Tuesday, 22 July 2014

"missed my singing on Tour de France"

I think that has to win the prize for weirdest search phrase which, put into google, leads to this blog!

Last night, after creating a new post, I checked my stats - oh dear, I'm so sad - and there it was, bottom of the list of search terms being used at that moment. What's that? You don't believe me? OK, here's a screen print:

There you go, bottom of the list, "missed my singing on tour de france.." Weird, or what?

Of course, having got there, I now have to check out the other arrival routes - 5 people came by typing Eisen Andy, which is fair enough. 

But four people - or the same person four times, which is even more unlikely - got here by typing Andy Schleck bulge.  Bulge? Why?? Oh *blushes*.

Copine? *typing sounds as I find a translation site* ah, girlfriend. No surprise there. Not sure about Johan Otter injuries, though.... clearly they were directed here because of the frequent Johan Van Summeren references. No idea who Johan Otter is, though.

And yes, one sad person is still trying to establish whether Jakob (not sure yet whether he has been reinstated as "the lovely Jakob" or whether he truly did make a mean remark about Andy recently) is still going out with Loulou *snorts through nose at made-up name* (said she, known variously as Coug, Captain Coug and The Quacktain) and if they try again, they will no doubt be sent to this post now.

And finally, the scourge of the internet, while seeing what other sites "Andy Schleck bulge" lead to, I found this:

"Andy Schleck naked"

Yes, it appears to be Andy Schleck, naked.


Monday, 21 July 2014

Slightly better news from Luxembourg.

Thanks to the Schlecklander who put up the link to the video in yesterday's post: it was very good to see a new, fresh video of Andy:

Here he is hobbling across the room of his apartment, using crutches but not looking too bad.

Last time I was on crutches it was like Transformers - creak, crunch, clatter clatter, groan, scuff, thump, "Oh sorry, was that your ankle" etc etc. Andy seems to manage it with grace and ease!

I have no idea who the bloke in the blue shirt is.. and I have no idea what Andy was saying, as he was presumably speaking Luxembourgish (as the interview was for RTL.lu).

But he seemed quite happy!

If anyone out there would care to email me a translation of the conversation, I'd be delighted to add it here:  otherwise I might have to make something up, and you know how they always turn out...

And here is the knee in question: after his description of it as being "like my knee exploded" I was expecting a lot worse than this, but I am sure that it is quite painful enough, no matter how neat a job they made of the outside.

Uurgh, that's enough medical matters for now... does anyone else think that his apartment still looks like the bachelor pad of a bloke that has a cleaner, and who uses it more for storing his clothes and stuff, than for actually living in?

I didn't see any sign of TinkerJil or Teo, for a start. But it certainly looks like his Mondorf apartment, from what I remember of earlier videos. Those slope-edged balconies are quite distinctive...

Anyway, leaving aside that speculation, it's good to see that he's home safely, out of hospital, and looking quite lively and happy. I wonder if he's following the Tour on tv? Would you, if you were out of it? I'm not sure if I'd be glued to the set, following every move and debating loudly what they should have done... or whether, like last time he fell in the Tour and cracked his pelvis, he'd prefer to go on holiday and get away from it all.

Any thoughts, anyone?

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Complaints to Schleckland!

Sorry everyone, I've received complaints that I haven't written about le Tour!!

You are quite right, and I've been a bit deflated since Our Andy crashed out with a very bad knee injury,  and I've been a bit thrown by an unsubstantiated but persistent rumour that Jakob said something like "Andy's head is full of hunting and fishing, and he will never be in the TdF again" which seems like an incredibly disloyal and hurtful thing for a friend to say.

Are they not friends any more?  Does Jakob not live in Mondorf any more?

However, life - and le Tour - goes on, so I will do my best to continue blogging in the sure and certain knowledge that Andy will be back with us one day.

Although the post-operation report is, frankly, a bit scary:

"Besides the ligaments and the meniscus, we can also confirm that the cartilage behind the knee cap is damaged, which is the worst and most painful part of Andy’s injury," team doctor Andreas Gösele said after surgery on the Trek website. [Sarcastic Note: the Trek website could do with some surgery hahahahaha] "The surgeons have removed a part of the meniscus and have arthroscopically shaved the damaged cartilage. In terms of rehab he cannot put load on his knee for at least two weeks, so crutches will be necessary."
"I'm feeling pretty bad, to understate it," Schleck said. "I'm gutted. My knee looks like there's been an explosion inside."


So, best wishes go to Our Andy and let's hope he takes the advice of the surgeons and takes a proper rest. Two weeks on crutches, Andy! No cheating! No hopping around the apartment! Let's hope TinkerJil pegs him down on the sofa and doesn't let him do anything too energetic.

So, back to the Tour: lots of broken legs, not least of which is Contador - hmmm...

Somewhere in Luxembourg:

Bing Bong! The door bell rings.

Andy: (starts to get up) "I wonder who that is?"

TinkerJil: "SIT! I'll get it."  (sounds of door opening and friendly greetings)

TinkerJil: "Andy, love, a visitor for  you..."

(Contador limps into the room on crutches with his leg in plaster)

Conti: "Andy! Hope it's ok to drop in like this, you did say that I would always be welcome in Luxembourg? "
TinkerJil: "Of course you are, here, sit down. " (clears a mess of papers, pizza boxes and baby toys off the sofa)
Andy: "Berto! Hey, good to see you, sorry to hear about your leg.  "
Conti: "Yeah, and I'm sorry to hear about yours. At least mine is only broken. "
Andy: (groans) "Don't remind me. How long before you ride again? "
Conti: "Depends, but it's not a bad break. "
TinkerJil: "But you rode on it, for 20kms. "
Conti: "I know, not the cleverest of things, but I didn't realise I'd broken it. Besides, you can't talk, you finished the stage. "
Andy: "Well, I had to - Cougar Girl was waiting in London, I couldn't let her down... "
TinkerJil: (scolding) "She would have understood. You should have abandoned straight away. "
Andy: "Yeah, well, probably I should have done, but you know how it is... "
Conti: "Yup. We're riders. We ride."

An hour later, Conti gets up to go and there is some confusion over whose crutches are whose...

Meanwhile the Tour continues, Jakob is bandaged like a mummy, Frankie had a good ride yesterday and came 7th, putting him up to 14th in the GC, and BumFluff is still in the top 5. It should be a nice easy day today, then a rest day tomorrow, then back into the mountains.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Anxious days ahead in Schleckland

It's the news we all didn't want to hear - Andy has had to abandon the Tour after a nasty fall, and has badly injured his knee.

He was sent to Basle for surgery, which took place yesterday (Wednesday) to repair (brace yourselves) the "meniscus and cruciate ligaments in his right knee".

I can barely comprehend how gutted he must be feeling - not only has he had to leave the Tour, and Frankie: it's yet another chance for the Andy-snipers to have a go at him for something which is so not his fault: his contract runs out at the end of this year: this type of injury is being referred to as "career ending": and on top of all that he has the actual physical pain of the injury to contend with, not to mention what will no doubt be weeks of recovery, followed by weeks of "will he be able to ride again" speculation in the cruel and heartless world of the press and the social media.

I would hope that all cycling fans, no matter what they think about him, would wish him well and hope for a speedy and complete recovery, and certainly here in Schleckland we are sending him virtual hugs and our very best wishes.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Andy's in England!

Well, it's Saturday morning, and less than 197 miles away, Andy Schleck is getting out of bed in a hotel, opening the curtains and saying "Uurgh! What horrible weather!"  as he views the grey clouds of England.

Such a change from last week - all week long it's been blue skies and warm sunshine, beautiful weather, just what you want to welcome the Tour to England, especially after the filthy weather of the Giro start in Ireland this year.... but alas, it's business as usual, and the forecast is for rain. Ho hum.

Last night we watched the Tour Presentation, which was the usual would-be spectacular, but which had flashes of amateurism all the way through - microphone problems, people looking the wrong way and, bizarrely, large numbers of the riders taking "selfies" (short for Selfish Lookit-Me) while they were actually on the stage! Incredible,  so rude.

The Eurosport presentation was absolutely lamentable,  they have gone with a pair of hosts to discuss the Tour before and after each stage, and this year it's some French bloke who is at least enthusiastic, and Greg le Mond, who is an ex-cyclist who spoke out long and hard against Lance Armstrong when everyone else thought he was a god.

Now that he has been proved correct, he has been given the job of co-hosting the Tour coverage, but oh dear, oh dear, he really is not up to the job. Quite apart from the fact that he can't seem to string a sentence together clearly, he can't actually speak English. Not knowing who he was, I asked LLB what his native language is, on the basis that he was clearly struggling with English-as-a-second-language, like many of the riders who he was interviewing.  "American" answered LLB, sardonically.

Just as the presentation was getting into some sort of rhythm, Eurosport decided to drag riders in for little interviews with the two hosts, regardless of the fact that the presentation was continuing behind their backs. Presumably someone had worked out that there was sufficient gap between one team and another to allow for an interview, but it all went horribly wrong and at one point we were listening to a non-English interview with Valverde (ex doper, unrepentant) while in a tiny box in the corner of the screen, we could see Team Sky arriving on stage.

Even worse, they cut back to the team presentation halfway through Richie Porte's piece, then started talking to Froomey - last year's winner, I would remind you - but cut away mid-sentence to another little interview! No disrespect meant to the rider concerned (I can't remember who it was, through the red haze), but I do think that live on-stage talk with the previous winner should take precedence over any other interview.

Luckily, Trek had appeared earlier, before the little interviews began, so we got to see all of them, and thanks to the plethora of English-speakers, they got three individual pieces: Frankie as leader, Fabs, and Jensie, who is always good value for money. Frankie did well, the presenter, Jill Douglas (who did a cracking job, incidentally) asked him a question about the cobbles which he clearly did not want to answer, probably as he didn't want to be reminded of the last time he fell on the cobbles in le Tour and broke his collarbone.  So he simply didn't answer the question at all, choosing instead to make a pleasant remark about how nice it was to be here. Cunning, eh?

Unluckily the Ass-t'na section was cut out by another little interview, so we didn't get much of a look at the lovely Jakob, who is wearing number 42, which has caused much laughing here in Schleckland.

It was interesting to see how many of the riders had shaved heads this year - Jakob had a cap on, so we don't yet know about him - and even JVS had had his hair cut. Which made him surprising good-looking!

The exception to this was Froomey, who appears to have let his hair grow for the event - instead of being shaved to the bone as he normally is, he had a very-very-short crop instead.  No doubt Team Sky have carried out extensive research on hair length....

So that's the Team Presentation out of the way, and here are my instructions to Andy for the weekend:

Today: take rainjacket in car, just in case: stay near front, avoid sprint and possible tumbles.

Sunday: take lots of gels, hard day with lots of annoying little hills, careful at the end going round the shopping centre, do not detour into shops.

Monday: maintain position within the peloton, watch out for drop-bears when going through Epping Forest (wear old-fashioned aero helmet with the point uppermost to deter them), then when approaching the Embankment, get yourself on the right-hand side of the group, ie away from the River, so that I can see you.

After that, you can do what you like! *laughs*

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Coug's attending le Tour!

Yes, folks, LLB and I are going to London on Monday to see the end of the stage, yay!

It's somewhat weird to think that I am actually going to be in the same country, same city, same street, as Our Andy...

I'm already packing my bag, wonder if he's still packing his?

Andy: "Hmm, jerseys, bibshorts, socks... "
TinkerJil: "Don't forget your shoes this time. "
Andy: (mock shocked face) "Jil, it was only that once! "
TinkerJil: "Well, you always forget something. Where's the list I made for you? "

(Andy pulls a scrumpled piece of paper from his pocket.)

TinkerJil: "There you go, start at the top and just put in everything on the list. "
Andy: "OK, hand me the shoes. "
TinkerJil: (smiles) "There you go. "
Andy: "And the talcum powder. "
TinkerJil: (smiles but gives him a Look) "Here it is. "
Andy: "And the razor? "
TinkerJil: (throws a pillow at him)
Andy: "What? " (laughs)

TinkerJil: "Just you make sure you have everything. And look out for Coug on Monday, she'll be in London. "
Andy: "Aww, she'll never see me. I'll be going past so fast... "
TinkerJil: "Yes, I know, and she doesn't expect you to wave or anything. "
Andy: "I'd never spot her, anyway. "
TinkerJil: "Yes you would, she'll be on the Embankment, and she'll be wearing Lux Ensign socks, and waving the little Lux Ensign flag. "
Andy: "Let me guess, she'll be wearing a Lux Ensign t-shirt? "
TinkerJil: "No, she couldn't get one, but she'll be wearing a blue-and-white striped t-shirt, as being the nearest possible. "

(Andy rolls his eyes)

Andy: "OK, and where will she be? "
TinkerJil: "I told you, on the Embankment. Right towards the end of the race, it's a long straightish bit with the river on your left."
Andy: "Whereabouts on the Embankment, then? "
TinkerJil: "I don't know! It depends how thick the crowds are, what time she and LLB get there, who knows?  "
Andy: "OK, I'll try to remember..."
TinkerJil: (gives him a big kiss) "Mmmm "

Five days to go.....