Well, there wasn't much point keeping them otherwise, was there?
I dithered about this for some time - after all, last year I was the only person in the whole of Tunbridge Wells, and then the only person in the whole of London waving a Leopard Trek flag, and they didn't even notice me!
(Memo to self: might have to be a bit less self-effacing if wish to be be "seen" by the team.) (Thinks: do I actually wish to be "seen" by the team? Errr, maybe not...)
So here they are now - here's the big one:
As you can see, it now features a red stripe and an extra white stripe to match the jerseys, and I added the O logo as well, for good measure.
It's a bit wobbly as I did it freehand, but I doubt anyone will notice.
And here's the little one, as seen in the video from London Tour of Britain final day last year.
Trouble is, the proportions of this one have gone wrong now: it's too tall, and not wide enough.
On the other hand, as OGL is tall and not very wide, perhaps I should leave it like this as a tribute to pro-cycling climbers everywhere?
And here are the two new flags, once again
Roll on, Tour of Britain!
LLB and I are planning to go to Omloop this year, but guess what - RadioSchack aren't going!
It's not a UCI race, so they don't have to go, and clearly they are choosing not to do so, which means that these flags won't be seen there. Instead I will be supporting my second team, Sky, and as I don't have a Sky flag, I will probably be waving a Union Jack, as an easy option.
Hmmm, have I actually got a Union Jack? *rummages in spare room's cupboard* Hey! What are you lot doing in there?
Andy looks up guiltily: "Hey, Coug, sorry about this, we needed somewhere for a private meeting."
Frankie leans forward into the light and waves a hand: "Hey Coug! Any chance of tea and biscuits?"
Andy: "Aww, yeah, would you mind? We've been talking for hours, and we're all gagging for a drink."
Coug: "All? How many of you are there in there?"
Andy: "Well, um, most of us, actually. It's a nice cupboard, isn't it?" He bats his eyelashes at Coug, who is trying to look stern and Auntie-like.
Coug: "Don't give me that puppy face, you bad boy - what's going on in there?"
Andy: "We wanted to talk about Stuey, they're saying some really mean things about him."
Coug: "I know - we don't know what to think anymore. Is he really a violent, drunken psychopath?"
Frankie and Andy look at each other. They start to smile, then grin widely.
Frankie: "No, no, of course not - he's a typical Aussie though, give him a few beers and he's the life and soul of the party. But not a psychopath."
Andy: "No, not at all."
Jakob: "I've seen him get pretty boisterous at times, and he can be quite, what's that word, stroppy?"
Andy: "Yes, stroppy. And sometimes his language is a bit strong, but then that's what Aussies are like. You ask Joshi, he says that Leelu can really scorch the flowers when she gets going!"
There are murmurs of agreement from within the cupboard.
Fabian: "And I have seen him get a bit, well, physical, from time to time, but he's not a psychopath."
Coug: "Oh, hi Fabu - how are you?"
Fabian: "Ver' well, thank you."
Coug: "Are you keeping this lot in line, then?"
Fabian: "No, no, I leave that to Jensi, it's his job to keep us all on our best behaviour."
Coug: *leaning forward* "Jean Vois? Are you in there?"
A voice calls out from the distance "Ja! Hi there, Cougie - I am sitting at the back so that I can see all of them and make sure the liddle Smurfs are behaving theirselves!"
Coug: "Themselves, Jensi, not theirselves."
Jens: "Vhoops! I get this wrong all the time!"
Coug: "So what are you telling this lot today? How to behave in front of the press?"
Andy: "Yes, we are reminding ourselves that we have to be careful all of the time, and to remember that we are always being watched and photographed..."
Frankie: "And that the people who use the photos are not our friends, and if they can put a bad twist on it, they will do so."
Jakob: "I have also reminded everyone that although it's easier to give interviews in your own language, they will be translated into English, so you have to be very clear about what you are saying, otherwise it gets translated wrongly and comes out making you look really stupid -"
Jakob ducks as he is pelted with paint rollers, bits of fabric and assorted odds and ends - memo to self, must turn out this cupboard later - as the others laugh at him. There are calls of "not happy here any more, huh?" and "going to another team next year, are you then?!" and so on. There is much laughter.
Jakob: "OK! OK! I said I was sorry!"
Coug: "Guys, I have to ask, why aren't you going to Omloop this year? I wanted to wave my new flags for you."
Fabian: "Sorry, Coug - we can't go to all the races, and this year, well, new manager, you know, we are doing what we are told."
Jakob: "But we really like the new flags - very good!"
Frankie: " And some of us are sure to be at the Tour of Britain this year..."
Coug gives him a "look": they all know that the Tour of Britain is a very small race, and they are unlikely to send a strong team. Coug smiles.
Coug: "So look, is there a Union Jack flag in there anywhere? Is anyone sitting on it? You know what it looks like, nice stripey thing in red white and blue?"
Andy: "Good choice of colours, I have to say."
Coug: "Huh, at least we have a good shade of blue, not poofy turquoise, as you have!"
Andy leans out to poke her, but misses and falls over Frankie.
Frankie: "Gerroff, you are too heavy!" There is general laughter in the cupboard.
Jakob: "So why do you want the Union Jack flag, Coug?"
Coug: "Well, if you lot aren't going to be there, I shall have to support my second team, Sky. And I don't have a Sky flag, so it will be the Union Jack."
Andy turns to Frankie and smiles smugly: "See, we get flags made for us, but Sky don't!"
Coug starts to close the door. "Get on with your meeting then, and don't make too much mess in there."
As the door closes, a plaintive voice is heard calling out "What about the tea????!"