - my motivation sure might shift!!! And my performance might as well.

    Just my ramblings....

  12. Yes! Go to the Naughty Corner! *points finger, with stern face*.

    "Abandy" huh.

    Mmmmm..."Abandy".... *snorts*

    OK, you came come out of the Naughty Corner, that is actually quite funny!

    Twitter was just full of snarky comments about him not finishing races, not being on form, being rubbish: all the usual stuff. It's a bit better today, as he has now finished a race ("Good boy!" *pats Andy on shoulder*). To see what I mean, click on the word "Discover" then type "Andy Schleck" into the search box. Instead of getting all the people called Andy Schleck - of which there are a frightening number - you get tweets with his name in them.

    There was one from the UCI Overlord, something about the SchleckChute failing to deploy, so Andy forced to finish the race: mildly amusing: and a lovely one from TinkerJil saying "So proud of @andy_schleck ! Amazing personality, toughest character and strong will. Your patience is admirable and I love you! Be safe."

    See, she IS a nice girlfriend for him!

