Tuesday, 22 February 2011

15 Schlecklanders! 16 including me!

Well done Anne, thank you for joining as a Schlecklander, that means we get another photo of Our Glorious Leader, yay!

Nice, huh?

I can't quite make my mind up if he is leaning back against a wall, or lying down on the floor.

I thought it would be safer to keep it this way up and not offer you the lying-on-the-floor option in case Certain People (you know who you are) got carried away.

Talking of photos, bit of a disappointment, I asked Graham Watson for permission to use some of his photos here, and he refused. Well, technically, his company refused.

Shame, he had a lovely one of Fabian after Oman, all sweaty and looking as though he was definitely thinking "Le'ss go home, le'ss go home!"

I hadn't realised, when I approached him, that he seems to be the official Team Schlux photographer, oops! Possibly he thinks he's too "big" to allow fangirls to use his photos? Perhaps he's never looked at Tumblr where everyone just clicks and copies? Oh well, we'll have to hope that nice Mr Christian Kemp gets some new photos this season.

Actually, I was just looking at the Team Schlux site, and in the gallery selection, if you go to Andalucia stage 2, photo number 5 (sorry, I would just put it here but the photographer wouldn't give permission) you can see tufts of hair sticking out through the helmet, which is sooo cute.

Jakob isn't there, so presumably he handed over the crochet hook to one of the neo-pros, along with a lesson in how to pull the hair through for maximum fangirl-appeal.

Now for a horrible thought, and it's not my idea but actually originated with LLB: there's a bit of a design flaw with the Team Schlux kit.

Typically, looking for a photo to illustrate this problem, I couldn't find any shots of the team from the rear en masse, it's a shot I've seen quite a few times in the TV coverage - what little there has been! - but not many stills of it.

However, from this photo of one rear, I think you can see what he means. They seem to have, er, put a bottom on their bottoms!


  1. Lovely, lovely picture of Andy! :D
    Btw, I think he's leaning back against a wall. I don't know why, but I have this impression ;)

    I've just read the great story of Hippo the Slippo: now I finally know where the little tinker spent the last few days. I couldn't find him anywhere!
    And congratulations on your perfect Italian,miss!

  2. LOL FeeDee! This is very complicated, I'm just redoing the map right now - Hippi's on the move again!

    Yes, that is rather a glorious picture, nice to see him out of lycra for a change. And no horrible buttons!


  3. He's leaning against a wall and if I'm not mistaken Frank is/was just around the corner in another picture from the same session. If any of you haven't seen it I'll try to dig it out, Andy's pulling a face and Frank is giving the camera a hot, smouldering look.

    Erm, where was I?

    It's nice to see that the new Bontrager helmets still allow the good old tufty the squirrel look, that's a particular winner with me and I'm sure many of us (and another reason to hate time trial helmets)! I'd like Leelu's opinion on this as our fashion correspondent. Are tufts in for 2011, Leelu?

    CG! Buttons > button mushrooms > time trial helmets. Maybe the dislike of time trial kit is an extension of your koumpounophobia?

  4. Naughty Mr Watson, I'd screen cap them and use them anyway just to spite him.

    I must say have been enjoying Fabian tinged entries Coug. ;P

    Eli x

  5. Hey Kara, I'd love to see other pics from that session, yes please (*puppy dog eyes and flutters eyelashes for good measure*) as I don't have the source, having found it while "researching" ie looking for new pics of Andy...

    Come on Leelu, as Schleckland's official Fashionista, is the tufty squirrel look "in" this year?

    (As an aside, every time I seen Juan Antonio Fletcha's name written down, I think it's a trendy abbreviation for something... or is that just me?)

    Aha! Kara, you're right, it must be the button mushroom aspect of TT helmets that makes me cringe, well spotted!

    Hey Eli, don't corrupt me, I'm trying to be good this year. But yes, it did seem odd for Mr W to refuse permission when I asked nicely and would have credited him each time.... and just for you, I have an amusing pic of Fabu... next time, next time...


  6. OMG- You know the type of smut I can produce when it comes to pictures of Fabian. I mean he takes a very good picture.

    Eli x

  7. I do so love the little tufts of hair. But, without you all, I wouldn't have realized it - I never actually noticed before. NOW, of course, I'll be keeping a sharp eye out for theis detail. Again, our education continues....

  8. Ladies, the verdict is in and yes the tufty squirrel look is making a comeback to the peloton for 2011. The trend is taking off, but the fashion-conscious-cyclist should take note not to 'over-do' it. The tufty squirrel should be subtle and preferably worn with smile. Some examples:

    Too much tuft: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/79/249188628_cda4e353b4.jpg (also the grey hairs... not a good look! COLOUR DARLING! PS of course this isn't Andy!)

    The side-part: http://marchw108.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/andy-schleck.jpg

    The scrufft: http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Tour+de+France+2009+Stage+Fifteen+niwexZ7si8Ml.jpg

    The up-do: http://www.bicycle.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/andy_schleck_2011.jpg (note the added effect of tuftiness emerging from the back of the helmet).

    The mohawk: http://cdn3.media.cyclingnews.futurecdn.net/2009/07/14/2/pic48103s_600.jpg (also, perfect example of tufty squirrel worn with smile).

    Assistance from Danish fashion-mistas, commonly known as Candymen, is highly recommended to accomplish the perfect tufty squirrel look this season.

  9. Leelu, you are a star, here you go: (*hands over three Schleckpoints, with a big flourish*) I love the Tufty collection! Might have to add them to the next post so everyone can see them... (apparently not everyone reads the comments - how odd, they obviously have no idea that this is where the real fun occurs!)


  10. *shock face* people don't read the comments?! But this is where all the action is!! *grabby hands at the Schleckpoints* ;)

  11. Here ya go Coug, Frank'n'Andy in very much vertical orientation: http://i51.tinypic.com/w436t.jpg

    Loving Frank's "come hither" look. Ahem. Can't help but notice Andy's got quite a collection of ma-hooo-sive watches too.

    Marvellous Leela I knew we could count on you! May I be so bold as to add my personal fave Tufty although this may be borderline "overdoing it" (but he is wearing it with a smile as recommended) http://i54.tinypic.com/2uze3j9.jpg

    I'm reminded of the singing cat song every time I see that picture for some reason...

  12. Oh, I'm so far behind! I've been living without internet for six whole days now! (Wow, that's a lot D:) I had approximately a billion e-mails in my inbox today and I've spent a good thirty minutes reading up on everything here. Why wouldn't people read the comments?

    Anyway, I don't have much to say, really. Except that it's a lovely picture of Andy and that the Tufty Collection is wonderful.

    Oh, and also, The Adventures of Hippo = brilliant :D

  13. (Just have to add: wobbly letters spelled 'Carrot'! Ha, ha!)

  14. "Carrot", huh? LOL! Better than, what was it, Unndst?

    And yes, believe it or not, every so often I get a pm from someone saying that they've been reading the blog entries, but hadn't read the comments. They are all surprised by the madness/joyousness of our commenting community!! I think it's the way the entries are displayed, being one after the other, and because they do go on a bit, it's too easy for a newcomer to just keep scrolling down, not realising that you have to click on the comments to expand them.

    I can't find a way to leave them unexpanded: one suggestion was to only have one entry per page, I don't know if that would work? (*thinks: I'll try it, I can always change it back if we don't like it.*)

    The Tufty Collection: there's a good name for my next post. Great contributions, guys!

    Kara, I don't think that's a "come on" look from Frankie at all - I think he looks a bit cross? (ooh, I'm talking like Leelu again!) (rising inflection) Andy looks quite, well, let's go with "ardorkable" shall we? D'aaaw, still cute though.

    Oh Susanne (*shocked voice*) six days with no internet? Gasp! Welcome back! And by the way, Hippi isn't home yet... perhaps he's been waiting on your doorstep for you to get back!


  15. Nikki! Hello! Welcome to Schleckland, do feel free to join in with the comments, we love to hear from new Andyholics!

    Err, not that I am an Andyholic any more, I've been cured, cured, I tell you, CURED! oops, sorry, what happened? It all went dark...

    Not demented at all.

  16. Cross? Wow, OK. Frank's angry look is arousing, then! Let's hope I meet him on a bad day.
